3. Liar

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Larys and vaera spent most of their time together until her family returned. Larys hoped Vaera would not forget about him once they were back their normal routines.

Larys found himself constantly looking for Vaera and she was happy to entertain him. At least thats what he assumed because why would a princess as stunning and full of life as Vaera ever want to waste any time with himself.

Vaera laughed out tipping back in her chair. Larys found her smile contagious.

"You know-" she flipped around. "Its been nice not having my father and rhaenyra around," vaera admitted.

"It has been nice." Larys agreed for an entirely different reason. "Do you think... we coud continue to work together after your father returns? do you think he would allow it?"

"He likes whatever makes me happy and thats you," vaera agreed easily.

"I make you happy?" Larys questioned breathlessly.

"Sure." Vaera agreed. "I wouldnt be spending all this time with you if you made me miserable." She mused. "I like you larys."

"I.. I like you too."

Vaera smiled contently. She turned back to her book before throwing it aside. She offered larys another smile.

"And since you like me we can be done for today?"

"Yes." Larys agreed easily.

"Thank you!" Vaera exclaimed.

"The princess vaera?" Harwin tsked.

"What?" Larys countered.

"Come on now larys."

"What? She is my friend. Im helping her." Larys countered. "Teaching her. She hates her septa. I volunteered my services."

"Oh Larys," harwin chuckled

"Stop saying my name like that." He demanded. "Vaera is-"

"The princess." Harwin agreed. "And you need to remember that."

"You have been guarding her since she was what? Five years old. I have known vaera her whole life and yet this id the first time I have been truly confident enough to speak to her and she likes me." Larys declared through an exasperated breath. Harwin could see the need and desire in larys eyes as he spoke of vaera. "Please. I know im not you. Im not as strong as you or as tall as you but shes become my friend this past week and I..." larys breath caught in his throat as harwin clasped his shoulder.

"Im sorry Larys." Harwin remarked. "I didnt mean to make fun of you. Vaera is a wonderful young woman. I just dont want you getting in over your head."

"I have no expectations with vaera. She is my friend. My friend. Thats all. I know is all we shall be and Im fine with that."

A lie larys told himself to get through the days when vaera smiled so sweetly back at him.


"Daddys home." Vaera remarked peering out the window. Larys smiled back at her hopelessly. Vaera glanced back at him. "Im not going to ditch you larys." Vaera assured.

"That wasnt what I was thinking." He assured.


"No." Larys lied.

"Good because im lying and im ditching you." Vaera decided. Larys face fell. "Im going to see my father. Dont you worry we can continue this fake studying later." Vaera assured before she skipped off and larys heart skipped a beat.

With a labored breath Viserys stepped out of the carriage only to collapse to the ground.

''Fetch the Maester!'' Harrold shouted.

''Get back.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Get Mellos! Get back!'' Harrold demanded. Vaera gasped running forward.

"Daddy!" She shrieked.

'Prepare the crucible. We'll need leeches.'' Mellos remarked.

"Daddy!" Vaera shouted dropping next to him. "What's going on?" But Viserys couldn't answer.

"They are talking good care of him vaera. Try not to worry yourself sick." Larys suggested.

"Its been hours." Vaera whined. She was going to pace a hole in the floor.

"You said it yourself darling he gets sea sick. Its a long journey." Larys countered reaching a hand out for her.

"Yes you are probably right." Vaera agreed slouching back against the wall.  "Darling?"

Larys was about to go into full panic mode when the door opened and saved him from his big mouth. Vaera turned and ran inside pushing through the maesters to her father.

"Rest now, Your Grace. I will bring the leeches.'' Mello said as Viserys lay back exhausted and weak.

''If I may, Grand Maester, I took the liberty of preparing a fresh set of herbal poultices that might be more... effective.'' Maester Orwyle offered.

''That will not be necessary, Orwyle.'' Mellos assured ''The leechings have always brought His Grace relief."

"Daddy, i was so worried!" Vaera declared hugging him tight.

"Oh my sweet girl." Viserys whispered holding her close.

''To help him sleep.'' Orwyle offered the bottle popping the top to Lyonel.

"You are jerk you know that?" Vaera hissed.

"I'm sorry Vaera, I truly am." Viserys told her.

"How am I supposed to be mad at you when you are dying!"

"I'm not dying-'

'Leeching. They such leeches on you and drain you of, toxins? Poisons? Father what is going on?" Vaera begged.

"I'm sick baby." Viserys admitted. "But Maester mellos is going to get me better."

"Father...' Vaera said weakly.

"Vaera, I'm so sorry." Viserys told her. "Wait why are you mad at me?" Viserys questioned confused why he was apologizing.

"Because you are sick and didnt tell me!"

"I'm fine love, its late, get some rest." Viserys assured kissing her hand.

"I love you... get better so I can be mad at you for lying to me." Vaera instructed and Viserys gave a pained laugh.

"Alright love." Viserys hugged her gently.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes im quite tired myself." Viserys assured we will have breakfast in the morrow and talk."

"Okay daddy," vaera agreed softly and hewatched her go before looking to Lyonel.

''Where's the Queen?''

''I was given to understand that she is otherwise occupied, Your Grace.''

''Will I be remembered as a good king, Lyonel?'' Viserys said with a sigh.

''Your Grace?''

''What will they say of me when the histories are written? I have neither fought nor conquered, nor suffered any great defeat.'' Viserys remarked.

''Some might call that good fortune.''

''Hes okay." Vaera whispered when she found larys waiting for her. "You didnt have to wait. But im glad you did," vaera added.

"Of course." Larys assured.

"I feel as though I should speak to Nyra but..." vaera shrugged.

"Its late." Larys offered.

"It is late." She agreed easily.

"Allow me to walk you back." Larys requested.

"I would like that," vaera agreed. When they got to her door she kissed his cheek and bid him goodnight. Larys had a smile on his face that refused to go away that night and long into the morning.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now