13. Smooth Sailing

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Larys presented vaera with the fluffiest most beautiful stuffed animal. It was a cat.

"I wanted to get you a real one but couldn't find the right one". Larys admitted. Vaera held the stuffed animal close. "So you can snuggle up with this instead of any boys". He added.

"Any boys?" Vaera mussed taking a step closer. "What about you?"

"Well..." a smile covered his face. Vaera got on her toes and kissed his cheek gently.

"Thank you larys."

"Dont forget about me while you are gone." Larys requested pitifully.

"Never... maybe you surprise me and show up at one of the stops?" Vaera questioned hopefully "it would be nice to have a friend."

Friend. They shared a kiss a passionate kiss and larys wanted more. It had seemed like vaera did too but he knew he couldnt taint her. As much as he wanted to claim her. He knew he would never be good enough for her. But that didnt mean he wasnt going to try.

Vaera shot Alicent a glare. She had never gotten along with Alicent. Never. She had always been stealing rhaenyra from vaera and then the bitch tried to steal her father. Alicent was a bad person in vaeras mind. A family stealer.

"Have fun my dear girl. I will miss you so much!" Viserys declared.

"What if I dont find the right man? What if he doesnt come because he is intimidated?" Vaera questioned her gaze shifting around the courtyard looking for her target.

"Just have fun. Dont worry about a husband. Just some options." Viserys requested. Vaera nodded kissing his cheek.

"Tell Aegon not to get too big while im gone." Vaera declared. Viserys loved how much vaera loved Aegon and how much Aegon loved his big sister. "He was taking a nap so give him a super big hug from me too when he gets up."

"Will do darling. I love you!"

"Do you know who that is?" Lyonel questioned incredulously as vaera set off.

"That is Vaera Targaryen." Larys agreed, "the woman I'm desperately trying to make fall in love with me."

Lyonel whacked larys over the back of the head.

"That is the princess!" Lyonel corrected. "And you have gotten too chummy with her for your own good!"

"I have fallen for her and now I watch her go to find a better man." Larys countered.

"You will leave this one alone." Lyonel agreed.

"Whatever do you mean, father?" Larys countered turning to face him.

"Dont play coy with me boy. People saw Tyon Lannister and you in an argument. Saw him push you. People talk." Lyonel muttered

"Try not to listen." Larys countered. "I focus on the truths. Vaera deserved better and she was glad he was dead." He would do it again.


Vaera shoved another cookie in her mouth as she glanced to Harwin. He chuckled wiping the crumbs from her lips.

"Harwin..." she said as she swallowed thickly. He waited for her to go on. "Its too bloody hot in old town."

"I agree princess." Harwin assured.

"Can we be done here? Ohh I know lets sail up the coast and go to winterfell! See some puppies!" Vaera suggested.

"Wonderful idea." Harwin agreed as he notified the captain of their new plans. The king had said make vaera happy and give her endless cookies if there is a problem so thats what harwin was doing.

That night on the ship harwin knocked on Vaeras cabin door.

"Smooth sailing Vaera. Should be an easy night." Harwin assured.

"Thanks Harwin." Vaera answered. He took a step closer noticing the stuffed cat she was stroking. She smiled down at it when she noticed harwins gaze. "To keep the boys away." Vaera answered sheepishly.

"Your father." Harwin realized with a laugh. "What a strange idea. Going on a tour to find a husband but a cat to keep them away." Harwin chuckled bidding her goodnight and closing her door.

It wasny strange at all. Larys didnt want her to find a husband. He wanted her to come back and he wanted her to fall madly in love with himself. Then he would just need to convince the king that he was worthy of his daughter. That seemed the harder of the two.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now