27. Darkside

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Talk it out, work it out, hug it out.

Vaera did not want to be the bigger person, she was physically the smaller person. And being the smaller person meant ignoring her, her sister's existence, and having a wonderful night with her husband.

Vaera stood in her best black heels to match her lace black corset and panties. Larys stood speechless. She took slow and seductive steps towards him.

"Larys... you have to tell me where you are taking me so I know what to wear." Vaera purred.

"Well i quite like your attire." Larys assured reaching out for her. " But I don't want anyone else to see you like that. Just me."

"Just you." she agreed.

Larys moved to the wardrobe glancing back at vaera. She smiled arching her back. He pulled a vibrant red dress from her wardrobe and vaera slipped it on.


"Im going to love never wearing a corset again when I start showing." Vaera decided running a hand over her stomach.

"You dont have to wear one." Larys assured. "I dont care about things like that-"

"But I do love how you look at me when you take it off." Vaera purred. He grabbed her hand pressing a kiss to it as they walked.

Larys pushed the door open eager to show vaera off. The mood was set and the candles flickered seductively before them. Larys pulled out a chair for vaera and the waiter came smiling brightly at vaera and ignoring Larys completely.

"Princess... we are honored to have eating eith us today!" He declared. "Im Michael if you need anything please let me know."

"Thank you Michael." Vaera answered. "I think we would like to start with some wine."

"Of course! Whites or reds? You know what I will bring a bottle of each for you!" He decided running off. Vaera felt like a princess. She was a princess but she really felt like a princess. The whine was placed in elegant decanters before them. Larys poured the white for vaera and red for himself. They clinked glasses and toasted to them.

"Pistachio crusted grouper." Vaera requested.

"Excellent choice princess."

"I know you are not technically a prince but you are my king. Which is sort of better." Vaera assured.

"My little queen." Larys agreed kissing her gently.

 The food was divine and the wine was perfection. Larys spent the majority of the night with his hand on Vaera's thigh as she asked why they didnt have cookies on the menu for dessert anytime a waiter passed. 

"Guess I will just have another glass of wine." Vaera agreed.

"We will have cookies when we get home." Larys suggested. 

Vaera was a lightweight. One glass of wine and she felt it. Two and she was giggling giddy.

Larys offered her a hand up and she leaned into him happily inebriated. 

"This was so fun larys, thanks for the night out, honey." 

"Anything for my girl." Larys agreed. 

Larys was a man that held a lot of power. It didnt look like it to the eye but even before Vaera chose him to be hers, Larys was already building his empire. He never imagined his empire would end up being interwoven with the most beautiful girl in westeros. 

The day could only get better by snuggling up together that night with endless kisses but of course a drunk stranger thinking himself better than Larys had to come and ruin things. 

"Hey sexy I can show you a good time-"

"Im married-" vaera objected pushing past him. Larys liked how quickly Vaera turned down the man, how quickly she squeezed Larys' hand tighter.

"I dont see your husband-"

"Im the husband." Larys corrected.

"He's my husband, excuse you." Vaera agreed. She hiccupped glancing to Larys. 

"No you are sexy, he's-"

"Go-" hiccup, "away." Vaera instructed. 

"I think he's trying to take advantage of you sweetheart." the man drawled out. 

"The only one-" hiccup. 'Trying to take advantage of me is you now excuse you!" hiccup. 

"Vaera love, can you give me just a moment?" Larys requested. She nodded turning around. but she didnt know where she was supposed to go she turned back to larys, her vision a little hazy. She saw the stranger lunge at Larys, a scream got stuck in the back of her throat but suddenly the man was on the ground and larys had a blade in his hand. Did he always have a blade? She didnt remember that at dinner. Then she saw him clean the blade on the body and secure his blade back into the hilt of his cane. 

"I didnt know your cane could do that." Vaera remarked, matter of factly. Larys tensed glancing back at her as he fixed his blade back into the handle of his cane more securely.

"I... did you see that?"

"I did." Vaera agreed moving closer. "That was hot." Vaera informed him and Larys could breathe again.

"You are not scared?"

"You were protecting me, protecting us from that creeper." Vaera countered. "What would I have to be scared about? I quite like dark larys."

"Dark Larys." He repeated kissing her gently.

"Larys, going dark side to protect his girl, its romantic."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now