Chapter 35

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My thumb brushed over the tomato in my hand watching the brown color reform to a bright red under my touch. I placed the tomato back in its crate, making my actions nonchalant.

This was something I had picked up on while I was here. Leaving my magic unused for a long period of time was always uncomfortable. It brought anxiety and jitters then it would lead to outburst. Perfecting bruised fruit or vegetables was a way I got out some of that tension.

Three more weeks had gone by and despite my life falling into a routine I was not adjusted. There wasn't anything wrong with this place, in fact I was starting to like it. I was able to communicate a tiny bit more and those I did speak with made it easy for me. I could pay for my own supplies now and the weather was growing on me. I still dreaded mid-day but it was nicer than before. No, it wasn't this place. It was me and my mind.

I could not let go. My dreams were plagued with Alastor. Every moment I had with him and even some I didn't, imagining what it would be like to be with him now. Sometimes they were sweet dreams. Ones of him playfully teasing me, laughing with him, or sneaking off to one of our spots just to be with each other alone. Those dreams on occasion would turn dirty. Enjoying his tower turned into being bent over the stone wall. No matter the type of dream, if Alastor was in it, it was hard to wake from.

Even now there were moments where I would think of him through the day. I hated that I couldn't shake this. But something I hated more was that I didn't want to shake it. I know I care for him deeply, love him actually. And the fact that I couldn't have him made me bitter. It wasn't safe for me to be there. His people wouldn't accept it. Alastor could never really be mine.

I glared at the new perfected mango in my hand. Then with clenched teeth I placed it back in the basket.

I shouldn't be thinking about this now. I shouldn't be thinking about it at all. I needed to leave it to my subconscious mind to torture me at night, not now.

From behind me I could hear Liliana welcoming another customer. My ears were able to pick out words that I recognized but most of them blurred together. It was amazing how quickly they spoke to each other.

I continued to stack new produce we had received, healing them when I saw fit. The actions were basically mindless at this point. I desperately wished they weren't. I wished that I was new and unpracticed so I could focus fully on this task. Luckily the two Columbians behind me slowed my rambling mind. I made myself try to decipher the conversation entirely.

From the little Spanish I knew they were speaking about a basket of avocados that hadn't arrived yet. The man was respectful but instant on having them in by the end of the week. There was some other things he said, Liliana as well, that I didn't understand.

I was placing the last basket of fruit in its normal spot when his voice suddenly seemed closer.

"Um," he cleared his throat making me turn around, "Hello."

The word came out almost like a question. His brown eyes stared back at me with a kindness to them, a small smile on his lips matching it. He was around the same height as I was and had dark brown hair that had some curl to it. His skin was tanned from the sun through some of it was covered by his shirt and shorts. His cheeks were a bit rounded but not so much that his other features weren't prominent. His nose was straight with a small scar on the ridge, another about the same size right over his left eyebrow.

"Hello." I smiled, happy he spoke English. Hopefully I wouldn't mess up this conversation. "May I help you?"

His smile widened with my response. "Yes actually," he shifted nervously but his gaze never dropped. "My name is Fernando."

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