Chapter 6

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"So you'll be assigned a role, probably kitchen or wait staff." Sabina said.

It had been just over two weeks since I had arrived and my days have slowly gained a routine. I had finished cleaning out the greenhouse and began to prep the ground for seeds while I was already growing some herbs in the room. However I was now being told this routine was being interrupted for the next four days.

"We'll all have to help get everything ready though." Eric grumbled, stabbing a piece of fruit.

"It's not that bad."

"For you," He shot back at her. "You're little and not helpful with moving heavy stuff. You just help decorate."

"Who all will attend?" I asked.

I was concerned for my safety the most, hoping there wouldn't be too many people.

"Well I know that major clan leaders from all the Eastern European countries, some Asian I think too." Sabina looked off as she thought through the list. "The prince and princess along with their dates and the King of course."

The king

At the mention of him my mind drifted out of the original conversation. Over the past two weeks I'd had minimal contact with him but it was enough to leave an impact. I would catch him staring at me whenever I happened to see him that day. He had dropped by twice to check on my progress since his first visit. I thought nothing of the second thing until Sabina and Eric freaked, explaining that was definitely not normal.

I wondered if he was watching to see if I would fail, if I would slip up in some way. I wasn't sure of his actual mannerisms but what I had heard is that he found amusement in dealing with those who couldn't perform to his standard.

Regardless I tried my best to avoid him. I figured the less interaction I had with him the better I would be. I wouldn't have to opportunity to slip up or say the wrong thing.

Despite this it was nice to see him sometimes, just to look though.

"Vada?" Sabina waved her hand in front of me making me snap out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" I straightened in my chair.

"I was saying since this is your first event it's important to try and stay by me or Eric," She said, glancing to Eric then me again. "Probably more me than him."


"She'll have more jobs like mine than yours." She defended making him drop it.

"Because there will be more of them?" I asked.

She nodded. "And because it will be kind of chaotic on the days leading up to it, preparing and all. It might be confusing."

I nodded showing that I understood.

She glances behind me before rising. "We should start the day, come on I'll show you what we're assigned to do today."

I rose from my seat as well, saying goodbye to Eric then caught up to Sabina who was already leaving the room.

"So how many events does the king host a year?" I asked, trying to get insight on how the rest of my time here was going to go.

"Usually three to four. I'm sure you have some sort of understanding of the ranking system." She said, leading me into one of the servant hallways.


I knew that Vampires had their own clans but they all answered to the king. The leaders simply served as lower ranking footmen. I also knew technically held no power over the wolves or humans but his power made them cave. Werewolves had their own Alphas; they never declared a king.

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