36. Unicorns Are Real

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Aegon 8, Helaena 6, Aemond/Jace 5, Luke 3, Emma 3ish, Maisie seven moons.

Emma and Maisie danced around the room. Well Emma danced, Maisie clapped bouncing on her little butt. Vaera was right, Emma was the best big sister.

Rhaenyra was bitter. She had two boys and Vaera got two beautiful girls. Everyone knew that boys were for the realms, but girls were just for their mothers.

Vaera wanted a little boy. She loved Aegon so much and he was such a precious little thing, now he wasnt so little anymore. He was 8 years old but still completely in love with Vaera.

Vaera visited the castle regularly but it was nice to leave and go home, to her home. A place that was only filled with good memories, sometimes she walked the halls of the castle and thought she saw her mothers ghosts in the halls. Or maybe it was Alicent's moaning about how life wasnt fair, or Rhaenyra moaning about her suffering as Heir and being handed everything. 

"Have you seen Emma?" Larys questioned. 

"She was playing in the front, said she was with her friend, I thought it was Aegon." Vaera admitted peering out as she shifted Maisie on her hip. "Maisie woke up, was crying for me. Emma was just out there..." Vaera said in a panic. "I literally just-"

"I see her." Larys relaxed turning vaera.  

Emma was carrying a turtle very slowly to her room.

"What are you doing?" Larys questioned.

"I got a turtle. He's my new pet." Emma answered taking another slow step.

"Why are you walking so-"

"Hes not used to high speeds I don't want to startle him!" Emma declared.

"That's smart." Larys agreed. "But I still think cats are better pets." 

"We will get you the best kitty cat." Vaera assured. "I know you want one." 

He would gladly take Vaera's pretty pussy right now however. 


(Mature content is between consenting, adult FICTIONAL! characters...)

Larys began a soft trail up Vaera's arms. His touch was featherlight, but his nails had a slight bite. When he reached her hands, he gripped them in his own. They stayed like that for a few beats, connected. Her grinding got slower, more languid, as she became one with his body. The slower pace meant she felt how hard he was. Another zing travels right to her lower stomach.

The lingering pulse causes her panties to dampen significantly. He pried her hands away from his neck and hair and guides them down her own body. He started with her shoulders, moving to her collar bones. His fingers remained laced through her as he grazed over her breasts, purposely running across her stiff nipples. He moves them down her bare stomach, reaching the lace of her skirt at her belly button. Vaera blushed leaning into him.   She stared up at him, arousal coursing through her. He lets go of her hands and cupped her face. He traced along her jaw before stopping to press his thumb against her lips. All she could do was stare. He wound her arms back around his neck, her gaze transfixed on his.

The lust was hazing her vision, hypnotizing her. All she could see, all she could feel, all she could hear was the beating and pulsing thrum of her heart beating in her chest.

He pressed on her lower lip, dragging his thumb down until her lip popped back up. She was so wound up that she could feel her arousal sticking between her thighs. She didn't even give it a second thought as she brought her right knee up to loop her leg around his hips.

His hands moved to spread across her back, just below her shoulder blades, to pull her tight around him. His cock throbbed against her in this position, she felt it begging for her. He moved one of his hands to grip her ass.

"What are you waiting for?" She questioned, innocent violet eyes stared up at him. "Take me already." but the door flew open and they stumbled back into each other. 

"Mama! Aegon said unicorns don't exist!" Emma sobbed out. Vaera untangled herself from larys pulling on his shirt to cover herself as she moved to her sobbing daughter. 

"Don't listen to him." Vaera assured holding emma close. "Aegon," Vaera hissed. Aegon hated when Vaera was mad at him. He ran off finding a unicorn for a crying Emma.

"We will have a talk with him about lying." larys added. 

"He was lying?" Emma whimpered. 

"Do you know that we dont know all the things that exist in the world?" Larys questioned. 

"What do you mean?" Emma questioned as Vaera wiped away the tears and snot on her little face. 

"There are so many creatures and beings that we may never find in our lifetimes.' Larys informed her. "Just because Aegon hasnt seen a unicorn doesnt mean they are not out there." Emma nodded. 

"Can I have a unicorn?" Emma questioned. 

"How about a cat?" Larys suggested. "Easier to fit in the house."

Vaera was going to request from Aegon that he refrain from telling Emma that magical beings do no exist when Aegon came knocking at their door. He loved Vaera more than anything and he wanted her happy, he hated that he made Emma sad, he didnt mean to, it just slipped out. He should have thought before he spoke. 

"Emma I'm really sorry. I was so wrong." Aegon declared. Emma nodded, a pout on her lips.

"Unicorns are real!" Emma declared. "Daddy said so!"

"I was wrong, you were right... I found one Emma.'

"You did?'

"I did." Aegon agreed. Vaera smiled back at them. "Come on look." Emma wiped her eyes following him.

Vaera chuckled leaning back into Larys as Aegon had successfully put wings and a horn on a horse. The wings were made from metal he must have had the smiths working on them immediately. 

"You found one!" Emma declared. "How?"

"I prayed really hard." Aegon answered winking back at Vaera. 

"They are good." Vaera decided leading Larys back to bed. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now