39. Flying High

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"This is dangerous." Larys decided. 

"This is going to be fine." Vaera corrected. 

"Vaera you are pregnant."

"I'm not an invalid." Vaera countered. 

"A dragon race against someone that looks like they want to kill you," Larys reminded her. 

"Calypso Cookie Monster Targaryen is a worthy competitor." Vaera assured. "Yes I was a child when I named her but the full name was needed." Vaera agreed. "I need to beat her." 

"And I need you alive." Larys countered. 

"Then rig the game for me." Vaera suggested. Larys froze before a smirk covered his lips. She winked back at him. 

Larys liked her dark side, he liked that she didnt care if the rules were bent for her. Larys moved to the dragon pit and peered around. The sheep ready for slaughter were eating their hay clueless of their fate. Larys scratched his head causally looking around. 

"Hello little buddies... you are a snack for Syrax." Larys remarked dumping something that looked like grass before them, they ate it up quickly. Larys headed out quickly not seen or heard from anyone but the sheep. 

"Whats the matter with you?" Rhaenyra demanded. 

"Cookie Monster didnt have anything to eat?" Larys questioned. 

"Just cookies." Vaera answered. "I raised her well on cookies and kisses." Larys kissed her smile. "Why?" 

"Syrax looks a bit off." Larys offered. 

"Nerves getting to them." Vaera decided pulling herself up.

"You sure you want to do this?" Harwin questioned softly. 

"Yes." Rhaenyra agreed pulling the flask from him. 

"That's-" Harwin hesitated and her face puckered 

"Whats that?" Rhaenyra spat back. 

"I dont know-"

"I thought it was a shot of pre victory!" Rhaenyra demanded. 

"I didnt offer it to you." Harwin corrected. 

"What was that?"

"Poison for all I know." Harwin remarked. "I found it in the courtyard, fallen behind the-"

"It doesnt matter. I'm going to beat Vaera and take her down a peg." Rhaenyra demanded her glare harsh on her little sister while Vaera was all sunshine and daffodils. She smiled, giggling down at Larys. "Look at that monster." Harwin rolled his eyes. 

"You are ridiculous." he corrected heading off. 

"Ready sister?" Vaera called out. 

"Yeah, yeah." Rhaenyra murmured her head stung as she got onto Syrax and Syrax's long neck whipped around, swaying. "Whats the matter with you?'

"How far are we going?" Vaera questioned. 

"Dragonstone." Rhaenrya declared bringing a hand to her throbbing head. 

"Shall I call it?"

"No." Rhaenyra corrected. "Ser Harwin why dont you-"

"Harwin!" Vaera declared waving to him. "Say go!" Harwin chuckled stepping forward. 

"Go." He agreed and they took off. Vaera was quick off the ground while Syrax took another moment to get into the air. While Vaera took the straight path into the clouds and disappearing from view quickly Syrax swayed weaving through the air like Caraxes. 

"What's going on with the princesses dragon?" Harwin questioned. Larys leaned on his cane, admiring his handy work. 

"No clue." Larys answered with a shrug. 

Vaera whooped out happily. She rose her arms up as she got to dragonstone. Calypso did a circle around the castle before flying back. Vaera was expecting Rhaenyra to be on her heels but she wasnt anywhere in sight. No, no, Rhaenyra had fallen from her dragon and landed with a thud into the waters on the journey to dragonstone. Luckily a fisherman's ship found her, caught her up in its nets. 

"You got Syrax high?" Vaera giggled out, his hands ran over her spine, fingers trailing delicately into her hair. "And what did you give Rhaenyra?"

"I didnt do anything." Larys corrected, Vaera leaned forward kissing him. "Harwin technically gave her the tonic, unintentionally." Larys admitted. 

"Oh Larys, I thought you were going to like... I dont know make Syrax have a delayed start so she couldnt try to fry me in the air." Vaera admitted. 

"Too much?" Larys countered. 

"It was fucking perfect!" Vaera corrected. "OH larys, riding is just amazing! I barfed on the way back, had to clean off Calypso's wing but it was worth it. I wish I could have seen her face when she was pulled up in a net! Caught and trapped like a fish!" 

"I'm sure it was a sight to see." Larys agreed. 

"No one knows... I mean, no one saw that it was... you right?" 

"Of course." Larys agreed. "I know how to be stealth." 

"I cant be sneaky too." Vaera offered. 

"Oh?" Larys mused kissing her again. 

"Yeah," She agreed kissing down his chest. "I know of the passageways of Maegor."

"Would you show me?" Larys questioned, already knowing them but liking that Vaera shared that with him. 

"I would." Vaera agreed. "It's a secret that Uncle Daemon showed me but I trust you not to go letting whores in or whatnot." 

"Whores?" Larys choked out. "I would never." he demanded. "You are the only one for me. Forever."

"I believe you."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now