37. Grumbling for Cookies

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"Emma! Emma!" Maisie loved to wake up by big sister everyday. She pushed open the door and ran to her. "Up up up up." she begged big eyes looking at her mother. Vaera picked her up putting her in emmas bed. She climbed next to Emma and smiled.

"Emma. Wake up! I here!" Maisie declared patting her arm. Emma grumbled rolling over. "Emma! It me! Sissy! Wake up!" Maisie instructed kissing her cheek.

If only Emma remembered what she did with Larys every morning, waking up and crawling all over him until he got up.

Vaera was used to the morning sickness and the weird cravings but for her third pregnancy she thought she might just die. She ran to the loo before returning to her girls to get them ready. Emma picked out her outfit for the day while Vaera got a very wiggly Maisie ready.

"This one!" Emma decided holding up a little blue riding outfit. 

"It's perfect." Vaera agreed. "You need help getting dressed?"

"I try." Emma assured sitting down and trying to slid her pants on. "Dresses are easier to put on." She decided quickly giving up and holding it out for vaera. 

Vaera was very concerned with the food craving she was getting this pregnancy. Vegetables made her gag and yet this nugget wanted carrots and green beans and broccoli. Bleck!

"Whats wrong mama?" Emma questioned seeing vaera rubbing at her stomach.

"My tummy hurts." Vaera answered.

"Hello love, ahh i see we are waking up emma as usual." Larys held out the tray and vaera took it from him. "I noticed the morning sickness is back." He added. Larys noticed things most people didnt or couldnt see. "You were up early. And you always sleep in during pregnancies if you can." She took the tea from the tray and breathed in.

"I love you so much." Vaera agreed. Her stomach gurgled.

"You hungry? What are you craving?"

"The worst possible things." Vaera murmured.

"My oh my i never thought i would see the day." Criston remarked. Vaera gnawed on a carrot.

"I dont like it. I hate it. My body wants it. This baby wants it. What the literal heck! After all my hard work this baby betrayed me and wants veggies!" Vaera grumbled.

"Maybe this baby will get you eating right." Viserys agreed. 

"Nonsense as soon as I stop these awful craving-" she reached for a pickle sticking it in some cream. Viserys brow furrowed and lips pursed as she took a bite. "I'm done eating healthy. Back to cookies, I'm honestly surprised my body hasnt gone into shock already." 

"What... you just..." Vaera looked down at the food in her hand. 

"Dont question it, I have been eating rabbit food during this pregnancy." she continued to pile strange concoctions onto her plate. Vaera licked her lips seeing them staring back at her. "I dont need you gawking at me." vaera sassed rising up. "I came here because I refuse to keep greens at the house." Vaera informed them. 

"No, I'm sorry I love having you back." Viserys assured. "It's just..."

"Just?" Vaera demanded. 

"Vaera love, I think its time for some tea and a walk with the girls." Larys suggested. Vaera had been very moody this pregnancy as well. She was quick to over react and short to temper. Larys knew how to settle her and Viserys was glad, this moody Vaera was too much like the rest of the women in the capital and Viserys didnt like the rest of the women in the capital. 

"Have a lovely day, Vaera." Viserys declared waving them off. 

"I'm still hungry." Vaera murmured. 

"I will grab your plate." Larys agreed limping back to the table he stared down at what she had mixed together. "Dont worry, she is fine." Larys assured softly. "Just... hormonal." 

"Thank you for taking good care of her." Viserys added. Alicent loved moody Vaera, she hoped it would show Viserys that vaera wasnt perfect. 


Emma had the worlds biggest pout on her little face as she was grumbling and grumbling and grumbling.

Larys glanced back at her as he tidied up the kitchen. She stomped her foot on the ground, crossing her arms over her chest, staring at him impatiently.

Larys continued on his way to the basin scrubbing at the bowl. Emma stomped her foot again. Perhaps he didnt hear her. She grumbled louder this time. Larys hummed as he finished cleaning up.

"Larys our daughter has turned into a grumbling gorilla." Vaera remarked.

"Mama!" Emma ran to her. Her little head colliding with vaeras growing stomach. "Daddy said no!"

"No to what honey? Im sure he had a very good reason." Vaera countered.

"No to cookies!" Emma corrected and larys could hear vaera gasp. The horror.

"Larys!" Vaera shouted.

"They are still cooking!" Larys countered just as quickly.

"Hes so mean." Emma declared. Larys brought a hand to his freshly wounded heart.

"Oh honey daddy is not being mean the cookies are not done yet. They are not even cookies yet." Vaera agreed.

"Not even... cookies?"

"Not even cookies until they finish cooking." Vaera agreed. "I think daddy needs a hug, after you called him mean." Emma ran over to larys hugging his legs.

"You are not mean daddy." Emma assured.

Maisie on the other hand had walked over and reached in feeling the warmth on her skin as she grabbed a stick cookie from the hot stone.

"Yum." Maisie countered. Vaera froze, her breath caught in her throat.

"What the heck!" emma demanded. "You just said-"

"Maisie are you alright?" Larys demanded dropping beside her and grabbing her hand but she didnt have a burn, she was perfectly fine.

"They sticky.' Maisie answered.

"Certainly targaryen."

vaera had never tested such things. She loved the heat of the fire but to stick her hand in the fire, she wasnt that crazy. She examined Maisie's hand as Emma pouted out.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now