50. I Fight

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"I fight." Mattheo decided.

"No." Larys corrected. "The moment you get a sword in your hand is the moment you start turning into my brother and I dont want that ever."

"Daddy." Mattheo commanded pulling on his pant leg. "I fight."

"You no fight." Larys corrected.

"I fight."

"No." Larys corrected.

"I train?" Mattheo questioned.

"I don't know bud what would your mama say?"

"Big strong man!" Mattheo showed off his muscles.

"My big strong man." Larys agreed.

''Soften your knees. Feet light.'' Criston remarked as the young princes were training together in the courtyard. Larys glanced to Aegon spinning his blade around like an idiot. He didnt want Mattheo following in his footsteps.

''Keep your feet light and your hands heavy.'' Harwin instructed. He of course had taken a keen interest in the princess Rhaenyra's childrens training.

''This is the stuff, Lyonel. Lads that learn together, train together... knock each other down, pick each other up. They will certainly form a lifelong bond, wouldn't you agree?'' Viserys questioned as he watched from above. "Oh look at little Mattheo." Lyonel smiled seeing his own grandson down there with Larys dragging around a sword.

"Looks like he is going to kill his father with that." Lyonel added.

''Don't stand too upright, my Prince. You'll get knocked down.'' Criston warned and Aegon let out a grunt of distaste. ''Aegon.'' Criston began.

''I've won my first bout, Ser Criston. My opponent sues for mercy.'' Aegon said pompously.

''Well, you'll have a new opponent then, My Lord of the Straw. Let's see if you can touch me. You and your brother.'' Criston offered and Aegon and Aemond stepped forward, sparring swords lunging at criston but he was skilled warrior. The princes were yelling and grunting as they lunged and failed to knock criston down.

"Daddy- woah, you are losing." Emma decided looking to Aegon.

''You're gonna have to do better than that.'' Criston agreed.

"Let me at him." Emma decided pulling the sword from Mattheo. "You two dont know how to do it."

"She certainly has Vaera's confidence." Aemond remarked.

"You should know this by now, go for the weak spots." Emma at seven and all her wisdom whacked at the back of criston's knees and got him off balance. Aegon gaped back at her impressed and also furious that she was beating criston with no training. "Then you jump on him!" Emma added putting the blade down and jumping on Criston's back. Criston chuckled hoisting her on his back.

"Yep, thats how you win." Criston agreed, Emma smiled into him. Criston would always have a special place for Vaera and her children in his heart. Her kids were as sweet as her.

''Ah. Weapons up, boys.'' Harwin remarked coming up to Rhaenyra's children. ''Give your enemies no quarter.'' Harwin glanced over at Criston and Emma. "Larys you want to help out your nephews?" Harwin questioned. Larys was about to say as he almost always almost said 'nephew?' but yes Rhaenyra was technically his sister in law even though Vaera hated her.

"You know I'm not much of a fighter." Larys countered.

''It seems the younger boys could do better with a bit of your attention... Ser Criston.'' Harwin remarked and Criston turned to him stiffly as he put Emma down on the ground again, she moved to Aemond.

"Did you take note?" emma questioned.

"I did. But i dont think I can jump on him." Aemond answered.

''You question my method of instruction, ser?'' Criston asked calmly.

''Oh, I merely suggest that method be applied to all your pupils'' Harwin suggested nodding to Jace and Luke.

''Very well. Jacaerys... come here.'' Criston agreed ''You spar with Aegon.'' Aegon chuckled seeing his younger cousin step forward nervously. ''Eldest son against eldest son.''

''It's hardly a fair match.'' Harwin remarked.

"Certainly will be an entertaining match for about ten seconds." Larys mumbled grabbing Mattheo's hand and pulling him back.

''I know you've never seen true battle, ser, but when steel is drawn, a fair match isn't something anyone should expect.'' Criston remarked smugly. Larys loved when Criston picked on Harwin, it was nice to see him knocked down a cocky peg from someone else. ''Blades up. Engage.'' The boys attacked, Aegon being elder and larger got Jace down easily but Jace had fire and he jumped back up. Running back Aegon knocked the straw dummy over onto Jace.

''Foul play.'' Harwin remarked.

''I'll deal with him.''

Emma screamed running and hiding behind Larys as the boys dueled, and Criston egged Aegon on.

"Come on, inside, you dont need to need to see this." Larys remarked leading Emma and Mattheo back in. Mattheo however was hypnotized by the fighting.

''Enough!'' Harwin shouted pulling Aegon back from Jace.

''You dare put hands on me?'' Aegon shouted in outrage.

''You forget yourself, Strong.'' Criston said calmly. ''That is the Prince.'' Larys glanced back at them. He knew what Criston was doing but clearly Harwin didnt because his jaw tensed and he was falling right into Cristons trap.

''This is what you teach, Cole?'' Harwin countered ''Cruelty... to the weaker opponent?'' Harwin got down picking up the sparing swords.

''Your interest in the princeling's training is quite unusual, Commander. Most men would only have that kind of devotion toward a cousin... or a brother... or a son.'' Criston mused and Harwin charged at him.

''Get back!'' the kingsguard yelled pulling the princes away as the men dueled.

'' Say it again! Say it again!'' Harwin demanded as he was pulled back, Criston lay bloody on the ground but a smirk on his face.

"Harwin!" Larys scolded as Lyonel looked away embarrassed.

"Can I check on Ser Criston?" Emma questioned. Larys nodded and Emma hesitantly moved to Criston.

"Are you okay?" Emma questioned. "it was because I beat you earlier right, you were already injured." Emma realized.

"You gave me a good warm up." Criston answered weakly. "I just didnt expect him to... act such ways."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now