14. Kill Her For Me

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Many years ago Larys gave Vaera some great advice about her problem with Alicent...

Alicent had not done anything wrong. Rhaenyra had just loved Alicent more than Vaera and that killed her.

Alicent was a polite girl, she didnt try to torment Vaera unless it was Rhaenyra's idea. But Vaera still hated Alicent.

She wanted Rhaenyra to love her most but she was always talking about Alicent, running off to Alicent, Alicent was SOO funny, alicent this, alicent that. Vaera wanted to shoved little miss perfect off a High Tower when she saw her with Rhaenyra.

But of course Vaera would never say it out loud because she didnt want to be seen a bitter or bratty. Didnt want Rhaenyra to know that she was hurt so she forced a smile and stuck with her passive aggressive ways.

Comparison was killing her slowly. Vaera wanted to kill Alicent fast.

The one time Vaera mentioned something about Alicent, which was completely true, Rhaenyra laughed and said Alicent is so funny. Alicent was not a funny person. Vaera's jaw clenched and she reiterated her statement, maybe Rhaenyra hadnt heard her correctly. Rhaenyra shook her head, saying you just dont understand.

It didnt matter what the truth was, Vaera knew that Alicent wasnt perfect, knew that all the things Rhaenyra hated in other people she looked past in Alicent. LIke her fear of fun. Alicent didnt fly, was scared to fly, scared of the dragons. Rhaenyra would have called anyone else a pussy and a big baby but no, Alicent it was adorable her fears.

Vaera just wanted to help and be seen but Alicent pushed her away.

The room is too crowded with three people.

Vaera was a tiny thing she didnt take up any space.

But Rhaenyra sent her away. It would not have mattered if Vaera set up the tea party and got the cookies hand made herself, as soon as Alicent showed up and swooped in Vaera was second best.

The people of court started calling Rhaenyra and Alicent sisters. The girls certainly thought of each other as such. Vaera hated it. She hated it so much because if Rhaenyra really treated Alicent like a sister, she would ignore her too.

"What's wrong princess?" Harwin questioned.

"NOthing." Vaera barked marching off.

"Yes that was convincing." Harwin agreed.

Vaera didnt want to have to say it out loud, she just wanted Harwin or anyone really to look at her and see her, to read her mind and know what she was feeling. She wanted to not say it but the people that mattered most to just know. But they were not mind readers.

Aemma asked Vaera the same thing as she was smashing her cookies instead of eating them.

"Tell me," Aemma begged reaching out a hand. Apparently Vaera wasnt good at hiding her emotions today. But Rhaenyra had started it. "Your face is a perpetual frown my littlest love." Aemma cooed.

"Sorry, just... need to see Cookie, he misses me." Vaera offered getting up and kissing her mother. Vaera moped off, she needed to shout, to scream to tell someone what was eating her up but she couldnt. It didnt help that Alicent was always around following Rhaenyra around. It didnt help that everyone seemed to like her. But Vaera knew people had to hate her and were just good at hiding it. She needed to befriend those people.

"Be the unrelenting thorn in your enemies side." Larys suggested.

"What?" Vaera countered.

"I noticed something was on your mind, I doubt you would tell me, we hardly know each other but I find... if what I think you are thinking is correct..." Larys added taking a step towards her. "It has something to do with Lady Alicent?"

"You would be correct." Vaera grumbled.

"Dont let her win." Larys suggested, Vaera stared up at him confused.

"Let her win? I want to bash her head in most days." Vaera blurted out she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. "I didn't-"

"Yes you did." Larys corrected, a smile curving his lips. "Be a relentless thorn in her side. In both of theirs." Larys remarked. "Dont let them forget you. Show them- remind them all that you are better."

"I hate her. I hate that Rhaenyra loves her and when she is around I feel second best." Vaera admitted quickly.

"You are not second best, you are Princess Vaera targaryen. You are beautiful and original and uniquely you." Larys assured.

"Thank you, Larys... is killing her an option?" Vaera pondered. "That would solve my problem."

"Death usually does." Larys agreed. "We will keep it in mind for the future but I suggest meditating on murder a bit longer at your age, make sure you want to do that."

"I'm going to die alone too." Vaera realized. "They always hang out in the courtyard and stare at the boys, they are going to get married and have children and their children will be the best of friends and I will... I will..." Vaera shook her head. "I have to kill her before they are bonded with husbands and such."  Larys laughed out but Vaera was really serious about this.

"Maybe leave the murder to me."

"You would do it?" Vaera questioned. Lary pat her arm.

"What would I get in return?"

"Unlimited cookies?"

"Seems like a fair trade."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now