7. Protect Her

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Starlight / Aegon Targaryen out now!

The sniffle cry. Mostly silent, nose a little red, and eyes a little watery. We were past stage one of vaeras sadness.

Stage Two was your standard set of tears—red eyes, red nose, definitely audible. Poor girl you could hear her sadness. No hiccuping or hyperventilating was present. Still no idea what was wrong through.

Stage Two for vaera was known to occur primarily in instances of frustration against her sister or physical pain.

Stage 3 was hysterical sobbing. Her whole face would be puffy and red. Her shoulders would be shaking. Hiccuping will most definitely be present, and she should be kept under direct supervision in the event that hyperventilation occurs—because it very well could.

Vaera, perfect beautiful little vaera sniffled, looking at mellos with wide, innocent eyes. She looked to Harwin and Larys. Harwin was her guard. Criston had been transferred into Alicents service. Larys just wanted to be close to vaera just in case by some miracle she needed him. Wanted him. Vaera glanced back at larys.

Her perfect lower lip trembled, and though she doesn't know it, this look she gave him would always his  kryptonite. Her gaze shifted to harwin just as pathetically and she could have ask led harwin to chop off his left leg right now and he would probably do it.  Anything to get her smile back.

"Is he... I mean did you fix him?" Vaera asked trembling before her father.

"We had to take the arm but yes. the infection has stopped" Mellos agreed.

"Can I see him?" Vaera questioned.

"I think he would like that." Mellos agreed. Vaera was not surprised that Alicent wasn't here with her own husband in this trying time. Vaera moved to her fathers side, gnawing nervously at her lip as he stirred awake before her.

"Vaera..." his voice was weak as he adjusted in bed.

"Daddy what happened?" Vaera questioned her words broken as she saw his missing arm.

"I'm alright Vaera." Viserys assured extending his remaining hand to her. "Come here Vaera.'' Vaera held to his hand her eyes wavering. "I'm alright Vaera." He repeated.

"I cant wed Tyon Lannister." Vaera declared. "I must stay and tend to you." Vaera told him as she sat down at his side, silent tears falling down her face.

"Lets not worry about the Lannister's right now love'' Viserys suggested.

"Are you dying?" Vaera whimpered. Viserys glanced down to his missing arm.

"His grace will survive, we were able to get the whole of the infection." Mellos told her and Vaera nodded tears dripping onto Viserys, it made viserys want to cry seeing his baby so sad.

"Oh honey." Viserys whispered pulling her to him.


Vaera didn't want to deal with tyon. But he kept popping up. Like a plague.

Larys clenched his jaw when he saw vaera and Tyon together.

Watching him with her was like throwing gasoline on Larys guts. He was afraid to breathe too hard, worried it might come out in flames.

Well watch Larys burn it all down, you fucking lion.

"You good?" Harwin sidled up next to Larys obviously seeing him tense.

"Not in the slightest." Larys corrected before marching off. "Princess," larys called out and he liked that she relaxed at his presence. "You alright vaera?"

"No." She answered her tone stern. Larys wanted to put some distance between them and blocked tyons view of vaera.

"Hey Houdini, that doesn't make her invisible." Tyon remarked, as Larys stepped in front of Vaera. "Why don't you move out of the way find someone more in your lane cripple?"

"Listen here you-" vaera began but Larys raised a polite hand.

"No, he's right   Princess I do not deserve you but neither does he". Larys corrected his gaze dark on tyon. "Why don't you go inside check on your father. I will be in shortly to fetch you for our lessons".  Vaera took hesitant steps but larys nodded assuring her.

"You are in over your head lord strong or should I call you lord weak?" Tyon demanded with a cackle.

" call me what you want it does not matter because you are not marrying Vaera. You're never going to look at her again in fact." Larys corrected.

"Oh? You think so well who put you in charge of her because her father thinks I'm a good match."

"Her father just lost an arm. She is still in no shape to marry. You are new here. Vaera is the baby of the family and her fathers favorite. When she tells him she doesnt want you, you will be gone." Larys assured. "Might as well leave now before you are tucking your tail between your legs." He suggested.

"I dont think you understand cripple. Im marrying Vaera. Im getting a princess. So back off." He gave larys a shove and he tripped back a few steps.

"I may not have the official title of protector," larys remarked gently. "But I will protect her."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now