42. Morally Grey

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"What do you mean?" Vaera whined. "Larys what does he mean?"

" You passed out my beloved he just wants you to rest for the rest of your term kick your feet up. I will do everything I will take care of the girls." Larys assured.

" I can't just do nothing! I don't want to be put on bedrest. I can't rest when I'm in bed that is ridiculous.!" Vaera objected.

" it's for your health and the babies health."

" is this because I've been flying because I spoke to my father, and he said that my aunt Avalon flew every single day with all of her children, and she is perfectly healthy and didn't have any complications."  Vaera demanded.

" how else could you explain your most recent symptoms, princess? The lightheadedness, the dizzy spells, and then you collapsed..."

" I don't know that I would call it a collapse."

" you fell to the ground." Larys corrected.

" I was fine for my first two. What's different now now?"

" the body is a mysterious thing and we know little about how it works unfortunately. And pregnancy is still a mystery. The baby grows and evolves in the womb."

" so this is your solution put me on bedrest eternally?"

" just until the baby is born."

Vaera couldnt find a comfortable position. She yawned out rolling heavily over in bed. She hated the last moon of pregnancy, it was a pain in the everything.

And yet she was on bed rest. Bed. Rest. She wasnt getting any rest in bed so it was ironic but the maester didnt care.

"You want to join my tea party?" Emma questioned running up to her uncle harwin with a big bright smile.

"Maybe later kiddo." Harwin countered.

"But im having the party now." Emma countered stomping down a foot. "Mama can't get out of bed, she on bed rest, so I need-"

"alright." Harwin gave in easily and emma squealed with delight pulling him along.

"I'm in charge here, Larys." Rhaenyra reminded him. "And there is nothing you can do about it. So you might as well give up."

Of course there is nothing legal I can do about it." Larys agreed.

"Was that a threat?"

"I wouldnt put it quite like that." Larys countered, his head cocked to the side before limping off.

" I brought you cookies and reading material." Viserys remarked.

" I will always take the cookies, but you can keep the books that's more my husband expertise." Vaera assured. Viserys chuckled putting the books on the desk and handing her the cookies. "Daddy I feel like a hostage."

" where is your doting husband to tend on you hand and foot?" Viserys questioned.

" he had some thing he had to do and I don't want him to be prisoner here either. Plus he promised when he returned, he would get up maisie from her nap and bring her to me." Vaera nodded to the crib at the other end of the room. Viserys smiled, moving to the little girl.

" I love my mini vaeras." Viserys whispered. Vaera loved how much your father left her children and knew this next little bundle of joy would be just as loved. But it wasn't a little bundle of joy.

" I know this is going to sound crazy, but do you have any carrots?" Vaera questiones.

" do I have any carrots?"

" I told you I know it's gonna sound crazy." Vaera reminded him.

" I will see about getting you a veggie platter."

" he made me sound like a rabbit."

" I have never known you to eat vegetables, my darling girl."

" well, that's because this baby wants to be healthy and it's slowly killing me. That's what's different this pregnancy." she declared sitting up in bed. " I didn't eat any vegetables my first two and I was completely fine. I was able to fly and ride every single day. This baby has been demanding vegetables in my body, is weakened by its state of health, or claiming to be healthy." Vaera decided.

" oh, my little vaera I don't think it's the vegetables."

" it is literally the only difference. it's not like I'm having an affair like rhaenyra. it's the same environment same husband, same everything except for vegetables. Vegetables will be in death of me."

Rhaenyra marched over to vaeras home which she had yet to visit so she got lost a few times trying to find it. But of course there were cookies decorated painted elegantly on the front door so when she found it, she knew she wasn't wrong.

Vaera knocking and debated getting up. If it was worth the hassle of getting up and decided she needed her exercise a few steps to The door wouldn't kill her.  She wish she stayed in bed as her sister is bitter mood flooded their perfect house.

"Your husband is a monster." Rhaenyra decided. "A total psychopath."

"No. Perhaps he is morally Grey at times but what can I say greys my favorite color." Vaera purred. " now leave, you are not invited.."

It wasn't the vegetables . as much as she wanted to blame the vegetables for her problems and her bedrest, it was not the vegetables fault. There was one difference this pregnancy that no one could have predicted.


A boy and a girl . Thick, black hair and violet eyes.

Mattheo and Clara.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now