23. Love So Strong

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Vaera looked stunning, of course she did. She wore her best red dress, Larys wore a black suit, white shirt, a red handkerchief in his pocket. Larys felt underdressed when he caught a glimpse of Vaera when he passed her chambers. 

"I'm sorry, Larys." Lyonel interrupted his thoughts. 

"What?" Larys countered turning around. 

"I'm sorry I ever... doubted you and your love with Princess Vaera. She clearly loves you." Lyonel offered. "I'm sorry I didnt have more faith in you." 

"I'm sorry to." Larys agreed. "Maybe its time Harwin found a nice girl- unwed preferably." Larys added,  just a hint of smugness laced his words. "He is your heir and he's still acting like he is a hormonal teenage boy."

"I think you are right." Lyonel agreed softly. "But-" He added, chipper. "Today is about you my son. All about you and your bride." 

"Vaera really only cared about two things- well three." Larys admitted. "Her father arranged the rest." 

"What did the princess want today?" Lyonel pondered. 

"Cookies galore." 

"Of course.' Lyonel agreed. 

"To not have to wear a corset." 

"I hear those can be uncomfortable." Lyonel agreed. "ANd the third?"

"Me." Larys added proudly. "I dont know how I got so lucky." 

"I'm proud of you, treat her right."

"I look so fat!" Vaera whined. 

"You do not," Daemon assured. 

"I do! Look at me!" She turned to the side staring down at her stomach. 

"It's your organs, intestines, you can't make them go away, you need them." Daemon reminded her, giving her stomach a pat. "You look perfect." 

"Thanks... I dont know why I'm so worried- Oh yeah because I'm getting married and the last wedding was a complete and total dis-"

"You were married once already?" Daemon teased. 

"Shut up, you know what i meant." Vaera countered. 

"I did." Daemon agreed. "Big day, blah, blah, honey, no man cares for their wedding day, its just a bunch of pomp and circumstance." Daemon informed her as she fussed with her hair. 


"All any man wants is to get to the bedding." 

"There will not be a bedding." Vaera corrected, horrified at the thought. She wasnt heir, it was not needed. She was just Vaera and she wanted her first time to be special not with lurking eyes. 

''Not a formal- he just wants to fuck you Vaera, the party is just that, a party. Say the words, have fun and if he can't satisfy you... well, you know where you can find me." Daemon assured, winking back at her. 

"Uncle Daemon!" Vaera laughed out. He gave her another dramatic wink. 

"Oh I was also thinking I could walk you down the aisle." Daemon added. 

"Why? Is father alright? Is he hurt? Another arm? Please God no!" Vaera begged, panic flooded her but Daemon spun her around as she moved to the door. 

"Viserys is fine but i figured I'm the better option." 

"He is my father." Vaera corrected. "Dont scare me like that!" 

"Sorry little love." 

"You ready for this?" Viserys questioned as Vaera got out her final nerves at the door. "Oh Vaera, stop fussing, you look beautiful, your mother would be so happy for you."

"Thanks Daddy." Vaera leaned heavily into him as she let out a deep breath, letting her anxieties go with it. SHe didnt even know what she was worried about, she was choosing larys, she wanted Larys, she loved him. 

"Take as long as you need, sweetie." Viserys assured. "After this, you become a woman, my little girl, a married woman." Viserys wiped at his eyes. "I love you so much Vaera. You will always have me, always!"

Vaera headed down the aisle and she didnt remember most of the ceremony, she repeated the words, her heart raced in her chest as Larys held tight to her hands. She smiled feeling more alive than she ever had, she just wished her mother was here to say something motivational about marriage, instead she got Alicent, arms crossed, a perpetual frown on her face. 

Aegon smiled waving up at Vaera, he kept running from his nanny's side and towards Vaera every chance he got, he looked so sweet in his little green shirt. Helaena and Aemond were napping and Jacaerys was not coming without Rhaenyra and as everyone knew, Rhaenyra was not invited. 

"You may now say your vows."

Vows, shit, she couldnt remember them, she had thought them through and they were wonderful but her mind went blank, all she could think was I'm getting married, I am married, to my best friend. Larys cleared his throat taking a step forward. His words were for vaera alone but the moment he started speaking his declaration of love echoed around the sept and Vaera's heart swelled with love. 

 "One look at you and the world suddenly made sense, I gained purpose." Larys declared. "Your existence made me feel alive, You made me want to live. My heart burns for your fire."

RHaenyra understood as she peered in, she understood why Vaera wanted larys, because a love like that wasnt something that happened every day. A love that strong was something worth fighting for. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now