18. Secret Love

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Vaera caught herself by splaying one hand on Larys chest. They both looked down, transfixed by where she's made contact. Larys shirt might as well not be there because it felt like she's touching his bare skin. His cock twitched, clearly not differentiating at all. Chest cock. Sure same thing. Yep. Gods he wanted her.

"Sorry." Vaera whispered righting herself. That little smirk she gave him was the perfect combination of heavenly and devilish.

"Quite alright." Larys assured choking out a breath. Vaera smirked back at him as she followed her father off. Larys sighed watching her longingly.

"Stop it." Harwin demanded punching his shoulder. "Thats the princess."

"And do you know who Rhaenyra is brother?" Larys countered. Harwins gaze snapped back to him. "What? Did I strike a nerve?"

Harwins lips pursed and larys smirked. Waiting patiently for harwin to react. He was good at it. He didn't know how to hold his temper. Larys smirked walking off. Harwin fisted his hands at his side.

"You got something to say little brother?"

"I just did." Larys countered.

"Larys-" harwin growled.

"Excuse me. I have prior engagements to attend to."

Larys felt on top of the world. He moved to vaeras chambers and placed a flower on her bedside before heading off. That way when she got back she would think of them.

"You alright vaera? You seem distracted." Viserys remarked.

"Im fine." Vaera assured "just thinking."

"A new man in your life?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"How about you Rhaenyra?" Vaera sassed.

"Shut it." Rhaenyra hissed.

"Daddy pass the rolls please." Vaera cooed.

"Yes sweetie." Viserys agreed. Alicent glanced between them as she chewed on a brussle sprout.

"Alicent how are you lately? I feel like rhaenyra sucks up all the heir recently." Vaera added.

"Im fine." Alicent assured softly.

"Great... i feel like its baby central around here Aegon. What do you think?" Vaera questioned. Aegon blushed up at her. She reached out touching his cheek and his smile got bigger. "Helaena and Aemond and Jace... im no longer the baby of the family."

"Always my baby girl." Viserys corrected reaching out his hand for her. "My vaera."

"Daddy." Vaera cooed knowing it would irk rhaenyra. Vaera was the favorite she always was and always would be. "Aegon honey can you pass the cookies?"

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Vaera liked being near Larys, liked their secrets. Their secret love. Thats what they had to do. Fall for each other without anyone knowing. Because Rhaenyra would ruin the magic that they had if she knew Vaera was falling for Larys right under their noses.

Larys appeared in vaeras chambers that night after supper, she smiled sealing the door behind him. Harwin didnt know what Larys was up to, Lyonel didnt want to know, it was better for everyone if Lyonel was left in the dark on this front.


"Hi." Larys echoed, she got up on her toes and kissed him quickly.

"Come in. Come in. Dont linger in the hall." Vaera insisted.

"I thought we could pretend to do lessons if anyone asks." Larys mused holding up a book.

"Pretend? Yes." Vaera agreed. Larys also pulled out a bottle of wine. "Oh yes essential for studying." Vaera agreed moving to the glassware.

Larys was a hopeless romantic. Up until vaera it had truly been hopeless. Now he was less hopeless and more romantic. He liked being able to woe her.

Vaera curled up beside him on the couch and they talked about their days. Vaera told him about supper and how cute Aegon was. Told him about Rhaenyras awful ideas that Vaera will be wed soon enough, all lies. The only man she wanted was right beside her. 

Larys reached out grabbing the stuffed animal he had gotten her and she smiled back at him. 

"I still love him." Vaera agreed. "He's doing a bad job of keeping the boys away though," She mused. Larys chuckled kissing her temple. "I wish we didnt have to hide." Vaera whispered. "I would tell everyone." 

"I know you would but until I can ask your father properly for your hand, I dont want anyone getting in the way of what we have."

"You are going to ask my father?" Vaera questioned shifting to face him. 

"I..." Larys stumbled over his words as he stared into her violet eyes. "I..."

"You are?" 

"I am." Larys gasped back suddenly unable to take a deep breath. Vaera leaned in kissing him. 

"He will say yes, I know he will." 

"He doesnt know how you feel about me." Larys countered and resisted the urge to ask, how do you feel about me?

"Better reason to bring this secret into the light. He just wants me happy, I'm his baby girl." Vaera reminded him. 

"You are my girl." Larys corrected pulling her close. 

She just stayed there, tucked under larys arm, her legs bent over his, her head cradled against him for what felt like hours. The candles were down to the nubs and the wine was empty. Vaera didnt move, didnt let go of him. Could she be as reluctant as he was to end the night?

Larys didn't say a word just continued to hold her.

"You could stay." Vaera finally spoke and larys heart skipped a beat. "If you wanted." She added quickly.

"I would... love to," larys agreed.

"Im tired. You are comfortable." Vaera added as if he needed a reason to stay instead of head home, alone. Larys chuckled kissing her head.

"I will gladly stay with you every night for the rest of our lives."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now