5. Not Lannister

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''It is with great pleasure that His Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations. House Lannister with their lord, Jason Lannister. Lord Paramount of the West, and Master of Casterly Rock. House High tower with their lord, Hobert High tower. Beacon of the South, Defender of the Citadel, the Voice of Old town...'' Harrold announced.

"Blah, blah, blah daddy I'm so bored." Vaera whined as Jason approached. 

"Go get a cookie then." Viserys suggested. 

''Dont have to tell me twice." Vaera agreed running off. 

"Lord Jason..." 

"Raiding the cookies already?" Larys questioned. 

"Yeah, but its okay, I got permission to raid the cookies before the meal is served." Vaera assured. "This is a sad selection of cookies." she decided. Larys chuckled leaning on his cane. "For my wedding you best bet there are going to be cookies galore!" 

"Jason, your cousin, Tyon... where might he be?" Viserys questioned and Jason gave him a stiff lip. "I want him to meet my Vaera."

"Of course..." Jason turned nodding to Tyon.

"Princess Vaera, I heard a rumor you were getting married." Harwin remarked. Larys tensed. 

"No, thats Nyra." Vaera corrected breaking off a piece of cookie.

"To a lannister." Harwin countered spinning her towards the front table, her jaw dropped open and the cookie fell out. Larys reached out before Vaera hid behind Harwin. 

"NO!" Vaera demanded peering past him. "He wouldnt! I am the baby of the family! I'm not ready for marriage!"

"Maybe it was just a rumor." Harwin offered glancing back at her. 

"Heavens..." Vaera muttered. "He won't want me, its probably nothing." 

"Why wouldnt he want you?" Larys countered looking her over. 

"I'm too short." Vaera answered. 

"You are just the right height." Larys countered, she was at the perfect height for kissing Larys thought fondly as he tipped his head just slightly down to her. 

"Vaera!" Viserys waved a hand and she hid her face behind harwin again. 

"I'm not here." Vaera demanded. 

"Vaera, love!" Viserys called out. 

"He's coming this way." Harwin warned, Larys wanted to kill this man for even approaching his vaera. 

"Vaera honey, I was calling you." Viserys remarked.  she peered around Harwin. 

"So sorry daddy, I was talking with Larys and Ser Harwin and I just didnt hear you." Vaera offered.  

"Princess vaera, I am Lord Tyon Lannister." Tyon said and Vaera had to admit he was handsome. "So lovely to meet you, I hear we are to be wed, it is an honor and a privilege." Tyon told her Vaera but her gaze shifted to Harwin. 

"Um, well its just a..." Viserys choked on his words. "Nothing it set yet." He added. 

"But..." Tyon smirked smugly before looking back at vaera, she felt sick. "Perhaps we could have a dance tonight?" Tyon offered and Viserys nudged Vaera discreetly.

"Yes." she said in a small voice. "That would be... nice."

"Wonderful." Tyon agreed before heading off. Viserys smiled giving Vaera's hand a squeeze. 

"He seems the type of man to have a mistress of two." Larys offered as Tyon strut around the ballroom. 

"I'm never marrying him, I would rather kill him." Vaera hissed. Larys smirked, he could take care of that. Vaera broke off a cookie licking her lips of crumbs. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now