29. Eloquent

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"Whats the matter with you?"

"Im just tired," vaera yawned out. She reached for her tea cup. "Didnt get any sleep last night-"


"What?" Vaera countered her gaze tiredly moving to Rhaenyra. "Oh no. I dont talk about sex in front of daddy." Vaera declared. "Im catching a flu maybe. I feel like I got hit by a carriage." Vaera added. "Im sore all over my nose is runny and my head is throbbing."

"Poor thing was tossing and turning all night." Larys agreed reaching out and grabbing vaeras hand. He pressed a kiss to her hand. "Had a fever too." He brought a hand to her forehead. "Still warm."

"Why are you out here to contaminate me?" Rhaenyra demanded.

"Im just getting some tea- is this going to affect my baby?" Vaera questioned looking to larys as if he had all the answers.

"Not as long as we get you healthy again." Larys assured. Viserys loved how much larys loved vaera. How he doted upon her. They rarely saw laenor. He was around but not being useful. Maybe that was why rhaenyra was so bitter. Her husband didnt love her.

"You honestly know nothing." Rhaenyra spat vaera turned and glared back at her.

"Excuse you?"

"About children."

"Excuse you, i helped raise aegon! You were off being a shit head galivanting through the woods and fucking criston behind closed doors!" Vaera shouted. Larys loved when vaeras fiery side came out. "And maybe just maybe if I had a mother that actually cared about me instead of a mother that died when I was a child and replaced by a monster and a sister that wasn't a complete total narcissist I wouldn't be so worried and confused and stressed out about this pregnancy." She demanded. " Because maybe the women in my life would've talked to me and helped me and been there for me. Instead of pushing me away at every turn for no reason whatsoever because I've been fucking angel you too that are the problem. Not me." Vaera shouted before marching off and leaving her abandoned on the table.

" always so dramatic." Rhaenyra murmured.

"Go to hell!" Vaera spat back. Larys followed after vaera quickly. Grabbing the tea and tarts.

Vaera ran a hand over her stomach, a big pout on her face. Larys sat beside her kissing her temple, she leaned into his touch. 

"I shouted at her." Vaera whispered. 

"You did." Larys agreed. 

"Do you still love me?" Vaera questioned, big violet eyes stared up at him, concern filled her. Larys chuckled taking her hand in his.

 "You ask me if I love you, but Darling those three simple words are not nearly eloquent enough to describe the way my breath leaves me the second you walk into the room or the way my heart tries to match your own. You-" he held her face in his hands, her eyes locked on him. "You have ruined me in the best possible way."

"Happy to be your destruction." Vaera answered sweetly before kissing him.  


Oh... my... God.

Oh my God. Oh My GOD.

"How is this even possible!" Vaera shouted. 

"You are doing great!" 

"I'm not doing great, there is human being coming out of me!" Vaera demanded. "That sounds like a horror story." 

"Honey, you are doing great, the head is free, a little bit longer." Larys assured. 

"What is he doing in there?" harwin questioned. 

"He is being with his wife, taking care of her, protecting her best he can... I'm proud of him." Lyonel answered, Harwin knew that meant he was less proud of his heir. "You know... Alys Rivers, she wrote and said she would love to be the babes wetnurse, like she was for you two." 

"How old is Alys?" Harwin questioned. 

"I couldnt tell you, she is timeless." Lyonel answered. "She must have heard about the pregnancy... she always had a way of knowing things."

"larys got that gift." Harwin murmured. 

"Skipped you when she nursed you it seems." Lyonel agreed. "I want thinking about unions for you-"

"Father I'm on track for commander and Vaera-"

"You havent been vaeras guard in ages and Larys has been... capable of protecting her it seems." Lyonel added. "It's time you-"

"Can we not discuss this now? Larys is going to be father, lets focus on that." Harwin begged. 

"We will talk of it though." Lyonel assured. 

"Another push!"

"Stop saying that! What do you think I'm doing? Eating cookies while getting a massage?" Vaera sassed. "Larys," She whined. 

"A little bit more-"

"You said that ten minutes ago." Vaera whined. 

"Vaera Strong, dont give up. I have special cookies made for you when the babe comes." Larys added. 

"Special cookies?" Vaera whimpered a pout on her lips. 

"The specialist of name day cookies for our baby." larys agreed. "What do you say?" She nodded pushing again. 

Vaera had forgotten about the promise of cookies when she finally got to hold her baby... baby girl.

"Congratulations princess. She's perfect." 

A little tuff of black hair and shimmering violet eyes. She stopped crying the moment she was in Vaera's arms. This moment right here was better than any cookie. 

"Hello Emma. I'm your mama."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now