45. Romeo

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12 Aegon, 10 Helaena, 9 Aemond/Jace, 7 Luke, 6 Emma, 4 Maisie, 2 Mattheo/ Clara.

"Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo!" Emma declared. Larys chuckled putting down the play. Emma and Maisie had become actresses. "Romeo that's your cue!" Emma demanded, her little dragon stared back at her. "Romeo! You are supposed to come and save the day!"

So the girls didnt know the true story of Romeo and Juliet but they knew the star crossed lovers bit, they could learn the gory death when they were a bit older.

Romeo was more interested in his newest little sibling. Maisie had her Dragon hatch just this very morning and although Emma was demanding the show must go on baby or no she declared so dramatically as she rose a little finger up into the sky. Maisie but I have a dragon.

I'm decided she could do the play alone as long as her Romeo helped. But he wasn't being helpful.

Calypso cookie monster had a clutch with who, well vaera couldn't say. She assumed it was caraxes. He was always a handsome dragon and much like his master had a thing for younger dragons.

Maisie squealed with joy as she held her baby dragon in her hand. Aemond was devastated. Since maisie was born aegon and helaena both claimed dragons. Now, Emma and Maisie both gotten their eggs hatched. Plus to make things worse for poor little aemond, those bastards eggs had hatched as well.

" what are you gonna name him?"

" well," she drawled out. " daddy was telling us a story of Romeo and Juliet when Emma got Romeo..."

" so daddy needs a really awesome story for your new baby?" Vaera agreed.

" so no pressure." Larys agreed.

" excuse me! Excuse me!" Emma shouted. " a play going on right now and no one is paying attention to me."

" I'm so sorry sweetie. Go ahead we're watching." Vaera assured. Clara ran up to emma raising her arms a high. " can your baby sister have a part in your play Emma?"

" what do you think Clara? What can you be?" Emma Thought long and hard a little hand rooted on her hip.

" I'll be a kitty!" Clara babbled out. She got down and crawled to echo. She meowed chasing after the cat. Echo meowed right back.

" Clara, there isn't a kitty in Romeo and Juliet. Romeo is Romeo clearly and I'm Juliet because he loves me so much."

"Meow!" Clara countered, smiling up at her.

" there could very well be a cat in romeo and Juliet."  Larys countered. " the cats wouldn't have speaking line so it wouldn't be written in the script."

" OK fine I suppose that makes sense. You can be a cat Clara.  Matty do you want to be in the play too?" Mattheo sat smiling in vaeras lap.

" I think he is too comfortable with your mama." Larys countered.

" fine I will be a one-woman show with my cat companion." She agreed and Romeo Huffed a breath down at her. " yes I'm sorry. My dragon." gesture up at him. " my cat like sister. My real cat.." she gestured to echo and Clara meowing on the ground " and me, the star!"

Larys thought long and hard about what story could be the one that Maisie decided would be the name of her little dragon.

"Out of the darkness came light, and from that light were born the archangels, those who would lead the orders of God's angels; those who would perform the most important tasks in God's great plan for his greatest creation, mankind.

Castiel is a member of the order of archangels, and is, in this capacity, the ruling prince of the Seventh Heaven. The Seventh Heaven is considered to be the holiest of all the holies, and is where God sits on his throne." Larys told the girls. Mattheo had already fallen asleep in his lap, bored with his endless stories like Vaera it seemed.

"Castiel watches the goings on of the universe without interference, and also the association with being the guardian of the threshold between our world and the next." Larys told them.

Maisie smiled down at her dragon and smiled, declaring him Castiel, protector and watcher of the skies.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now