46. Grounded

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"Where is Aemond?" Alicent demanded. "Where is he? He wasnt in his bed."

" training probably or studying you know him he's a bore." Aegon answered.

" I already checked the library and the courtyard and he is not there. Where is your little brother?" She demanded

" I've run away for a week and nothing but he's gone out of his bed and you going into full panic mode?" Aegon tsked. "Wow. I see who the favorite is."

" Good morning sweetie," aemonds eyes peeled open as he blinked back at vaera.

" hi vaera." he answered sleepily.

"Larys is making breakfast do you wanna join us or do you want to sleep some more cutie?" she ran a hand through his hair, brushing it back from his eyes.

" I'll be up in just a bit." Aemond agreed. He could hear his nieces and nephew, laughing and running around the house already. Vaera Was getting them ready for the day helping them get changed and Emma was Shirley already putting on the play of her life. She was always a dramatic one.

Aemond loved this. This is what a real family looks like. He saw his uncle larys at the fire cooking up what smelled like a delicious breakfast. The twins came running up to him joyously, pulling him out of his room 

" how is he?" Larys whispered to vaera as she joined him, squeezing some oranges for juice.

" he's good I think." she admitted. " I'm assuming something happened last night. I didn't want to get into when he showed up..."

" well he's always welcome here." Larys assured kissing her cheek.

" good thing the twins don't take up too much room." Vaera added.

" should've got a bigger house." Larys agreed. " all our possible future children..." he winked, kissing her again.

" Are you two helping your uncle?"  Vaera questioned.

" sit by me!"

"No sit by me!" Mattheo corrected.

"Nooo," clara laughed out.

" he can sit between you both." Vaera suggested. " Maisie. Emma!" Vaera called out. " come on girls time to break our fast."

Maisie gasped when she saw aemond. She ran to him hugging him.

" when did you get here? You weren't here when I fell asleep last night." Maisie informed him.

" I got here late." he agreed softly. " thank you for having me."

" of course sweet boy." Vaera agreed.

" all right dig in." Larys instructed.

Aemond looked around the table as they piled food onto their plates. As vaera poured the juice.  He didn't remember the last time they all had a meal together yet this seemed like every single day. This was something they did together as a family.

" why can no one tell me where my son is?" Alicent demanded.

" he was in his bed."

" well clearly he is not." Alicent sassed. "Viserys your son is missing."


"Who!" Alicent shrieked.

"I meant which one." Viserys offered wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Aemond." She answered through an exasperated breath.

"Do you do this every morning?" Aemond questioned. 

"Eat?" Vaera questioned confused. 

"Together, as a family."

"Of course. Best part of my day is sitting around the table with them." Vaera agreed reaching out and running her hand through Maisie's hair. 

"Can I put on a show after food?" emma questioned. 

"Thats a good idea." Larys agreed. "You need your strength first though to put on the very best performance." 

"I do!" Emma agreed. 

"We dont do this at home," Aemond remarked. "Not since you left." 

"Oh honey,' Vaera whispered. "Well you are welcome here anytime." she assured. 

"Castiel! Off the table silly goose." Maisie laughed out. "Mama he's in my bowl!" 

"He is in your bowl, i think he's hungry."  Vaera agreed. 

"Dragons dont eat eggs." Aemond countered. "Do they?'

"Castiel eats everything!" Maisie corrected. "When mummy makes whipped cream, he goes crazy for it!"

"Really?" Aemond questioned. "They like sweets?"

"Well Calypso was always fed cookies," Larys remarked. 

"With good reason." Vaera agreed. "Cookies are delicious and she needed some after her name sake of cookie monster." 

When Aemond finally went home it was well past noon and all the guards were looking for him. Aegon found him unintentionally. Of course he didnt care that Aemond was missing but he was furious when he found out that Aemond had been with Vaera... for hours!

"You slept over?" Aegon demanded. "WHY! HOW!" 

"I went over and she invited me." Aemond answered. 

"But I'm her favorite." 

"I dont know about that." Aemond countered. When alicent saw him, he acted as if nothing had happened, he went to see Vaera and didnt tell anyone, what was the big deal he was safe. But Alicent held him to her, crushing him against her chest. 

"WHERE WERE YOU!" Alicent demanded before whimpering. "are you hurt? What happened? I was so worried about you baby." 

"I'm sorry, I was perfectly fine." Aemond assured. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, i'm just glad you are alright, where were you?"

"I went to Vaera's." Aemond answered and alicent face twisted. 


Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now