8. Don't Look

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"Dont look." Harwin requested. Vaera smirked back at him propping one hand on her hip. 

"Thats basically like saying look over here right now!"

"Vaera please-" harwin begged.

"Well now I have to see." Vaera sassed trying to push past harwin.

"Vaera its for your own good." Harwin corrected.

"What is? Whats that?" She pointed in the opposite direction making harwins eyes narrow at nothing. "Oh my Gods!" Vaera declared weaving around harwin as he was distracted.

"Heavens," harwin muttered chasing after her.

"Whats going on- ohhhh. What happened to him?" Vaera questioned curiously and yet also disgusted. Larys liked that she didnt cower away from the dead body before her.

"Over indulgence is my guess. He has been known too..." tyland stopped himself.

"And your family wanted me married to a drunkard?" Vaera declared, completely flabbergasted.

"Well that clearly isnt happening now." Jason agreed. "I volunteer to as tribute." He stepped forward but vaera gave him a hard shove back. He tripped over his dead cousin. "Ohh gross it touched me!" Jason whined scurrying away.

"A real man you are." Vaera mumbled marching off. "I dont know what the big deal is," vaera offered harwin. "Im not some fragile delicate little thing," she added. "Im in fact very glad that he is dead."

"Oh vaera dont say that out loud." Harwin tsked.

"Why not? I am. He was horrible and pompous and rude. He was very rude to Larys too." Vaera informed him.

"Larys you say? My brother larys?"

"I only know the one, Larys." She agreed before continuing on her way.

"Larys," harwin groaned marching towards his little brother.

"Shame about that Lannister. But vaera really is better off." Larys remarked when harwin got to him.

"What did you do?"

"What?" Larys brought a hand to his own chest. "You wound me."

"Vaera said tyon was rude to you."

"She speaks of me?" Larys questioned happily. His heart felt lighter already.

"I know your temper larys but it has never turned violent before."

Not that you know of Larys thought with an easy smile.

"Im not a violent person. If i were I would have killed you years ago." Larys half mused.

"Be serious." Harwin deadpanned.

"Fine." Larys agreed. "But i dont know what you want me to say. Vaera is better off and as the maester said he over indulged. I hear weaker men do it often to quiet the voices."

"The voices?" Harwin questioned.

"I listen to my voices. They are usually right."

"Your subconscious? The angel on your shoulder?" Harwin countered.

"You have an angel on your shoulder? Brother dont tell people that they will think you are bonkers." Larys mused a smug smile on his face.

"Im sorry I said anything. You are right. He over indulged." Harwin agreed. He didnt want to believe his brother capable of murder.

"I spoke to father. He said now really isn't the right time for union anyways and he promised that we would do better than Lannister next time. He also said I would get the same courtesy as rhaenyra did even though she fucked it up." Vaera chuckled. "He said I could go on my own royal tour when the time comes." Larys nodded slowly. "But im in no hurry..."

He met her gaze. he didn't know why she was telling him all this, but he liked that she did, that she wanted him to know.

" I hope whoever your new husband may be in the very distant future," larys added grabbing her hand. "- doesn't steal you away from me entirely that would be the most..." he let out a deep breath and she gave his hand a squeeze. "Heartbreaking thing in the world."

" well, you don't have to worry I'm not going anywhere."

Larys would kill every single one of the suitors that came to court if it meant, holding onto her a little bit longer. Because he knew looking into those beautiful violet eyes that he would burn the world down if it ever hurt her.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now