Chapter 29

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I mashed my lips together as the vibrating between my legs picked up. Inside I cursed myself for agreeing to this. I thought it wouldn't be so bad. That it wouldn't have so much trouble keeping my expressions and sounds nonexistent. I was wrong.

This morning Alastor made me an offer, one I couldn't refuse apparently. He wanted me to wear a vibrator all day today then, if I was good, he'd let me come without hesitation. Usually he controlled when I came, whether by actions or words alone. I liked it. It was fun. But to have this opportunity was enticing. Oh and by good I mean I couldn't come all day. That didn't work in my favor. However I was determined to succeed. I knew it would be more than worth it later.

The basket of fruit almost slipped through my hand at the change in pace of the vibration. I had to press myself into the countertop to avoid anyone possibly seeing me try to fight my reaction.

When it died down again I pushed out a breath of relief. I started moving again to put away the things I had harvested from the garden this morning.

With my gentle, and so far unnoticeable, touched the garden was in full bloom and producing so much that the cooks often complained about the leftovers. I also took advantage of some of the native plants on the sloped mountain side. There were other foods of course that still had to be shipped in, most animal by products or foreign fruits. Those I couldn't fake. No one would believe that I could actually grow a dragon fruit in this climate.

Through the day I had to fight off four orgasm followed by two trips to the bathroom because of how wet I was. I never pulled the vibrator out. I knew he would somehow find out. Even when I hadn't seen him all day it was like he would just know.

It was just past two in the afternoon when I was faced with the hardest task today. Speaking to Cristin about the new tension forming between Eric and Sabina.

"And he's like all over her. I don't know why he doesn't ask her out already." She shook her head.

I wanted to be more involved in the conversation. Because I did care. But what was currently going on between my legs made it hard to focus.

"Is she still oblivious?" I got out without sounding breathy.

"Yes." She laughed. "It's funny sometimes. I think they'd be a cute couple though, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah," I agreed shortly.

The vibration picked up a hitch and I cursed Alastor wherever he was. My hand tightened on my basket and I made myself look away and take a deep but subtle breath.

"Hey I have to go put this up real quick." I sounded nervous to my ears. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

She didn't seem to notice. Either that or she chose not to show she did.

She smiled and waved towards the area I came from. "Yeah no problem, go ahead."

My smile was gracious as I hurried past her. I felt bad, like I was being incredibly rude, but I knew if I stood there a second longer with her attention on me I would definitely slip in some way. It was easier when no one was too close. At least it felt that way. I was going to fool myself into believing I was hiding this extremely well.

I kept my eyes to the grass as I walked from the castle back to the greenhouse. I intended to return the basket then work on some of the new seedlings I had started. Today it was cloudy outside which gave the area a gloomy feel but no rain had fallen yet. Since the last rain was only a few days ago I didn't feel the need to water yet.

I pulled the old door open listening to the hinges squeak then again as I tugged it closed behind me. My eyes followed my hand as it placed the basket on the nearest wooden bench. I tried to ignore the constant low humming through my body but was more relaxed in my facial expression. I didn't have to hide it so much now.

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