33. Trick

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Falling / Bran Stark out now!

Vaera had taken up painting and drawing. She wasnt any good at it but larys always told her it was beautiful.

What a handsome liar.

"I dont think i am meant to be an artist." Vaera admitted.

Larys picked up her discarded paint brush and started messing around. Of course it was beautiful. Vaera gawked back at him at what he could do so easily.

"Sorry. I stole your brush." Larys realized putting it down.

"You drew a dragon." Vaera rasped.

"I... I suppose i did. It doesnt look quite right-"

"Its beautiful what are you talking about? I want a mural of it on the wall in Emmas room." Vaera decided.

"Its not that good." Larys countered.

"You never told me you could paint."

"I cant." Larys countered. Vaera held up her proof that said otherwise. "I never tried."

Every hobby vaera took up while Emma was napping turned out to be a failurenfor her and a hidden talent for larys. Vaera was getting discouraged she wanted something that was all her own. Something she could thrive at. She didnt want to be like alicent or rhaenyra. They did their duty and nothing else. She wanted something that was hers. Special. Made her unique.

So we after week she attempted new projects. She was quite good at knitting she realized, but she also realized that she didn't really care to knit anything 

She made toys and little baubles for Emma, but there was only so many toys a little girl could need.

Larys however picked up each of her abandoned projects, and started them with ease. Vaera stared back at him flabbergasted. How could he be perfect to everything? It just wasn't fair.

He wasn't being mean when he picked up each of the projects that she had abandoned he just didn't like for things to go unfinished  like the drawing that she abandoned halfway through and he decided to spruce it up a bit. or the socks that she thought would be so wonderful and she only made one. Everything she did he did a little bit or a lot a bit better.

Vaera love how easily things came to him. For years, he had been compared to his brother. Harwin the great break bones. Larys was just larys. But to her he was amazing 

He loved how she looked at him. How she smiled with amazement. No matter how many men looked her way wanted to get her attention she always looked to Larys. he felt like a night in shining armor when he was with vaera.

"You are so good at everything". Vaera remarked gently as she slumped back into Larys. Larys kissed her shoulders as he dragged his hands over her naked body. The water rocked against the edge of the tub at the movement.

"No im not." Larys assured. Vaera looked to the wall where larys had begun a mural for them. "Beginners luck." He added.

"Everything you do you succeed at. I wish i was good at something."

"What are you talking about?" Larys countered turning her in his arms. "Vaera you are good at lots of things".

"No im not. Im a good daughter-"

"A great daughter. Your father loves you most. " larys added.

"And i would like to think im a good mother-"

"The best mother!" Larys declared appalled that she thought otherwise. "Emma adores you so much!" He went on. "And the best wife!" He added kissing her.

"But im not a good reader. I was never studious like you. Painting isnt my passion. Paper folding either. All the things I have attempted...." She added. LI want to be really good at something i love."

"Set your mind to something and you will succeed." Larys assured kissing along her neck. She sighed heavily and watched the water ripple before her.

"I dont know what i want to do". Vaera admitted. "I just know I want something."

"Alright then lets find your passion".

Trick riding.

Larys hated that vaeras new passion was trick riding. At least she wasnt doing trick riding on her dragon yet.

She stood up on the horses saddle and extended a leg. She did turns and hung from the saddle doing lifts and jumps while the horse was moving. It was entrancing to watch but also terrifying.

"I think Calypso would be fun to-"

"No!" Larys and viserys demanded.

"Im learning fast on the ground-"

"No!" They repeated.

"You fall from a horse you maybe break a bone. You fall from your dragon..." larys couldnt breathe at the thought. "I wont lose you vaera." She groaned as if that was the worst news of the moon

"Fine." She agreed. "Only until-"

"Until never please." Larys begged.

"Listen to him darling girl." Viserys agreed. "As much fun, it is to watch you do all of your little tricks on the horse. I couldn't bear if you got hurt, trying to do tricks in the sky."

"Okay." She grumbled. Jumping back into her horse she started him at a trot around the arena before rising up onto her forearms and kicking her legs up into the sky.

"That is so sexy!" Aegon declared hooting out. Larys knew of aegons crush everyone knew. Larys tried not to hold it against the child but larys was a possessive man and the way Aegon looked at vaera- well larys just hoped he grew out of his crush before puberty. Or else they would have real problems.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now