48 Bitch About It

658 45 3

Fortress/ severus snape/ Lucius malfoy out now

Aegon 13, Helaena 11, Jace and Aemond 10, Luke 8, Emma 7, Maisie 5, Clara and Mattheo 3

"Another one?" Vaera rolled over in bed seeing her sweet baby boy staring back at her. "Mama, another one?"

"Another one what?" vaera yawned out.

"A story mama, I'm up and I need a story." Mattheo answered.

"Larys," vaera yawned out. "Your turn."

"MAMA!" Mattheo begged.

"You are mama, sorry darling." Larys countered giving her ass a tap before turning back into the pillow. Then they were all awake, the screams of Rhaenyra's labor began early in the morning before the sun.

"I dont miss that." Vaera admitted, Mattheo had finally fallen back asleep in their bed between them after a yawn filled story about the little prince that needed to go to bed so he could have wild adventures when the sun rose. Now the sun was up and Mattheo was fast asleep while the girls were up and about.

"Your sister is problematic." Larys agreed. "So inconvenient of her."

"I know, like have your baby at mid day when we are all awake. How rude."

"How rude indeed." Larys agreed kissing her.

Vaera broke her fast with Larys, the children and her father. Vaera was so used to Larys touch that when he reached over to help Clara cut her bread she reached out for him, needing a hand on him. Larys smiled back at her, that reassuring smile that everything would be alright, they had each other.

"Rhaenyra gave birth-well its coming." Viserys remarked.

"I heard, the whole of kings landing heard." Vaera assured her father as Maisie jumped into Vaera's lap whispering about the lack of cookies present at the table. "I know its dreadful" Vaera whispered down to her.

"What's dreadful darling?" Viserys questioned.

"No cookies." Maisie shook her head distraught.

"Your daughters." Viserys laughed out.

"My girls." Vaera agreed kissing her little cheek.

"Where is Mattheo this fine morning?" Viserys questioned.

"Sleeping." larys answered. "He was up half the night, high on sugar no doubt." Larys looked to Vaera.

"I ate nothing but cookies at his age and I turned out completely fine. Stunted my growth perhaps but I slept like a rock." Vaera objected.

After breaking fast Vaera and Emma headed off to train Romeo. The little dragon seemed to smile running from between Vaera's own dragons legs.

"Hi Caly." Vaera cooed reaching out to Calypso. "How is my beautiful girl?" Calypso stood up straighter, proud of her beauty.

"Hi Aegon!" Emma declared running to him as Maisie ran a hand down Castiel's back and long scaled tail. He turned to her head butting her gently.

"Mama, I left my stuffed animal with daddy." Maisie whispered.

"You need it for training?" Vaera countered. Maisie nodded. "Okay honey, I will go get it." Vaera agreed kissing her head before heading off. "Calypso you are in charge!" She called back.

"Mama dont put dragons in charge!" Emma laughed out.

"Back to the Dragon pit for you two.'' Laenor remarked.

'Come on!' Luke begged

''Before they send out a search party.'' Laenor told them leading them out, the door closed.

''You're asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch." Harwin teased down to Joffrey ''Terrible lack of respect.''

''A certain insolence runs in the family, I'm afraid.'' Rhaenyra agreed.

"Dont let Vaera hear you say that." Harwin countered.

"Whats the new one's name?" Vaera questioned seeing Laenor in the hallway.


"Another boy, so lovely." Vaera added. Laenor smiled. "Where is the babe?"

"WIth Rhaenyra and..."

"Harwin." Vaera agreed. "I adore harwin, he was my guard when i was little. It's funny how things turned out. Him guarding Rhaenyra for no purpose and-" Laenor cleared his throat. "Sorry. I'm rambling."

"What do you got there?" Laenor questioned sending off his boys.

"Oh this is Maisie's, she needs it for training." Vaera shrugged.

"You are close with your girls, I wish I was closer with my boys." Laenor admitted.

"Just keep bugging Nyra, she needs a good kick sometimes."

"Rhaenyra isnt the problem." Laenor countered.

"Isn't she?" Vaera countered cautiously. Laenor hesitated. "I should get going, this stuffy isnt going to be snuggled from here." Vaera added, a chipper tone to her voice. "Bye Laenor, congratulations."

"Thank you." Laenor whispered.

''You must hold mastery over your dragon, my young Princes. As Prince Aegon has with Sunfyre.'' The dragon keeper told him ''Once they're fully bound to you, they will refuse to take instruction from any other.'' Vermax screeched out moving against command to get to the sheep.

'Can I say it?" Jace asked hopefully.

''Mm-hm.'' The dragon keeper agreed. The sheep baaed nervously as it was tied up. Jace stepped forward a giddy smile on his face.

''Dracarys, Vermax!''

"Hi mommy! You brought it! You took forever!" Maisie declared clutching her octopus plush close.

"I had to track down daddy." Vaera answered. "He didnt have it. But he was very distracting." She added.

"I'm going to yell at him." Maisie decided as she snuggled the octopus close.

"Dont yell at daddy, we distracted each other." Vaera assured. "But yes it was mainly his fault."

''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.''

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.


''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon mused.

"What's Aegon doing?" Emma questioned. Vaera followed her gaze.

"Aegon." Vaera warned. Aegon's smug smile fell and he was going to change his mind not wanting to disappoint his vaera but damn Jace and Luke lost control of the pig and it came barreling at Aemond.

"Mama says if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all..." Maisie shouted. Until you are alone and can bitch about it to Larys. "But Aegon you are poopy head."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now