22. Pure

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I Can do it with a broken heart/ Joffrey Baratheon / Rieka Stark out now!

"Uncle Daemon!" Vaera squealed running towards him. She launched herself into his arms, he spun her around holding her close. Larys moved to them, he knew that Daemon was Vaera's favorite person in the world after her father.

"You came!"

"It's not every day my Vaera gets married." Daemon agreed.

"Oh Larys!" She beckoned him closer. "Daemon have you met Larys?"

"I heard it was a Strong." Daemon agreed assessing Larys. "I thought it was the older one, that doted on you endlessly as a child."

"Harwin is being a bad boy fucking Rhaenyra." Vaera whispered.

"Oh, right of course..." Daemon smiled down at Vaera.

"Uncle Daemon, say hi. Dont be mean, this is Larys. Larys this is my uncle Daemon... well dont just stare at each other." Vaera instructed.

"Welcome to the family Strong..." Daemon shook Larys hand but didnt let go, he held tight. "what are you holding over my vaera?" Daemon demanded.

"Nothing!" Vaera shouted. "Whats the matter with you?" She scolded.

"I'm just-"

"Let him go this instant!" Vaera demanded. "Heavens! I love Larys, can't you people see that? Can't you get over whatever it is you see or dont see? I fell in love now stop being a nincompoop!"

"I'm sorry Vaera-"

"Release his hand!" Vaera demanded.

"Having a girl fight your battles for you." Daemon chuckled letting him go. Larys resisted the urge to shake out his hand.

"He knows that I dont need assistance when standing up against my rotten family." Vaera agreed.

"Rotten? What happened to my sweet and wonderful Vaera?" Daemon corrected.

"You are uninvited."

"What? NO!" Daemon demanded. "Come on, I will play nice, give me another chance." Daemon begged.

"Fine." Vaera agreed. "Only because I love you more than Rhaenyra."

"Is Rhaenyra not invited?" Daemon questioned.

"She was mean to me and Larys." Vaera agreed. "Now you be nice or you will be removed from the capital too." He zipped his lips closed with his fingers. "Good Daemon." Vaera agreed patting his head.

"You are really going through with this." Rhaenyra scoffed.

"I really am. Larys will be jacerys uncle..." as if he wasnt already. "Your brother by law..." she urged. Rhaenyra stared back at her. Her face void of emotion. "You want to say something?"

"You are an idiot and you are going to be begging father for a divorce from him." Rhaenyra declared.

"You are awful!" Vaera shouted. "I love him and cant you be happy for me? You have been pushing me away our whole lives!" Vaera realized. "And I stupidly kept letting you back in because i loved you."

"Vaera you are such a drama queen."

"I am not. But you know what you are? you are a bad sister." Vaera demanded marching off before taking off at a sprint.

"I know your father wouldnt approve..." larys remarked that night coming into vaeras chambers. "Oh vaera whats wrong?" Larys moved to her side as she sniffled.

"Im fine." She wiped at her nose.

"Vaera?" Larys wiped at her cheeks. "Whats wrong? Not having second thoughts are you?" He asked, dread filling him.

"No never. I love you. I cant wait to marry you Larys." Vaera assured.

"Then what is it?" Larys cooed.

"I really thought Rhaenyra would apologize." Vaera admitted. "I thought she would want to make amends."

"You can still invite her." Larys assured kissing the top of her head.

"No... she doesnt care to reach out then I shouldnt be wasting my tears on her." vaera corrected.

"Something happened today, didnt it?" Larys realized.

"Shes just a monster." Vaera snarled.

"Im so sorry sweetheart. What do you want me to do?" Larys questioned.


"Do." Larys agreed. Vaera smiled softly back at him. She rested her forehead against his.

"Just kiss me. That will make it better."

"Gladly." Larys agreed. There was a loud knock as the door flew open before his lips met hers.

"Vaera, vaera, my little love." Daemon tsked. "A boy in your bed before marriage? That just wont do. Out lord larys."

"Goodnight my vaera." Larys kissed the corner of her lips before getting up and heading to the door.

"Geeze. Can you believe this guy?" Daemon declared plopping down beside vaera.

"You are rediculous." Vaera murmured.

"Just trying to keep my girl pure."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now