1. Cookie Monster

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 gingercat1884 thank you for wanting larys and vaera 😘

Vaera Targaryen floated through the clouds on top of her dragon Cookie, thinking of all the reasons why she wasnt born with wings. Her arms extended out towards the clouds grasping onto them.

If she had wings she could fly away undetected but she would miss her father and Cookie. But she could fly away, oh to fly away. Be free of burdens and expectations. Never to be compared to her sister again.

For as long as Vaera could remember she was second best to her big sister Rhaenyra. Vaera was a few years younger and never invited in on the fun, she was the annoying little sister in Rhaenyra's eyes.

Viserys loved his little Vaera most though in Rhaenyra's eyes but Vaera didnt see it that way. Viserys named Rhaenyra heir after their mother passed. Viserys married Rhaenyra's best friend, sure that was strange but now ALicent was around every day, unavoidable.

Larys was good at being second best to Harwin. It was easy to be the second son when Harwin was deemed so perfect. Larys had clubfoot, he was deformed, not whole as the world deemed him. His father did his best not to make Larys feel less than but Larys knew their father favored Harwin. Everyone did.

Harwin could do no wrong in everyone's eyes. He was perfect, he was Mr. Break bones. Larys tried not to hold Harwin's perfectness against him.

Larys had just had a talk with Alicent, an informative talk about Rhaenyra in the gardens while Rhaenyra was off bargaining for a husband when Larys saw Vaera descend from the clouds.

So the little princess didnt go with, Larys noted. Larys heard a septas annoyance all the way from the gardens. He chuckled as Vaera grumbled slumping into the library. He decided to make his way to her. It was always good to have friends in high places.

Vaera was thumbing through an old book when Larys found her. He took steady steps looking for a good spot to watch Vaera. She was a point of fascination for Larys. She was the opposite of her sister, didnt have many friends. Didnt get along with the queen, didnt get along with her sister either these days. She only seemed to get along with her father and her little half brother Aegon.

Vaeras head plopped down on the book with a groan. Larys chuckled and vaeras head popped up. His smile fell.

"I dont mean to laugh." Larys offered as she stared back at him. "Might you need some help?"

"I'm behind..." Vaera whispered, Larys made his way closer so he could hear her, she gestured to the seat beside her and he graciously took it. "I'm behind in my studies... Cookie and I are bonded but... book studies..." She shrugged. "I'm not a book learner. Thats why I didnt get to go to Driftmark!" She added quickly. "I was supposed to take this time to study but father is going to be so disappointed when the septa tells him I can't get through a single lesson! BUt its not my fault!" She added turning in her chair towards him, her legs brushing against his.

"No?" Larys mused his gaze dropping to where their bodies met.

"No, the septa is so mean and she doesnt listen to me! She doesnt believe me when I say the words move around. I can't read it..." Vaera remarked.

"I have heard of this." Larys recalled.

"I'm not crazy!" Vaera agreed.

"No, princess, you are not crazy." Larys agreed.

"How do I get fixed?" Vaera questioned. Larys didnt know if there was a fix.

"I will study with you." Larys suggested. "I have always wanted to learn High Valyrian."

"It's not all that exciting." Vaera countered. "I know all the fun words, the words for Cookie Monster but..." She shrugged. "I dont know why I need to learn."

"It's part of your history." Larys remarked. He pulled her book to him. He tried saying a word and Vaera chuckled. "Did I say it right?"

"No, you are very wrong." Vaera corrected. "You have to roll your tongue."

"Roll my tongue?" Larys countered. "How do I do that?" She stuck her tongue out.

"It makes it easier to say, a lot of lip and tongue work." She offered.

"My tongue and lips are out of practice." Larys admitted, it took vaera a moment to realize what he was really saying and a blush crept up her cheeks.

"Not like that silly." Vaera corrected. Larys found himself smiling in return as Vaera laughed.

"What other studies do you need help in?" Larys countered. "I promise to be nicer than your septa."

"You are already nicer than her." Vaera agreed. "But thats because you havent had to teach me and deal with whatever my brain does to the pages."

"I'm a patient man." Larys assured.

"I bet you are." Vaera agreed. "I can pay you." She added.

"Your presence is payment enough, more than enough, let me help you, as your friend."

"Are we friends?" Vaera questioned happily. She didnt have many friends these days, everyone wanted to get to know Rhaenyra because she was the heir, Vaera was just vaera.

"I would like to be." Larys agreed. Vaera nodded but jumped when the septa smacked a hand down on the table. "Your services are no longer needed for Princess vaera." Larys informed her. "I have taken over her studies."

"The king-"

'Has heartily agreed that you are not helping his daughter." Larys agreed. "He wanted a change, you are dismissed." Vaera nodded in agreement, her septa huffed out a breath before marching away.

"You are the best Larys."

"So are you, Vaera."


Vaera Targaryen

Vaera Targaryen

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