35. Unlocked

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"Be careful." Vaera requested

"You sure you want me to cut your hair?" Larys countered running his fingers through her long locks.

"You are good at everything you do ." Vaera answered. "I just want a trim."

"Okay," larys kissed her before draping a hand towel around her shoulders. She smiled up at him before facing forward. Emma was playing with her blocks happily. She smiled up at them tossing her blocks in the air.

Larys took delicate care of vaera as he pulled gently on her hair chopping off the ends. She watched him through the mirror as he pulled back layers trimming and evening out the ends. The floor was littered with hair when larys was done. Vaera tossed her hair fluffing it before doing a spin.

"Told you. You are good at everything you do Larys." Vaera remarked.

"Let me grab a broom-"

"Leave it. We dont live here anymore." Vaera countered.

"What do mean? Its ready?" Larys questioned.

"Thats not the only good news." Vaera added when emma whined out for milk. "One moment darling. All will be explained. Finish packing that last box. We will be outnof here before sun set!" Vaera decided.

Larys did as instructed. Since the birth of emma they had been- really since their wedding they had been saying how they wanted a place of their own. Larys had a home outside of the castle but it wasnt up to Vaeras standards so he moved into the castle.

They searched and searched but nothing was right. Vaera thought best just build one. So thats what they did. And now it was finally ready.

Larys didnt know what the other exciting news could be but he would eagerly await what she had to tell him.

He finished packing up, and the kids were playing so nicely together

Vaera smiled into Larys as Emma chased after Luke. Luke laughed out running in circles around the couch.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered kissing his cheek. Larys turned quickly to her. "Emma is going to be a big sister."

"She is going to be the best big sister." Larys decided holding her. "Oh Vaera..."

"Emma is going to be nothing like Rhaenyra was." Vaera decided. "When this little baby wants Emma's attention, Emma will no doubt give it to him or her. When they want tea parties they will have them... You think if Nyra and I were closer in age that she would have- that we would have been closer?" Vaera questioned.

"I dont know." Larys admitted.

"Nyra replaced with Alicent quickly but she never really loved me. She tried to kill me a few times. Daemon- I miss uncle Daemon." vaera added with a heavy sigh. "They will be less than two years apart. Unlike Nyra and I. They will closer in age and milestones and they will love each other." Vaera decided.

"Of course they will because you are perfect. Our children will be perfect like you."

" I can't wait to start this new chapter with you and Emma in our very own home!"

After putting Emma to bed, they tested the bed first. Then proceeded to dance around the house- well vaera danced. Larys watched her intently. Vaera danced around in larys shirt not a care in the world.

No one would barge in on them. No one would interrupt them this house was theirs. 

" can you believe it?" Vaera declared jumping around. " this is ours all ours!"

" seeing you here, so happy in love with this house with the life we're going to start together here, makes me the happiest I've ever been." Larys agreed.

" she moved out?" Alicent couldn't believe her ears. She was finally rid of one little monster living in the castle.

" I know my sweet baby girl wanted some more independence it seems." Viserys agreed. " she told me just this morning that she's pregnant again how wonderful.!"

" Another vaera..." alicent drawled.

"Another vaera!" Viserys agreed joyously.

Vaera and larys loved their little home. Larys never locked their bed room door anymore. Emma was free to run around the house as she pleased. She didnt have to worry about someone watching her because larys and vaera were never far.

They took family trips to the market and emma picked out her favorite sweets. Vaera had been trying her hand at cooking and larys like the trooper that he was tried every attempt at cooking with a brave face.

"Its awful. You can say it." Vaera grumbled marching out.

"Its not!" Larys assured but he spit out the bite he had taken. "Vaera love!"

"Im a failure as a wife!" Vaera decided. "I cant cook. Im bad at cleaning. I-"

"You are an amazing wife. I dont know how I got so lucky," larys assured holding her. "You werent thinking of trick riding though were you?"

"No." Vaera mumbled twisting her feet in the grass.

"The maester while you are pregnant- if you took a fall-"

"I know but its something im good at!" Vaera whined.

"Lets forget supper and make some cookies."

"I can make cookies." Vaera whispered.

"I know you can. You make the best cookies and besides," larys smiled framing her face with her silky silver hair. "Cookies cover every essential food group."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now