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A step you can't take back / Aegon Targaryen out now!!

"Go nuts." Vaera instructed. Larys smiled back at her as he slowly let go of her hand.

"Do i have a time limit?" Larys pondered.

"No." Vaera confirmed. "Nor a budget. When we get that house of ours I want the walls litered with the most beautiful books."


"For decorative purposes." Vaera assured. "You can read me the good ones though."

"I would love that." Larys agreed.

"You pick and I carry." Vaera added kissing his cheek.

Larys in a book store was his happy place. Vaera knew this. Books were what brought them together. His love of knowledge and her hatred of learning new and useless information.

But knowledge was power and books held a strange power to see into others minds. How they thought and how they killed. Larys turned over a mystery in his hands. The murderous ways of Alfred Pennyworth... and how he got away with it.

Add it to the pile!

Properly pleasing a woman. A new age look on satisfaction. Beside it was how to please your man. Larys didnt need those. Vaera and him were very intune with each others bodies.

They walked around for what must have been well over two hours. Larys did the initial lap around the shop and then went into great detail. He showed off his favorite books and tried to find more by the same authors. He loved how patient vaera was. How she smiled as he told her about a new story.

"You should write a book larys. You certainly read enough." Vaera remarked when she finally edged him towards the vendor.

"Who would care what I have to say?" Larys countered.

"I do." Vaera answered.

"Then maybe i write you a story. Just for you." Larys agreed kissing her temple.  "Now a treat for you." Larys suggested as vaera shifted the large bag of books- she insisted on carrying- to their next stop.

"I love treats what are we- Cookies!" Vaera declared dropping the bag and running forward. Larys face lit up similarly in a bookstore as vaeras did when she saw freshly baked cookies.

"Hello princess we got some new flavors for you today. Molten lava its just out of the fire still dripping with deliciousness, peanut butter cookie with a peanut butter frosting spread and a thin layer of jam, ooey gooey chocolate chunk, chocolate strawberry drizzle and our key lime pie cookie. What shall it be?"

"Three of everything." Vaera declared loudly.

"Wonderful! Thank you!"

"I hope you know that fattening me up with cookies and then looking at me like you want to bed me is a bad combination." Vaera remarked as the cookies were prepared.

"My darling darling vaera. Im always going to want you but i will settle for sugar coated kisses."

"Larys i have a tummy ache. Vaera whined.

"I hate to say it love but I told you so." Larys agreed.

"They were just so good!"


It was different falling asleep next to someone every night, to loving them every night, to holding and kissing and cherishing the same person over and over again. It was a good different that Vaera was getting used to. But she wasnt getting used to how much larys read.

"Larys," Vaera whined rolling into his side and kissing his shoulder. "I'm tired." She begged.

"Just another page." Larys countered. They had went through more candles in a week than vaera used in a moon before she married larys. He spent hours late into the night reading.

"Fine." She whispered hiding her face in the crook of his arm.

When larys was finally done he blew out the candle put his book down and smiled down at a half asleep vaera. He kissed her forehead settling in beside her.

"You done?" She murmured.

"Sorry, it was getting to the good part."

"What happened?" She mumbled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"A murder." Larys answered, vaera nodded her breathing heavied.

"Sounds fun." Vaera yawned out Larys chuckled holding her closer.

"Murder?" Larys pondered. "It can be quite..." he smiled realizing she fell asleep. "I love you Vaera."

Vaera woke rolled out of bed and proceeded to barf. Larys heard the splash and the groans. He truned in bed towards her. She rinsed her mouth with a bit of water before coming back to bed. Larys pulled her closer as she snuggled into his side.

"I don't want to get you sick." She whispered closing her eyes again.

"It's probably too many cookies." Larys offered.

"I finished those cookies three days ago."

"The day we bought them yes." Larys agreed.

"So what if its not cookies?" Vaera countered. "That seems silly. Im sick."

"I don't mind. I want to take care of you." Larys assured. "You would take care of me wouldn't you?" Vaera nodded into him. Her face nestled into his neck a leg draped delicately across his.

"I dont know why I keep getting sick." Vaera whispered. "I was nauseous all yesterday too."

"You were? You didnt tell me." Larys countered stroking her hair.

"I didnt want to worry you."

"You are my wife, i want you to worry me when you arent feeling good." Larys assured. "Because it is no bother."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now