49 Vaeeeee-raaaa

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Alicent was not a Targaryen she didn't understand dragons, she never would. But it was dragons that ruled. She could dress her children in green but that didn't stop them from being Targaryen and having dragon blood.

"They gave me a pig!" Aemond declared through an exasperated breath.

''A what?''

''They said they found a dragon for me.'' Aemond told her.

''The last ring has no legs at all." Helaena went on.

''But it was a pig.'' Aemond told his mother.

''You will have a dragon one day.''

''He'll have to close an eye.'' Helaena continued talking to herself and her little creepy crawly.

''I know it.'' Alicent assured

"Vaera would do something about it." Aemond challenged. "If I were her son, she wouldnt just keep saying-"

"Aemond thats enough."

"I will have a dragon but when! When!" Aemond begged.

"It was awful." Vaera murmured giving the twins a bath. "And Aemond's little face, you should have seen him. Jace and Luke looked so proud to be following Aegon's orders." she extended a hand and he passed off the soap.

"You can't control little boys." Larys remarked. "They are difficult."

"They are." Vaera agreed. "But not you, not you cutie pie." vaera whispered down to Mattheo. She washed out his hair, bubbles floated around them.

"What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?" Vaera countered.

"You clearly want to help."

"I can't change Aegon, he's a teenager, thats when everything goes south. But I suppose I could talk to him. He did look horrified that I was there." Vaera recalled.

"He wants to please you." Larys agreed. "He adores you. If anyone can get him on the straight and narrow, its you and your sweet heart."

''Your grandsons are a menace.'' Alicent spat.

''They're more children than he is.'' Viserys assured.

''Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising.'' Alicent muttered swirling her drink in her hand.

''Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it?''

''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.''

''And why is that?'' Viserys asked innocently.

''You know why.'' Alicent hissed.

''I'm afraid I don't.''


"You can play with castiel." Maisie offered. "He gives really good head butts." She added lowering her face to the little dragon.

"He's like a big kitty." Vaera agreed. "Oh Aemond honey. I got you something, I know its not the same but..." Vaera moved to the fire and pulled free an egg.

"A new egg?" Aemond rasped.

"I know you want a dragon, I'm sorry I can't give you one but Calypso had another clutch. I want you to have it." Vaera declared, Aemond hugged her tight, he balanced the egg on his hand before pulling back from her. "I love you sweetie, I'm so sorry Aegon torments you."

"Me too."

Alicent walked in on Aegon pleasuring himself over the balcony, he grunted and groaned happily standing on the ledge ready to come over the streets below when his mother came in.

"Vaeee-raaaa,' he groaned out and Alicent couldn't believe her ears. Her son was masturbating while thinking of Vaera. That only fueled her anger.

''Whose idea was it?'' Alicent demanded and Aegon stumbled back wrapping himself up in his sheets nervously.

'Oh!' Aegon grunted as he fell. Not the woman he was hoping for.

''The pig. Was it your plot?' Alicent demanded not caring for her sons embarrassment.

''No... it was Jace and... uh... it-it was the two of them. I couldn't be sure.'' Aegon offered still anxiously covering himself.

''Aemond is your brother.''

''Well, he's a twat.'' Aegon countered

''We are family. You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world... we must defend our own.'' Alicent hissed.

''It was funny.'' Aegon admitted with a laugh.

''Do you think Rhaenyra's sons will be your playthings forever? As things stand... Rhaenyra will ascend the throne and Jacaerys Targaryen will be her heir.'' Alicent reminded him.

''So?'' Aegon questioned but Alicent grabbed his face holding tight to his ears, he cringed back in pain but she didn't yield. ''Ugh!''

''You are nearly a man-grown. How is it that you can be so shortsighted? If Rhaenyra comes into power... your very life could be forfeit. Aemond's as well. She could move to cut off any challenge to her succession.'' Alicent hissed her grip tight on him.

''Then I won't challenge...'' Aemond began.

''You are the challenge!'' Alicent shouted in his face. ''You are the challenge, Aegon! Simply by living and breathing! You are the King's firstborn son... and what they know, what everyone in the realm knows in their blood and in their bones... is that one day, you will be our King.'' She released his face as she stood up and calmly turned to the door, Aegon stared back at his mother nervously.  ''Get dressed.''

Vaera saw Alicent marching down the hall and hesitated making herself smaller before making her way to Aegon's chambers.

"Aegon?" Vaera questioned knocking on his door.

"Vaera, my lovely, lovely Vaera." Aegon remarked with a grin. "What do I owe the pleasure?'

"Why must you torment your brother?" Vaera asked gently.

"It is easy and fun." Aegon told her.

"I remember when you were so sweet, what happened to that little boy?"

"I'm a man now vaera." Aegon reminded her puffing out his chest.

"A spoiled brat you have become." Vaera countered and Aegon's smug smile fell from his face. His mother yelling at him and slapping him was nothing new but Vaera's sad face looking over at him, that hurt.

"I'm sorry Vaera." Aegon told her.

"It is not I that needs the apology Aegon." Vaera reminded him tucking his hair behind his ear so she could see his face. "Honey, you know I love you and your siblings and I know Jace and Luke are eager to follow your lead because you are the eldest and they think the world of you... don't do this to them."

"Do what? Make them awesome?" Aegon countered that smug smile returning.

"They are the future kings. Being a bully does not make a good king. They need to learn from their... uncle Aegon. How to be a good man. Can you do that for me?" Vaera asked and Aegon nodded. ''My good boy." Vaera said kissing his forehead. "Apologize to Aemond as well." Vaera instructed. "Good night honey."

"Good night Vaera." Aegon replied tipping back into the pillows.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now