47. More Like Larys

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Larys hands slid to her butt, and he moaned, gripping her hard. "Oh Vaera ..." He pulled his mouth away from hers and buried his face in her neck.  His desperation fueled her need.

"We should not play hide and seek together." Vaera whispered "you always hide beside me-"

"Or behind you." He whispered into her neck.

"And we lose."

"I feel like im winning."

Echo came meowing up to them giving them away. Larys decided since Clara stopped meowing back at Echo that they really needed another cat.

"I found you!" Mattheo declared. 

"You found us!" Vaera agreed peppering his face with kisses. 

"Where did Emma go?" Larys questioned. "I thought she was counting with you."

"Tea party." Mattheo answered. "We play again?"

"Of course, I wont hide together this time, Daddy gives us away." Vaera turned, sassily to Larys. 

"Guilty." He agreed. 

"Pinky out!" Emma instructed. Jace, and Luke lifted their pinkies. Emma waited for Harwin to oblige.

"Uncle Harwin!" Emma demanded wiggling her pinky at him. 

"I..." Harwin knew there was no point in arguing with her. He lifted his pinky and the boys laughed. The tea cup was so little and Harwin was so large. 

"Very good, now cookies!" Emma declared. Maisie appeared like magic. 

"I heard the secret word." Maisie remarked and Harwin flinched back at her little voice beside him. 

"When didn you get here?" Jace questioned. 

"I heard cookies and I had been summoned." Maisie answered, she looked to Castiel beside her prancing along. "Castiel wants a cookie too, excuse us." Maisie got on her toes and reached out piling the cookies into her hands. "Thank you!"

"You can't just steal tea party cookies Maisie!" Emma called after her. "it's for the tea party!" 

"Too late!" Maisie called back. 

"Found you again!" Mattheo giggled out. 

"You did." Larys agreed. 

"I saw your cane." 

"Ahh," larys agreed, he always used to cane that the children decorated around the house and his proper cane out and about the capital. "Where is mama?"

"She heard Emma say cookies and ran." Mattheo answered grabbing Larys hand. "It's just us!" he added happily. 

"The women in this family are cookie crazed." Larys agreed. 

"Harwin I'm honestly surprised you arent in a tutu or have a crown on your head." Vaera remarked when she got to them. 

"Why would I do that?"  Harwin countered confused. 

"Daddy has to dress up in a top hat for our tea parties, we are fancy." Emma agreed. 

"I wish I could frame this moment." Vaera remarked looking at Emma with her cousins and uncle all enjoying a tea party. 

"Mommy you want to join the tea party?"

"I would love to but there isnt another chair." Vaera countered. 

"You can sit with me gorgeous." Harwin assured pulling Vaera into his lap. She brought a cookie to her lips as his bearded face tickled her neck. 

Larys felt murderous. 

"As comfortable as your lap might be Harwin, I think I would rather sit with my Emma." Vaera corrected politely. She adored Harwin, he was sweet on the kids and had protected her when she was little. She was the first guard Vaera actually liked. She chose him.  

Vaera picked up Emma and put her down in her lap. Emma smiled up at her as Vaera kissed her cheek. Vaera remembered for years she tried to con Rhaenyra into tea parties but she usually weaseled her way out. 

But Jace and Luke, precious boys that they were willingly came to Emma's impromptu tea party.

"I miss you boys." Vaera added. Harwin stretched leaning back in the chair, he caught larys gaze, his murderous gaze. A smirk covered Harwin's lips. He knew how possessive Larys was of Vaera but Vaera adored Harwin. Larys couldnt dispose of his brother... yet. Just like Larys couldnt dispose of Rhaenyra. Larys smiled moving to them.

"Brother." Larys answered keeping the edge from his voice. 

"Larys, are you joining Emma's tea party?" Harwin questioned. 

"We dont have another chair but you can sit on Ser Harwin's lap." Luke assured. Harwin laughed out.

"Hi sweetie, sorry I ditched you and Mattheo- hi Matty baby, you found daddy again."

"I found you first," Mattheo corrected. "When you were running to get cookies." He explained. Vaera reached out stroking his hair back from his eyes. 

"It was worth running for." Vaera agreed. 

"Can we play hide and seek?" Luke looked to Vaera for permission. 

"Of course sweetie." she agreed. 

"Come on Jace," Luke jumped up and Mattheo led the way back inside the house. Larys took Luke's spot beside Vaera and Emma. She reached out rubbing his leg, he loved how she could always tell when he was hurting. 

"Too much hide and seek?" Vaera pondered, he gave a slight nod. She squeezed his knee. "You are such a good daddy." She assured kissing his cheek. Harwin wished as much as he knew it would hurt the boys to know, but he wished they knew he was their father. 

Harwin wished he could have been a little bit more like his little brother Larys.

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now