6. Lose You

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''They make a handsome match, don't they?''

''What?'' Criston questioned turning to Joffrey.

''Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, or the Knight of Kisses, they call me, though I don't know why.'' He introduced.

'' I'm on watch. What's your business?''

''You don't know me, Ser Criston. But we are both deeply invested in the princesses unions.''

''If you have something to say, Ser Joffrey, speak it.'' Criston hissed

"Princess might I cut in?" Tyon asked and larys only tightened his hold on her. "Move it cripple." Tyon hissed nudging larys out of the way. Larys begrudgingly pulled away from Vaera her eyes followed him as Tyon held to her waist.

"We will move to casterly rock of course. Our wedding will be grander! So much grander than this." Tyon remarked. Vaera yawned.

''May I, Ser Harwin?'' Daemon said stepping into his place on the dance floor with Rhaenyra.

''Of course, my Prince.'' Harwin remarked stepping away immediately. Larys shifted from foot to foot his knuckles fisting around his cane as his eyes followed Vaera. He hated and loved that she looked very uncomfortable with Tyon, her posture stiff and her eyes drifting around the room. Hated that she was in that position but loved that she didnt love or want Tyon Lannister.

''Im not marrying you. Im not moving." Vaera corrected.

"When we are married im in charge-"

"I find marriage dreadful. I never want to wed." Vaera decided.

''Mine was recently dissolved.'' Daemon reminded Rhaenyra as they spoke among the crowd their vocies muffled.

''so take me and then has this not been your purpose?'' She countered ''I am not yet married but the hours past swiftly you are surely unarmed cut through my fathers kings guard take me to Dragon stone and make me your wife.'' he stared down at her grabbing her face in his hands when screams rang out.

A fight broke out and the princess was nowhere in sight as circle dueled against Ser Joffrey everyone was scrambling to get away. Ser Joffrey felt lightheaded blood trickled from his nose as Criston beat joffrey to a pulp. Tyon ran away terrified leaving Vaera in the middle of everything her eyes went wide as she saw Criston on top of Joffrey. She had never seen him this angry before.

"Vaera!" Larys shouted searching for her. But he was pushed back his cane flying off and he stumbled among the madness.

"What in the Seven Hells is going on?"

"Stop this!" Corlys demanded

''Where's Vaera? Where is Rhaenyra?'' Viserys shouted.

''Princess?'' Harwin shouted. Vaera turned around and looked to Harwin nervously he picked her up carried away from the madness and all went quiet as Criston got up marching away. Harwin was her protector after all. Laenor looked at his lover dead on the floor he crawled over to him his head bashed in blood seeping around him he cried out.

"Harwin," Vaera whispered as he put her down looking her over.

"Are you alright Vaera?" Harwin questioned his hands running over her arms.

"Why did he do that?" Vaera questioned

"I don't know little love, but I... Vaera I don't think he should be protecting you anymore. Not if he can snap like that, I wouldn't feel safe leaving him with you." Harwin told her honestly, Vaera sighed leaning into him. Larys hated that his brother got to be the one to comfort her.

"Criston is my friend, he wouldn't hurt me." Vaera said confidently.

"He just killed a man in cold blood." Harwin corrected. "You never know what men like that are capable of."

Vaera was sneaking in a final cookie before the wedding. Tyon was jibber jabbering about their own wedding to come and he didn't even notice her walk off. She was never marrying the lion.

"Stand by me my love." Viserys requested holding vaera's hand. 

"Daddy I dont like Tyon." Vaera whispered. "Can I not?"

"Lets talk about it later?"

"Nyra isnt here yet, lets talk about it now." Vaera begged but the doors opened and Laenor and Rhaenyra came marching, more like a funeral march than a celebration. 

"Later my dearest." Viserys assured patting her hand. 

"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The high septon began. ''Father... Mother... Warrior... Smith... Maiden... Crone... Stranger. Hear now their vows.'' Rhaenyra stared across at a weepy Laenor, for he had just lost the true love of his life. Rhaenyra glanced back as Vaera she offered the most pitiful of smiles in return.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Laenor said sadly.

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Rhaenyra whispered back and kissed the corner of his lips.

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon... Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' The high septon declared as Viserys collapsed to the ground before them.

"Father!" Vaera shouted dropping down next to him. "Get maester mellos!" Vaera demanded as Rhaenyra stared down paralyzed at the sight. Vaera couldn't breathe. "Daddy wake up, wake up." Vaera begged holding tight to his hand.


"The maesters are with him." Larys assured as they walked and Vaera tried to breathe. 

"I know but i feel so useless!" Vaera whined. 

 Criston was going to kill himself after what he had done, the dishonor of it all. He couldn't live with himself what he had done to vaera too hurting her he saw her face as she stared at what he had done. He just wanted it to be over.

''Criston..." he turned at the sound of vaera voice. "What the fuck?" 

Larys hated that Vaera had two guards, two tall and handsome guards. Sure she shared Criston with Rhaenyra but everyone knew that the boys loved Vaera most. She was easy to love. 

"Vaera-" Criston whispered shaking his head. 

"What are you doing?" Vaera demanded criston looked to the blade in his hand before dropping it. "Criston!"

"Vaera I-"

"My father collapsed. I need whatever the hell is going through your head right now-" vaera was trying to be brave but he could hear her voice breaking. Larys wanted to comfort her but she was marching towards criston with rage in her eyes. "-to just shove it down. Okay? Just whatever that knight said or whatever this is about..." she moved towards him. "My father might be dying. Im not losing you too..." criston rose up and hugged her she sobbed into him. "Why is this world so messed up?" Vaera whimpered.

"Im so sorry... I'm so sorry..." he held tight to her. "I never meant to make your life more difficult."

"You didnt." Vaera whimpered. Criston held her kissing the top of her head.

"You sure?"

"I cant lose you Criston."

"I love you, Vaera."

Larys was feeling very murderous at that statement. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now