11. Reckon

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Undo It / Viserys Targaryen Is out now!

Larys  gaze shifted up to her from across the courtyard and a sly smile curved his lips. She turned away looking back at her book. She heard the stead click and crunch of his cane in the gravel as he made his way to her. Vaera smiled her gaze shifting up to him.

They both knew what it was like to be second born children.

Nyra was heir to everything harwin was heir to harrenhal.

"Ready for lessons princess?"

"No." Vaera corrected.

"Come on." Larys countered.

"Larys," she whined making herself go limp and falling back into him. Larys stumbled to grab her. "Nooo!"

"Vaera," larys answered keeping an arm around her as she flopped back into his chest.

"Lets just wait." Vaera countered. "Its so nice out and- and- and- and I hate it!" Viserys chuckled from above. His vaera was always so dramatic.

"Vaera," viserys called down. She turned around resting her chin on larys shoulder. He kept a hand around her liking the feel of her against him.

"Daddy I will get to the library eventually." Vaera declared "i promise!" She added quickly.

"Lord larys is a good study buddy?" Viserys questioned.

"Yes. Dont blame him. He really does try Im just not interested in learning."

"You never have been." Viserys agreed. "Get to it eventually." He requested

"Eventually indeed!" Vaera declared. "Victory." She whispered pulling back from larys.

"You remember when you were young-"

"Im still young." Vaera objected.

"Younger." Larys countered. "And you found me in the gardens reading. Gods what did you tell harwin when he found you?" Vaera was already laughing.

Vaera was frolicking through the gardens as one does when she came across larys. She jumped to a stop before him. Larys gaze shifted up from his book slowly. Vaera peered over his book as he put it down in his lap. She smiled widely back at him. Larys didnt have many friends. He was more of a loner and he was okay with that he liked his solitude but Vaera liked to be around people.

"Hi!" She exclaimed, it seemed like all her teeth showed her smile was so big.

"Hello princess." He answered

"Whatcha reading?"

"A study in rare herbology" . He showed the cover to her. "Do you like to read?"

"Not really." She admitted "The words all bounce around." Vaera corrected. "Is it a good book?"

"It is enlightening. Informational." Larys countered.  Vaera took a seat on the bench beside him. " was there something I could help you with? Princess?" his words were slow as if he was confused on why he was asking the question himself. 

"Nope." Vaera answered.  Then he realized . a smile curved his face and he closed his book 

" princess... Are you supposed to be in your lessons right now?"

She looked at him, flabbergasted that he had guessed so quickly, but she had to pretend otherwise

" I haven't faintest idea what you mean," she answered

" not the faintest?" Larys mused. She shook her head. " how is your mother?" Vaera smiled at that.

" she's doing well. She's resting though. The maester said she needs her rest so after our tea party, I let her take a nice long nap. Nyra was supposed to be fathers cup bearer for the meeting," she added. " but she was off playing with alicent, so I stepped in. Mother was with the nurses when I popped in on her and she said go to your lessons and I-" she covered her mouth with her hands quickly her eyes stared wide back at him. " I didn't say that." she declared. Larys chuckled as Harwin came up

"There you are Vaera. I was looking everywhere for you!" Harwin declared. Vaera looked to Larys and brought a finger to her lips. He mimicked her with a smirk. Harwin glanced between them curiously. Vaera nodded. A silent deal of silence had been struck.

"I was with Larys. As you can see. We were talking about... Herbs and ologies."

"Ologies?" Harwin questioned glancing at Larys books.

"Very... umm-" her eyes darted back to larys before looking at harwin again. "Enlightening." Larys nodded silently.

"Alright." Harwin agreed, his face was filled with confusion but larys liked being on the inside. Vaera gave larys her best attempt at a wink before heading off.

"What was that about?" Harwin whispered keeping an eye on vaera.

"As the little princess said... Herbs and ologies, brother."

Vaera smiled back at larys as they took a seat.

"Thats right. Herbs and ologies. You were adorable. Still are." Larys assured. Vaera blushed her toes curled and her gaze flickered to larys beside her. "We should get going. Lots to learn." He added brushing her silver hair from her face to see her beautiful eyes more clearly.

"Cant we just sit here for a while?" Vaera questioned staring back at him. Larys waited but a mere moment.

"Okay that was a while." Larys agreed.

"That was not. " vaera corrected.

"I reckon it was."

"You reckon incorrectly." Vaera sassed laughing out. Larys loved that laugh.

"I seldom agree to that". Larys corrected.


He loved how she moaned his name.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now