34. Killer

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Mornings usually consisted of Vaera running to get Emma and bringing her back to bed with them.

Vaera loved her baby girl so much. She hated being apart from her. Larys was a night owl and up later than vaera most nights. He took the night shifts with emma as well while vaera had become a morning person when emma came along.

Emma would sit between their pillows and giggles would overcome her little self. Emma poked larys cheek and nose before sneezing in his face. Larys glanced back at to a giggling vaera as he wiped his cheek.

Emma leaned forward to investigate her fathers face a bit more liking his dark eyelashes before poking him in the eye.

"Emma," larys begged. She would tip back into vaera smiling before crawling all over larys face and neck. Sitting on his chest and wrapping herself around his head. "Cant breathe." Larys countered but emma thought it was so much fun. Larys looked to vaera as he unwrapped emma from him. Both his girls had him wrapped around their little finger.

Vaera smiled leaning forward to kiss him.

"I want another." Vaera whispered

"I want that too." Larys agreed positioning emma between them only for her to crawl over larys again. She laughed and laughed tipping forward to kiss him. 

"She's a daddys girl." Vaera whispered snuggling up next to them. Larys didnt know how he got so lucky. 

Larys had become in tune with Vaera and where she was. She didnt go to meetings, she wasnt the heir after all. So she could have been anywhere at any given time. Usually she was in the air with the kids or by the horses doing tricks but today Larys sensed her in the courtyard. 

Harwin. Damn that man. 

Larys knew that Vaera loved him and that he had nothing to worry about but seeing his vaera surrounded by guards all wanting to fuck her, made him furious. 

"You are gorgeous." 

"My husband certainly thinks so." Vaera agreed moving closer to Harwin. Larys knew that Harwin was protective of Vaera. He was glad for that when he wasnt around, Harwin was looking out for her but clearly Harwin saw her discomfort with the men that circled her and he did nothing. 

"Your husband? You arent married." 

"I most certainly am." Vaera corrected. "Har-"

"Who? This guy?" Harwin shook his head. "Who then is worthy of you?"

"Larys." Vaera answered. 



"Your idiotic brother?" The knight laughed out, Harwin didnt stand up for Larys and Larys hated that, Vaera did too. She stared up at Harwin with a deadly gaze. 

"Larys is wonderful and you are clearly a man whore." Vaera corrected bluntly. "If you will excuse me-" the guard reached out grabbing her arm. Harwin pushed him back at that. 

"What did you call me?"

"Do not ever touch me again." vaera warned. "Or you will lose your hand." Vaera hissed marching off. 

"Whats the matter with you?" Harwin demanded. "You drunk?" 

Larys was going to have a talk with this man. 

"Its simple really you are good to my vaera and I tolerate you. You flirt with my wife again, I end you." Larys demanded. "You hurt my vaera, I kill you... see? Simple." Larys warned. The guard did not take his threats seriously however, he really should have. 

How strange it is to think of the violence those fingers have wrought, of the evil they had done and still would do. Was it evil or was it passion? Vaera shook away the thought for the morning and picked up Emma, glancing to Larys, he moved to her kissing her. What he did he did to protect her. To keep the evil away from her. Just like that Lannister. She thought she knew, she always knew it was him that disposed of the lion. She was glad for it. This man, this dead knight must have done something bad. Larys wasn't a killer without reason.

But the knight was dead, his hand removed, no one thought twice about him, he was a guard, easily replaced. But Vaera thought about their altercation in the courtyard, thought about Larys face, filled with hatred. But saw the pain in his eyes knowing that she was uncomfortable and didnt feel safe. 

"Something wrong my love? I can sense you thinking very hard about something." Larys informed her running a hand over her back.

"I'm just thinking about you." Vaera answered. "How much I love you."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now