26. Arm Candy

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Two moons since Vaera's happily ever after and Larys was confident she was pregnant and having morning sickness, Vaera was not ready for a baby just yet she was the baby of the family. The baby couldnt have a baby? That didnt make any sense.

But Viserys being the most dutiful father to Vaera wanted to celebrate her pregnancy.

"Daddy its-"

"My baby is having a baby!" Viserys declared. "Her first baby of many. We must celebrate!" 

"If you insist." Vaera agreed. "I just have one request." 


"Think you can keep your hands off me for one night?" Vaera pondered as they got ready for what was turning out to be the most grand event. 

"Depends ... will you be wearing clothes?" Larys pondered wrapping his hands around her. She had been having an impossible time picking out which dress she wanted to wear. 

"Yes." she answered. He grinned.

"Then I'll be fine." He kissed along her neck, making her smile. "But maybe not, you are irresistible." 

"Irresistible you say?" Vaera purred turning his arms to face him. HIs lips descended upon hers she walked them back to the sofa and straddled his legs wrapping herself around him. But Larys groaned his head tipping back into the sofa when a knock sounded at the door. Vaera grumbled getting up and picking out a dress finally. The world seemed to have a seventh sense when it came to someone intruding on their alone time. 

"Vaera!" Daemon's voice called out. 

"UNCLE DAEMON!" Vaera squealed but Larys stopped her from rushing to the door. 

"Your dress." Larys corrected lacing her up. 

"Whoops." Vaera giggled. 

"I am the only one to see all of you." Larys reminded her. 

"He's just my uncle." Vaera corrected. "That would be weird."

"Whats weird is how he looks at you." Larys mumbled as Vaera opened the door and launched into her uncles arm. 

"Shall we get this party started love?" Daemon questioned. 

Aegon was already in party mode when vaera got there, he had spilled his stolen champagne on himself and was dancing around with a champagne flute in his hand until he saw Vaera. He ran up to her hugging her tight. 

"hello my handsome little man." Vaera declared scooping him up. "You are getting so big."

"I'm a man, Vaera." aegon agreed with a shrug. "When are we having a baby?"

"We?" Vaera laughed out as Daemon handed her a drink toasting to her while Larys was swept away by many that wanted to know how he managed to woe the Vaera Targaryen. 

"You and me. I love you, you love me, we are happy family." Aegon agreed. 

"Oh honey, I'm married to Larys." Vaera corrected. 

"The next one." Aegon agreed.

"Oh honey," Vaera laughed kissing his forehead. 

"Can i have a sip?" Aegon questioned. 

"Sure!" Daemon declared. 

"He's 6." Vaera corrected as Aegon chugged Daemon's glass. 

"And already better with the bottle than you, light weight." Daemon agreed. Vaera took a long sip and promptly hiccupped.  Daemon laughed getting them refills. 

(Remember the time period and dont start bitching about pregnancy and wine.)

Larys watched as Daemon mainly and Aegon stole vaera away from him all night long. This was to celebrate their future child and he hated sharing her with the rest of the world. But he knew his Vaera was loved. But most. Rhaenyra and Alicent not included. 

Vaera had always loved her uncle Daemon, he stole her away to dorne for a circus when she was little and then again winterfell just for the hell of it. Said there was something fun going on but that was a lie. daemon was a good liar but vaera loved his lies that led to fun. 

"I'm surprised you made it." Viserys remarked. 

"Anything for Vaera." Daemon answered with a smirk. 

"My Vaera." Aegon corrected. "Back off old man." 

"SOmeone is possessive." Daemon realized. 

"Aegon loves his big sister." Viserys agreed. 

"HEY!" Aegon shouted marching through the herds of people to get to vaera. She was holding Aemond in her arms. "What are you doing? Drop him! Now!"

"What?" Vaera countered. 

"You heard me. Drop him!"

"Aegon i'm not going to drop your brother." Vaera corrected. Aemond stuck his tongue out at Aegon. 

"He's doing this to torment me!" Aegon decided. 

"Snuggling with me?" Vaera countered. "You mean he doesnt love me?" 

"Um, thats... I didnt say that. Everyone loves you." Aegon agreed. Vaera knelt before him kissing his cheek. 

"I love you honey." Vaera cooed. "Enough of me to go around. Maybe I have a daughter and you can dote on her just as much." 

"Are you having a daughter?" 

"I dont know yet." Vaera admitted. 

"I want you." Aegon clarified. 

"And thats so sweet. I'm still not dropping your brother." Vaera clarified. Aemond gave her big sloppy kiss. 

"This is unbelievable, I have been replaced by a younger version of myself!" Aegon demanded marching off. Every time Larys tried to steal vaera, Daemon cut in and stole her away faster. When Vaera finally called it a night Larys was glad to have her all to himself again. 

"I just spent the last hour watching you being paraded around on the arm of another man. He was acting like you're some shiny trophy when you're a queen. My queen." Larys demanded, Vaera hiccupped up the champagne she was drinking with Daemon. "I'm a patient man, my darling Vaera. But I'm no gentlemen when you are with someone else, even if it is your uncle." His breath was hot on her ear. "For the rest of tonight, you're mine."

"I'm always yours." Vaera assured. She leaned up kissing him. "You know after today I dont think I can pretend I'm not pregnant."

"You are no longer in denial?" Larys pondered.

"We are going to be parents." Vaera realized.

"We are." Larys agreed. HE never thought he would marry, never thought he would have a child with a woman he loved, with a woman that loved him.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now