17. Lapse In Sanity

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"You had a lapse in sanity. Stay away from larys. Hes a weirdo." Rhaenyra had told vaera. "You dont want to get caught up with him."

Vaera was not going to listen to her sister because rhaenyra didnt have a clue what she was talking about. She just had to be sneakier with larys until she knew if this was what she wanted for the rest of her life. Kindness, friendship, adventure and... could it be love one day? She wondered. She didnt want anyone else to ruin their happiness. It couldnt be corrupted if it was just theirs. 

So thats what Vaera did over the next few moons, she got to know Larys better. She didnt want to go to her father until she knew for sure, she only wanted to be wed once. 

Larys grew to learn quite quickly how Vaera moved. How her lips moved with his. He hated any moment her hand wasnt in his, that her lips were anywhere else but on him. 

As Rhaenyra's stomach and ego grew larger, Vaera grew closer with Larys. He made sure that if Vaera might need him, he was lingering, ready for her beck and call. 

"And whats the name of that one?" Vaera questioned touching the petal of the flower.

"Fire lily." Larys answered. She smiled back at him as she reached past him putting the flower down on her bedside table. He had given her a bouquet. It was beautiful.

"Fire lily." She repeated getting closer. Larys nodded his lips brushing hers. She bit her lip before kissing him. Capturing his lips in hers.  She pulled him with her as she lay back on the bed he descended upon her. Vaeras smile her eyes her lips were all so contagious. Her hand wrapped around the back of his neck while her core arched off the bed towards him. She pulled at his shirt while her knees lifted her skirt falling up her thighs. He kissed along the bodice of her dress making her toes curl. A delicious shiver ran through her as his breath traveled between her cleavage.

Long, thin fingers tugged at her corset giving his lips more roam to wander she rolled her up hips up into him a silent plea. His leg rested between hers and his pants brushed roughly between her legs.

"Princess," there was a knock on the door and vaeras eyes went wide as she shoved larys offs urgently.  Larys groaned as he stumbled off the bed.

"Just a minute. Im studying. Naked!" She added awkwardly. She heard a chuckle outside the door. "Im changing just give me a moment!" She instructed as she fixed her dress and hid larys behind the curtain.

She moved swiftly to the door she fixed her hair quickly in the mirror before answering.


"Studying naked?" Harwin chuckled. "I would want to see that."

"Oh hush you. Whats wrong?"

"Your sister requested you. Went into labor." Harwin remarked.

"Oh thats wonderful. Yes. I will just-" she glanced back seeing larys peering out. "Put some shoes on." She decided "thank you Harwin." She quickly closed the door before turning  back to larys.

"That was close."

Larys chuckled and vaera hushed him.

"Your brother was right outside," Vaera brought a finger to his lips. "You know what would happen if anywhere were to find out I have a boy in my chambers."

"You have a man in your chambers." Larys corrected kissing her again. Vaera bit her lip before slipping on her shoes and heading to the door. 

A baby boy. Thick black hair. The rumors spread faster than wildfire.

Javaerys Velaryon. He was so cute but vaera was confident that- much like everyone else- Laenor was not the father. But their father remain completely ignorant, so who was she to burst the bubble?

So vaera what is the loving sister and doting aunt to the little Jacaerys.

After all it was not the babes fault for his parents mistakes and Vaera was never one to hold a grudge against anyone... except Alicent, she still hated Alicent. 

"Yes he is quite strong." Larys agreed as Vaera cradled little Jace to her chest. 

"He's so little," She cooed. "father said i was the littlest baby he ever saw, even littler than Jace." 

"You are still little." Larys countered. SHe pouted up at him. 

"You know I'm insecure about my height." Vaera tsked. 

"I like your height." Larys assured. 

"I'm so short." vaera countered. "I can't reach the top shelf without jumping on the counter." 

"I like you just like this." Larys corrected tipping his face down to kiss her. SHe smiled into him. "I can kiss you perfectly." 

"I suppose its not such an awful benefit to being a shortie." 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now