Chapter 49

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"I think we should just send out someone to take care of it."

"We already said it would have to be a clan close and they'd want reasons."

"Not if it was an order from the king."

"I meant a couple of us go."

"I think the clans would only hesitate for a second. Most hate wolves and it's a royal order. Anything more than slight hesitation would be an offense."

My head spun as they shot out idea after idea on how to get rid of the Alpha. We had been in what Manuel called the war room. It was a room full of maps and books all around a small oval table. There were leather chairs surrounding the table but Manuel, Theodore, and Joseph chose to stand around the room. Theodore was leaning near a map of Alastors current lands with his arms crossed, while Manuel constantly was moving around the room. Joseph was near one of the small bookshelves, randomly pulling some out. Emiliano was sitting to my right while Robert sat across from him. Alastor sat at the head of the table and he had pulled a chair right next to him for me.

On the table sat a map of Asia with a mark that showed where the Alpha was currently. He had moved from Nanning to Hanoi, Vietnam. Alastor had guards following him at a distance to track what clans and packs he was visiting. He hadn't told me that until recently. He explained he started that when I left, wanting to know where the Alpha was in case I needed to be moved. Now he kept track so we could deal with him.

"I don't want this done out in the open." Alastor spoke, "This is an Alpha who has a pack backing him. He's also scared other people into complying with him. I want him gone and a proper replacement available the same day. It has to be swift and clean."

Theodore nodded, "We can find out how supportive the beta is. If it's too much we pick someone else."

"Will that work though?" I spoke up, "Alphas and betas are positions passed through family bloodlines. Won't the others reject one if you just pick it?"

Manuel shook his head, "No. We've done it before. They won't say anything."

This shocked me. I had never heard of a vampire taking out an Alpha and replacing him. I knew the wolves ultimately caved to vampires when push came to shove but to replace their leader? I would think that would cause a war between the species.

"I'm assuming the confused face is based on the fact that you haven't heard of that happening." Joseph pointed out.

I nodded.

Emiliano straightening called my attention, "And that was the plan. We've only done it a handful of times however it was all under the table. I doubt half the clans have any idea there was a shift in leadership amongst the wolves around them."

It sounded like a good thing. If this could be done without causing a ruckus then perhaps we could avoid any backlash. That was what I was most concerned with. I knew Alastor and his friends could handle themselves; but what would happen if the other Alphas stood up in protest? Or if the other clans didn't agree. If they could do it this way it would eliminate a lot of that.

"So Alastor it's ultimately your call." Robert brought the conversation back to the plan.

"We should go to him. I don't want it close to another clan or pack but having him come up here will make all the other groups look to us. They'll be expecting an agreement regarding the witch hunt and he'll be anticipating information or help. I don't want any watchful eyes on it yet."

"We should fly down to Laos. It'll be a bit south of where he is now so we'll be able to block his next location."

"I agree." Alastor responded to Manuel, "It will have to be a private flight. I'll make sure it's as quiet as possible."

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