15. Any Takers

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Vaera yawned tipping back in her chair her legs kicked up and she leaned and leaned and leaned. Harwin grabbed the chair to keep it from falling. She smiled over at him.

"Are we done yet?"

That was something vaera asked harwin daily. Sometimes hourly. Or every other minute during the tour. She waved a hand dismissing another man.

Each time she got to a new location she would stand front and center her head held high and examine the men.

"Im vaera Targaryen and I have some rules and requirements some regulations if you will on my future husband. If you are age 17 to.... 31 please move to my left." She would dismiss the elder and and younger remaining.

"Where do you live and would you be willing to relocate?"

Those not willing to relocate were dismissed. Those from either end of westeros as well. Dorne was blood boiling and the north was a frozen tundra.

Then like any good speed dating she asked them personal questions.

"Whats your favorite cookie?"

It was an important question.

"How many children do you want?"

Any man that answered more than three was trying to kill her. Yes she wanted children but she didnt want to be a baby maker the rest if her life either. She wanted a boy and a girl. Or two girls... but preferably one of each.

She was able to dwindle the men down from a hundred to about a dozen or so with her revised plan.

"So are we done yet?"

"When is she coming back?" Larys questioned.

"When she has a husband." Lyonel answered.

"Where is she now?" Larys questioned.

"The riverrun." Lyonel answered.

"You are lying." Larys countered. Lyonel met his gaze and pursed his lips.

"No im not." He countered

"Yes you are. You dont know where she is because she changed the plans and went north before and is skipping regions she doesnt like the weather for." Larys countered. "Why lie to me? You expect me to go to the place she is at and try to woo her? I know im not anyones first choice." Larys assured.

"Thats not what-"

"But I care about her and she is my friend." Larys demanded.

"She is lucky to have you as a friend." Lyonel agreed.

Friend. Friend. Fuck Friendship. Larys wanted more.

" pass..." vaera countered. Harwin chuckled. "Moving on! Thank you but no thank you next!" she declared, with a wave of her hand in the air just during them away. "Harwin," she moaned. " can we go home? I really wanna go home. I don't like this. I'm so bored I miss cookie."

" you had cookies this morning"

" cookie my dragon cookie." Vaera corrected. " I'm disappointed you couldn't tell the difference between the two."

"Sorry Vaera." Harwin agreed.

"Rhaenyra is pregnant Do you think she'll have had the baby by the time I come back?"

" I hope it takes a little bit longer." Harwin countered hesitantly.

" how long do babies stay inside?" Vaera questioned. "The womb... I am the baby at the family. I don't know these things. I never had to know these things I suppose one day when I have a child I should know these things."

"Nine moons I believe."

" That's a really long time and then there's a human out in the world in you are trusted to just... help it survive? Show it kindness and compassion and love. Not turn it into a failure? It seems like a very difficult responsibility to throw upon Nyra. As you know, she's not the most responsible." Harwin choked out a laugh. " I'm not wrong."

" you are not wrong." he admitted reluctantly.

" so can we go home? I miss Home. I miss daddy." Vaera begged.

"Im sick of this tour myself. Any takers to entertain marriage?" Harwin mused.


Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now