9. I Think Im Dying

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It had been four moons and viserys was putting on a brave face. Getting back to meetings and his children.

But vaera had locked herself in her chambers for the past two days not letting anyone see her. She kept the door shut but larys was not deterred.

"Vaera... I have missed you dearly." Larys remarked knocking on the door. "Please let me in. Let me help." He begged.

"Im in no state for company." She croaked out. Larys half thought she found a lover but then he heard a very unladylike heave.

"Vaera are you alright?" Larys knocked again. "I have cookies."

"Im not hungry." Vaera corrected

"Are you in trouble? Is someone in there?" Larys questioned.


"Use our code word if you are in trouble."

"What?" Vaera laughed out but she groaned at the pain of the motion.

"Vaera please I need to see you for but a moment you are worrying me. Turning down cookies. You are the original cookie monster darling girl." Larys begged knocking gently. Vaera pulled open the door. She looked a mess. Her hair frizzy and unbrushed. She was pale and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Vaera!" Larys moved to her but she held out a hand to stop him.

"Larys you don't understand!" Vaera declared a hand wrapped around her middle. "Everything in my body is coming back out."


"Im so sick!" Vaera declared. "Everything is coming out of me and I think im dying."


"I tell you im dying and thats your answer?" Vaera sassed.

"Sorry. But you said you think you are dying. I dont think you are." Larys countered gently as he moved closer to her.

"Stand back im a mess. My colon has never been this empty before." Vaera added honestly. "Is this karma because i pretended to do our lesson but I really just read the last page of the chapter." Vaera admitted. "Is this my punishment for lying?"

"Oh Vaera," larys held back a smile. "No but,.. possibly." He mused. Vaera groaned before her stomach churned.

"I havent eaten anything why am I still-" she ran off and larys followed slowly behind her. He reached out a hand holding back her hair. "Oh Gods," she murmured.

"Vaera I will be right back." Larys remarked. "Im going to make you up a special cup of tea that should help."

"Okay." She moaned out.

"What are you up to? In such a hurry too." Harwin remarked.

"On a mission for vaera. Leave me be."

"She hasnt let anyone in her chambers for the past few days. The maids bring her food and clean the chamber pots that is all she will allow." Harwin corrected.

"Well she let me in." Larys corrected proudly.


"Because we are friends." Larys answered.

"Im her guard-"

"She doesnt need guarding from the monsters in the wardrobe Harwin. She is not a child." Larys corrected mixing the herbs and spices. "Excuse me."

"What are you doing?"

"Im bringing her a cure for her ailments I hope." Larys remarked. He knocked and entered without permission but didnt care.

"It is hot in here? Im boiling!" Vaera was tugging at her night dress. Larys never thought he would say this. He swore if vaera ever graced him with removing any piece of clothing he would savor every inch of her he got.

"Vaera you keep your clothes on." Larys corrected. "You must have a fever."

"Its too hot! Im dying!" Vaera whined. He put a hand to her head. She was clammy and cold.

"Vaera you need to-" larys eyes dropped to the swell of her breasts as her night dress clung to sweaty skin. "Gods." He tried to pull his gaze away but held out the tea instead. "It will help. With the nausea and the fever. Please..." vaera took it from him.

"Am I dying Larys?"

"Im going to keep you alive." Larys assured. "It starts with drinking that." She took a sip before staring back at him. "All of it." He reached out running a hand over her arm, goose flesh covered her cold skin. He didnt know how he managed to pulled himself away from her and move to the bed grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around her.

"Im so hot Larys." Vaera whined.

"You are freezing Vaera. You need to get warm. Drink this and lay down. I promise you will be feeling better soon."

"Are you a maester now larys?"

"Im better than a maester. You are my only patient so my focus is completely on you."

Vaera moved to the bed and larys wrap her up in blankets. The saddest of eyes stared up at him.

"Stay with me." Vaera requested and stated. Larys put his cane down and sat beside her. She stared back at him silently. He took that as a request to get closer so he did. He laid down beside her and she turned into him. He tensed, wrapping an arm around her. This wasnt right. This was bad. He could get in trouble for laying beside her like this. But as vaera whined and whimpered trying to get comfortable past the discomfort pulsing through her.

"Dont leave." Vaera whispered. He ran his hand down her back.

"Im not going anywhere." Larys assured.

"Im really comfortable." She added. Larys liked that her arm wrapped around his middle. Her leg draped over his slightly. He could get used to this. He wanted to get used to vaera falling asleep curled up into him.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now