12. Lips On Mine

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Cowboy like me / Aemond Targaryen / Mitch Rapp out now!

"Pregnant already?" Vaera choked out. She hadnt even kissed a boy and rhaenyra was pregnant with a child.

"Yeah thats what happens when you get married." Rhaenyra murmured.

"Well congratulations-"

"Father is happy. Proud of me. I hope its a boy and I can be done."

"Was the act of sexual intimacy so awful?" Vaera pondered. Rhaenyra dead panned.

"No vee," she sassed. "Sex is fine but..." not with my husband. "Just childbirth is said to be awful is all. You remember mothers-"

"Yes. I do. We dont need to talk about it." Vaera assured. She used to bring her mother cookies and when cookies didnt fix her broken heart Aemma had always just held Vaera and they snuggled for hours until Aemmas heart hurt just a little bit less. Now talking of aemma even almost four years later her name, her memory it all still hurt.

"I have to get going." Rhaenyra added already heading off. Vaera opened and closed her mouth, it was useless trying to have a talk with Rhaenyra these days.

She went to find larys instead, knowing he was going to be ready for their lessons. She stopped jumping behind the wall when she saw her father and Larys together speaking just outside the library.

"Your Vaera is a marvelous young woman." Larys declared.

"She is." Viserys agreed. "My pride and joy, But...."

"No buts." Larys countered.

"She hates her studies."

"Ah, yes." Larys agreed.

"But she has been doing better with your guidance, I had yet to thank you for helping her. I would like to compensate you for your time." Viserys held out a pouch and Vaera was offended, but understood. But Larys was her friend, but why shouldnt he get paid... but they were friends and hung out, he didnt need to be paid to hang out with her.

"Thank you, your grace but I cannot accept." Larys corrected. Vaera beamed as she peered out from behind the wall. "I enjoy being with Vaera too much to be paid for our time together."

"You are a good man, Lord Larys. Thank you." Viserys agreed. "You will let me know how she is progressing? She tells the septas to bugger off." Larys chuckled softly. "But I know she is progressing. So thank you."

"Of course." Larys agreed, Vaera waited until her father left before marching up to Larys.

"You are not telling him anything." Vaera corrected. "Because we are not studying today." Vaera declared grabbing his hand and pulling him along. "You are the best larys."

"Am I?" Larys questioned. He never hated his leg more as he tried to keep up with vaera. She had little legs but she was fast.

"Yeah." Vaera agreed simply. "Its such a nice day. Lets stay outside for a while." Larys nodded he sat beside her on the bench. "Thanks for being my friend." Vaera added after a moment.

Friend. Larys hated that word suddenly. He never had too many friends and that had never really bothered him before and he loved that he had suddenly had a friend in the princess but now he didn't want to be just friends he adored vaera. He wanted more, and he knew that was something he would never get because she was the princess and he was the second born son.

Larys brows furrowed and his eyes narrowed on Vaera.

"What?" Vaera questioned leaning towards him.

"What are you thinking right now?" Larys questioned seriously. She leaned back bringing a finger to her chin. Larys waited patiently she reached out touching his hand.

"That I like sitting here with your eyes on me." Vaera answered. Larys let out the breath he had been holding and relief took its place. "What are you thinking right now?" he took a long while to Answer. But when he did he took a deep breath and looked her in those beautiful violet eyes.

"What your lips would feel like against mine". He answered boldly. She leaned forward.

"You want to find out?" Vaera questioned softly. He nodded suddenly tongue tied.

Maybe it's because larys had wanted Vaera for years now. Maybe it's because her hands roam freely up and down his chest body like he had been dreamed about trying to find a comfortable position. Maybe it's because when her lips finally touched his it was like heaven. Vaeras kiss tasted like lust and sugary sweetness of cookies and everything Larys ever wanted.

When she pulled back Larys eyes remained closed a moment longer his hand on her hip. Vaera smiled resting her forehead against his.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now