51. This Fool

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''It fills me with unrelenting shame.' Lyonel remarked.

''So that's what this is about then? Your shame.'' Harwin countered

''Our shame, Harwin!'' Lyonel shouted back. ''Shame on the whole of House Strong.'

"Dont lump me into this." Larys corrected. "I married my princess. We have beautiful legitimate children together and my life in fact is going great!"

"Not helping, Larys." Harwin seethed.

"I'm sorry. I'm the good child for once. I know its new for you." Larys agreed. "Being the disappointment."

"Larys," Lyonel agreed giving him a pointed look.

''Because I laid my hands on that insufferable Cole, the son of a steward?'' Harwin countered with a huff.

''He is a Knight of the Kingsguard now, a defender of the crown.'' Lyonel corrected through an exasperated breath.

"And the queens dear friend, plus he is great with the children." Larys added. "He is really like part of the family-"

"LARYS!" Harwin barked.

"I'm just reminding you what you are ignorant to." Larys answered innocently.

''He assailed Prince Jacaerys, the future heir to the throne.'' Harwin corrected. "How is that like family?"

"I meant to my children." Larys offered. "Emma checked on him after your beating. It was sweet. She is sweet, like Vaera." Larys added.

''You have laid us open to accusations of an uglier treachery.'' Lyonel spat.

''And what treachery is that?'' Harwin countered annoyed. Larys laughed out.

"Who does this idiot think he's fooling?" Larys murmured under his breath.

''Don't play the fool with me, boy. Your brother is right. Your intimacy with the Princess Rhaenyra is an offense that would mean exile and death... for you, for her, for the children!'' Lyonel reminded him sternly.

''It is rumor only... spun by the Princess's rivals'' Harwin hissed.

''People have eyes, boy. Especially since Larys and Vaera were wed. Their children-" Lyonel declared.

"Are perfect." Larys cut in.

"And Rhaenyra's have some uncanny similarities." Lyonel finished.

"I mean, my children are better in all ways." Larys countered. "More brilliant, more beautiful, more-"

"We get it larys you are proud." Harwin hissed.

"Yes I am. Because I did it right." Larys agreed. Harwin glared back at him.

"Yet His Grace the King, it seems, will not accept what his eyes see. This flimsy shield alone stands between you and the headsman." Lyonel told him ''The willful blindness of a father towards his child.''

''I wish my father affected a similar blindness.'' Harwin hissed.

''Have I not these many years? And yet today, you publicly assaulted a Knight of the Kingsguard in the, in the defense of your...''

''You have your honor and I have mine.'' Harwin told him solemnly.

"Vaera... About earlier." Aegon began and she sighed turning to him.

"You were following Cristons orders, his instructions. That is his fault. You were listening." Vaera offered as he sat beside her.

"I just... I'm sorry if I... I could have handled it better." Aegon offered.

"That shows great maturity." Vaera remarked scratching her nails gently down his back as he leaned into her. "I'm proud of you Aegon, stay my wonderful boy." Vaera begged kissing his head.

"I heard Lord Strong yelling, then mother was yelling and... well I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Aegon added.

"I will be." Vaera offered as he hugged her.

"Sending him to Harenhal seems the safest option." Larys remarked that night. "My father wants to resign from his post as well."

"I hate to say it but Harwin leading Rhaenyra might be a good thing." Vaera admitted. "I mean, I adore him, he's family." Vaera assured, Larys ran a hand over her back, she snuggled into him. "But..."

"But?" Larys asked intrigued.

"Maybe she can get her act together if she isnt so distracted by harwin."

"Is he a distraction?" Larys countered, tensing slightly.

"For most." Vaera answered honestly. "Dont worry you are the only Strong man for me."

"I better be the only man for you." Larys clarified. Larys waited until Vaera was fast asleep before heading out that night, he kissed her gently before making his way to the cells, his cane tapping along the cold ground as keys clinked in his hand.

''What a collection of heroes I have before me.'' Larys remarked looking around the dimly firelit cells. ''A murderer... a deviant... a traitor to the crown. For your crimes, you've been sentenced to death by hanging.''

"You have a better offer?"

"I do." Larys admitted.

''What do you want with us?''

''I am prepared to offer you mercy... if you're prepared to pay a little price.''

Larys cleaned up afterwards and headed back to bed, he slid in beside Vaera holding her close. She snuggled into him, her dreams were clouded but she felt his arms wrap tighter around her and she knew she was safe.

''Be good to your mother, lads. I'll visit when I can. But that may be some time.'' Harwin remarked looking down at the boys. ''Jace. I will return... I promise.'' Harwin looked between them, jace was too sad to speak. ''I will be a stranger when we meet again.'' Harwin realized softly as Harwin hugged Jace goodbye.

''Princess.'' Harwin whispered as he headed out.

''We will exchange letters by raven. Won't that be fun?'' Rhaenyra questioned as they watched Harwin leave.

''Is Harwin Strong my father? Am I a bastard?' Jace questioned looking up at her.

''You are a Targaryen. That's all that matters.''

"Bye Harwin, we will take a visit soon." Vaera offered hugging him.

"I would like that. I... I know I messed up." harwin whispered.

"It's in the past, you need to focus on your future. Find a nice girl." Vaera suggested. "I still dont know what you saw in my sister."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now