28. Dream of You

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Larys wasnt the type of man that most little girls dreamed about. He wasnt large and muscled but tall and lanky. He didnt have bulging muscles like his brother or a smoldering look that was an instant pantie dropper. But he was perfect for vaera.

Larys was smart and charming and protective. His arms wrapped perfectly around vaera and she never had to worry that there might be another woman. Unlike rhaenyra and harwin, vaera wasnt so sure that harwin wasnt visiting brothels. She adored harwin. She had known him for years but he was a mans man and harwin was the man that drew every womans gaze without trying.

Even though rhaenyra should have never been with harwin in the first place. Their love affair wasnt a security blanket that she was harwins only woman. But vaera could have been imagining things.

She was happy with larys. She didnt doubt his love or loyalty. And he didnt doubt hers.

While other men had their hair cut short, or grew it out much too long, vaera liked larys hair length. Liked the way it swooped down in little waves. She couldnt wait until their had children and had his dark wavy hair. She liked to run her fingers through his hair when he kissed her.

She was never all that fond of her own white silver hair. It was straight and bland but larys was dark and wavy the complete opposite. Since rhaenyra already gave her a model of what her own children should look like if genetics were accurate they would have black hair like larys.

"Wine?" Larys questioned.

With a gentle laugh, vaera eased back into him. Even though he seemed dead set on opening that bottle of wine, she reached up splaying her fingers through his hair and lock her lips on his. His chest rumbles against her back as he groans in satisfaction, sweeping his tongue across the seam of her lips, urging her to part them for him and she did.

Eagerly and hungrily, she deepened the kiss and ignored the click of the wine falling on the rug as she turned in his arms and let the kiss consume hee. The kiss and touch she was always thinking about. It's everything she always dreamed of.

She was starting to think he may really be her happily ever after. She didnt think those things exactly existed. Happy endings. These feelings are dangerous. To know you're falling and not want to stop ... that's how you set yourself up for heartbreak but never with larys.

And yet, as she fell back into his embrace, she would willingly hand over whatever larys wanted. If he kept holding her, kissing her, and wanting her like he does, she would give him whatever he asked for.

"I just want you."

Vaera woke with kisses on her neck and a hand wrapped around her waist.

"Last night was fun." Vaera whispered.

"It was." Larys agreed kissing her again.

Holding each other and talking until the sun started to set. Hours always seemed to fly by whenever they were together, and today had been no different. How had a single day felt more like twenty?

Vaera woke to larys scribbling in his journal, she moved silently to him reading over his shoulder. 

"For our future child." Larys remarked. "A story..." Vaera draped her arms around his shoulders resting her cheek against his. 

Once upon a time there was a princess but she wasnt a damsel. She didnt need rescuing. She was smart and cunning and the most beautiful woman in the world.

Vaera smiled back at larys before looking down at the parchment again.

But her most dutiful friend knew the princess couldnt get her hands dirty so he was going to handle the princesses problems discreetly-

"Is this a mystery?" Vaera questioned. "A murder mystery?" Larys shrugged. "Based off of real life deaths of cowardly lannister lions?" Larys smirked back at her. "Im excited to see where this story goes." Vaera assured as she leaned in kissing him. "But less death for our childrens story." She requested. 

"Good idea, this one will be more... memoir."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now