52Hello Beautiful

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"I'm so sorry Larys," vaera held him when the news of the fires reached their ears.

"What's wrong?" Maisie questioned hugging Larys legs.

"Grandpa Lyonel passed away." vaera answered. "And uncle Harwin."

"Uncle Harwin!" Emma shouted. "NO!"

"I'm so sorry baby. I know you loved your uncle." Vaera agreed.

"Can we get another cat?" Emma questioned a moment later. "To help cope with the loss."

"Heavens." Vaera mumbled. Larys chuckled.

"I think that's a great idea." Larys agreed.

"Why don't you go get daddy some cookies?"

"Okay!" Emma agreed.

"She moved on fast." Larys realized, emma got that from him.

"I'm sorry, you know kids-"

"It's alright, I rather them be happy then sad and crying over them." Larys assured reaching out for Vaera.

"You are beautiful larys." Vaera whispered. He chuckled. "You are. I can see your heart."

"Can you?"

"You dont have to be brave for me, you can be sad."

"If I didnt have you, I would be devastated." Larys didnt lie. Without Vaera he would be devastated. Without Harwin and Lyonel however, he would be just fine.

"Do you want to go to harenhal? For the funeral?"

"It's just smoke." Larys corrected. "I dont want you breathing in that air."

"We should have a little ceremony for them here then." Vaera suggested.

"I would like that." Larys agreed. "Thank you Vaera."

"Do you want to cry, I have a shoulder for you." vaera added hugging him, he smiled resting his chin on the top of her head. His hand ran circles over her back. vaera loved with her whole heart so he knew that this death although necessary would hurt her for a bit. He would mend her heart though. He would protect her.

"You my love are a different kind of beautiful." Larys countered kissing her. "The kind makes me scared of losing you because you are precious, body, mind and soul."

"I'm supposed to be comforting you." Vaera remarked touching his chest.

"Here, comfort me like this." Larys requested kissing her, she smiled into him.

"Do you even care?" Vaera pulled back glancing to the bitter voice.

"I thought you left." Vaera countered.

"I turned around at the news. The boys made me." Rhaenyra countered.

"Harwin was family, of course I care." Vaera assured.

"Doesnt look like it."

"FUck you Rhaenyra, of wait, Harwin already did that and it got him killed because you didnt care for the repercussions." Vaera shouted. Larys loved seeing her fire.

"Say it again, I dare you." Rhaenyra seethed marching up to her.

"I'm blaming you for this." Vaera decided. "He got tangled up in you for some stupid reason, I dont know why, you are clearly a monster." Vaera went on. "But people didnt like that he was tainting the royal line I'm assuming."

"Tainting?" Rhaenyra scoffed. "You married-"

"I married Larys. You married Laenor, or did you forget?" Rhaenyra reached out shaking Vaera.

"This isnt my fault!" Rhaenyra shouted. "I loved him!"

"Then you should have married him when you had the chance instead of fucking uncle Daemon!"

Larys stepped between them pushing Rhaenyra back as vaera righted herself fixing her dress and hair with a huff.

"I didnt kill him." Rhaenyra hissed locking eyes with larys and his head tilted just so that Rhaenyra believed he might have.

"Not with your own hands, not personally." Vaera agreed. "But he wouldnt have been a target if you-" Rhaenyra lunged at her again but Larys blocked her, he gained strength and stamina when it came to Vaera, protecting what was his.

"Do not touch her." Larys warned. Vaera smiled back at larys before heading off. Larys headed in the opposite direction, he knew what he was doing.

"You killed harwin." Rhaenyra rasped in realization. Larys turned slowly to her.

"Can you prove it?" Larys countered. Rhaenyra stood speechless before him. "No. You cant. I was with vaera and our beautiful children when the fires started."

"What did I ever do to you?" Rhaenyra seethed

"To you? How is this about you?" Larys chuckled. " He was nothing to you. "

"He was everything to me!" Rhaenyra corrected

"Oh? How so?"

"Don't play dumb." Rhaenyra seethed.

"Just spell it out for me." Larys encouraged.

"He was mine and you took him from me. He was the father of my children and you killed him."

"I don't know why you are accusing me of such horrid things, princess Rhaenyra." Larys declared.  "I was here with vaera. What you are insinuating is horrible. Harwin and my father were my true family-"

"Im going to kill you!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"Rhaenyra!" Viserys demanded as vaera ran forward. Rhaenyra paled seeing the council had come out of their meeting. All eyes on them. The corner of larys lips quirked up. Game set match bitch.


"I don't want to hear it-"

"It was all larys!"

"Rhaenyra!" Vaera shouted. "He lost his family. Whats the matter with you?"

"Urgent meeting. Now." Viserys commanded.

"Larys did she hurt you?" Vaera questioned as rhaenyra was man handled into the meeting room. Otto was back for a day and he was smug as ever. Rhaenyra was going to be removed as heir, he could see it now.

"No no im fine." Larys assured.  But rhaenyra should never have hurt vaera. Larys was adding that up over the years. Every time her sister made her sad made her cry made her furious. He kept track he knew he couldn't kill her well he could, but he knew he shouldn't. How unfortunate. But the life of misery in pain, and everything being ripped away from Rhaenyra would be better than death, death was too easy. All her secrets coming out to the surface. Everything she loved, and held most dear to her ripped away. And now something she had coveted and held over everyone from the moment she was named heir would surely be stripped from her as well.

Necessary evil, one that his beloved Vera would never need to know the truth about 

Larys let her hold him and console him. Try and make him feel better at the loss of his family, but he was never too fond of that family, but this one that he had with Vera that was some thing that he cherished above all else he would burn the world down for them if they asked. Larys would never let anyone hurt them. Not ever again.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now