Chapter 20

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Two weeks passed and I settled into a new routine, this one I actually liked. My old routine wasn't too bad but this one was much better and yet it only had one additional factor, the king.

Our arrangement was proving to work out very well for both of us. My days would be spent in the garden where I was able to let out my abilities and tend to my plants while he did whatever kings do, then at night I'd meet him in his room to dine with him or to perform other activities.

In the morning I would return to breakfast, most of the time extremally late but I was able to catch up with Sabina and Eric toward the end.

Even though everything was going good I made sure to keep an ear out for any rumors about me or the world outside the castle. Most of the time that had to be done through eavesdropping on the servants conversations when shipments would arrive. So far nothing was being said about me or a witch hunt near the base of the mountain meaning I was in the clear for now.

Another thing I have noticed though in the time I've spent with him was that my confidence was much improved. I still wasn't nearly as bold as he was but I no longer rushed to cover myself or even hesitated when he asked to see more.

Like now, I was standing in front of his mirror in the bathroom in only my underwear as I combed through my hair, trying to detangle it before I pulled it up for the day. I had just gotten out of the shower and barely put anything on before he came in. Now he was in the shower. My eyes scanning over the marks on my body. I had hickies all over my neck and chest, the dark red spots trailing down my body to my inner thighs. There were yellow fingerprints on my hips, waist, and thighs. I had red irritation marks on my wrists as well.

I should have been concerned about the marks, worried about how rough he was being but the feeling never rose. If anything I liked it. I liked that he left traces of him on my skin, proof that the previous night had happened.

I tried hard to concentrated on my task, failing often when I would catch movement making my eyes flicker to him. The glass walls were foggy but you could make out his blurry figure. Though his eyes were always looking my way it didn't make me want to cover up or self-conscious like it had before. Sure I blushed some but I held my place.

When the shower turned off I all but glued my gaze to the mirror. I was already late and if I showed any sign of desire he'd surely make me miss breakfast all together.

Despite my constant inner ramblings of don't look, stay focused it didn't work. How could it? He was incredibly gorgeous. With water running down his sculpted body I couldn't help but peek over every once and a while. His figure was blurred from the steamed glass, it didn't do him justice.

I watched him walk up behind me through the mirror, his eyes intensely holding mine. I caught how he wrapped a towel around his waist, barely drying off his chest. His naked chest met my back first then his arms snaked around my waist leaving goosebumps as his fingers dragged across my bare skin.

My breathing became shallow when his pressed a kiss to my shoulder, my body unconsciously leaning back against him more.

I guess I can take an early lunch or something.

He sucked on the skin then started traveling across to my neck.

"Watch," he breathed in my ear, one hand guiding my chin up some so I was looking at him through the mirror again.

My eyes landed on his eyes first but as he opened his mouth they dropped to his fangs. I should have been frightened, disgusted that I was so out of breath at the sight of him at my neck, but I wasn't. In fact the only shiver that ran through me was one of pleasure when they lightly scrapped against my neck.

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