40. Darling

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Dont come at me Wattpad. These fictional characters are consenting married adults over the age of 18 that wanted to have some intimate relations.

Vaera kind of exploded, she could blame her hormones and the fact that she didnt like Alicent but she exploded. She wasnt proud of it and sure her tears and confusion were her hormones fucking her up but she felt like a mess and was certain she looked like a mess too. 

"Darling, no one on this earth could change my opinion of you. I'm afraid it's already set in stone." Larys purred. She lifted her head, her lips centimeters from his.

"What is it then?" Vaera whispered.

"My opinion?" His mouth dipped down to skim across her neck, his hand reaching behind her head to tangle in the strands of her silky silver hair. "I can show you if you'd like." Her breathing stuttered as he tighten his grip and tug, the expanse of her neck elongating. Vaera gave a little giggle that got stuck in her throat excitement building.

He pressed kisses up the column of her throat, making his way back to her lips. The taste of her invaded his senses, need spiraling through his center and heating his blood.

She moaned, her hips pressing against his shaft through the thin material of his pants, creating a friction that has pinpricks of pleasure skittering up his spine. Larys released her mouth and lay back, allowing her to start up a rhythm. She's teasing him. Torturing him, but gods, does she look a vision. 

Her red dress was bunched at her hips, lips rosy red to match her cheeks, and eyes half lidded as they look down on him. Larys fingers release the strands of her hair, his arm wrapping around her as he sat up, their bodies suddenly flush against each other.  Their noses brushed as he thrust into her panty-covered center. He sucked in her breath and took it as his own, pressing his lips to hers. She moaned, her arms curling around his neck, a sharp sting radiating through him mouth as the taste of copper floods his taste buds. Larys jerked back, his thumb brushing across his bottom lip, coming away with red. 

She bit me. 

For some reason, arousal flooded his system. His arm tightens around her waist as he slide forward, his lips molding to hers, the taste of his blood mixing with her saliva. She sucked on his tongue as if she wanted to swallow Larys whole, it could be a pregnancy craving, what did he know?

He groaned, pushing her down on the couch, his hips settling between her thighs. He broke away from her lips, moving his mouth to her ear. 

"My beautiful Vaera..." Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, hips pressing up to meet larys. His fingers drifted from her neck, down her swollen pregnant torso to meet her core, his hand wrapping around the center of her panties and pulling until they snapped off her frame. Her inhale was audible, and it made his cock throb, desperate to feel her from the inside. Tossing the torn fabric behind them, he pushed her thighs apart, his nose running up her glistening slit. A groan rumbles in his throat. 

Larys mouth waters with the need to taste her while she comes apart underneath him. He moved toward her opening, lapping at the wetness that's seeping from her center, coating his tongue with her taste. She giggled, of course she did, his vaera was too precious. 

"That tickles, honey." Vaera whispered, her fingers wrapping around the strands of his long black hair. He grinned against her, his arm pressing down across her stomach firmly. 

"Stop moving, darling." His fingers slip into her at the same time as he sucked her swollen clit into his mouth, feeling it pulse on his tongue. Her body jerked under his arm, and he pinned her down tighter, his hips pressing into the couch cushion to relieve the ache throbbing in his cock. She's tight, and precum leaks from his tip as he imagined the feel when her walls were hugging the thickness of his shaft 

 "Take a deep breath for me, darling, and don't let it out until you see stars." Larys whispered. She did, immediately in fact—her throat tightening as she inhales and holds. He b plunged ack into her cunt, slowly increasing the pressure and suction on her clit. Her hands wound tightly in his hair, thighs trembling as they close around his head. His fingers curl inside her, rubbing the spongy spot of her inner walls, and his gaze locks on her from his place between her legs. 

 Finally, he released her clit, his fingers making an audible noise as they withdraw from her sopping cunt. Larys gaze locks on hers as his tongue swiped across his lips, cleaning her taste from his mouth. 

Larys chest pulls, insides reeling as he stared down at his perfect Vaera that he made crumble like a cookie before him. Realizing that he had never held such beauty in his hands before her. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now