41. Echo

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The very first night / harwin strong


Who's afraid of little old me / HOTD out now!!

"I think thats wonderful." Vaera remarked smiling back at Laenor. 

"Thank you." Laenor agreed. 

"He can't." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"I'm meant to be on the sea, to fight." Laenor countered. "Listen to your sister." 

"She stopped listening to me ages ago, if she ever did at all." vaera countered.  "Come on Rhaenyra he's still a sailor, he's just making smart moves that will help him on his journey home. He is facing the monsters while you are just using fathers compassion to justify your unfortunate actions. Laenor is being smart, you are being daft." Vaera decided nonchalantly. Rhaenyra gaped back at her before slapping her across the face.

"How dare you talk to me like that." Rhaenyra demanded. Larys was furious. He had held his tongue and his blade long enough when it came to Rhaenyra. No more. 

"It's okay Laenor," Vaera assured when he shouted. "I'm used to it... hey Larys you want to get cookies?"

"I want to kill her." Larys corrected. 

"No, you can't, you told Laenor and then you would have to kill him too." vaera countered, Laenor chuckled heading off. 

"You know I would though." Larys countered. 

"I know." Vaera agreed. "But think better than death if you want." 

"Better than death." He repeated. 

"I'm going to go for a walk while I still can, this baby is getting bigger and I'm quite sure that I can walk this baby out faster if I try hard enough."

"Are you walking to the kitchens?" Larys questioned. 

"Yes." Vaera agreed. "Walks to get cookies will help." 

"I'm sure it will, if you dont mind I think I will skip our midday cookie, I have something... I suddenly need to do." Larys offered vaguely. 

"Go for it, honey." Vaera agreed kissing him. "Check on the kids when you are done being  Mr Mischievous." She added

The royal family could have been poisoned so easily. They didnt have testers, taste testers. Larys checked Vaera's drinks, he knew how easily it was to slip something in a drink, that was why he prepared most of her drinks when he could. 

While Rhaenyra was shitting out her organs it felt like, Vaera was licking cookie crumbs from her lips heading for the kids chambers when something adorable caught her eye. 

"Hey kitty kitty, you want to come with me?" Vaera questioned kneeling down. She regretting it immediately, how the hell was she going to get up? That was a problem for future Vaera. The cat stared back at her before strutting, tail high towards her and meowing. She reached out for her and the cat rolled over before Vaera as if to say, pet me peasant. "You want to come with me, its my husbands name day tomorrow and I couldn't figure out the best gift for him." Vaera told the cat as if she understood. The cat got up and rubbed against vaera. "He always wanted a cat." Vaera added. The cat meowed. "You like that?" another meow. "Lets go then." Vaera agreed scooping the cat up, she meowed as they walked if talking back. Vaera laughed out and the cat mewed with delight. "You little echo."

"You got me a cat." Larys was speechless when Vaera arrived with a little black cat. She purred rubbing up against larys. Larys was happy to say Rhaenyra was miserable on the chamber pot but the cat left him speechless. They had spoken of cats for ages but finally, he had one. Vaera had found one for him. 

"KITTY!" Emma declared running to the cat. The cat of course meowed in answer. "Hello!" Meow. "HELLO!" Emma declared. Meow, the cat answered purring against her.

"She has been echoing me since I found her." Vaera remarked.

Vaera Targaryen had a strange fascination with larys strong.

"I think that's her name." larys agreed. "Echo."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now