38. Bring It On

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Getaway Car/ House of the dragon out now!

Vaera spent a little too long in the sun and now she looked like a granny tomato. Her face neck chest and shoulders beet red and her silver hair. She was a sight to see.

"Don't look at me." Vaera grumbled. Larys chuckled putting a cold cloth on her forehead. "It was just so nice out..."

"It will be a nice tan in a few days." Larys added kissing her burnt shoulder. He heard Maisies little whimpers and moved to the door. "I got her."

"Thanks honey."

"Drink lots of water gorgeous," larys added pointing to the table. Vaera nodded reaching for it.

She could never get comfortable so she wasnt sleeping well but of course the time she fell asleep she was in the sun soaking up all those wonderful vitamins and burning her porcelain skin. 

"You look like a tomato." Rhaenyra remarked. Vaera was able to call herself a tomato but Rhaenyra was not.

"And you have a constant constipated look on your face. I got sun burnt whats your excuse?" Vaera sassed. Larys loved that she was the queen of comebacks.

"Whatever Vaera, I dont give a damn." 

"I just love that you don't care what people think. Its a great quality in a future queen." Vaera agreed. Rhaenyra gaped back at her. "What are you waiting for?" Vaera questioned. "Stupidity is not a crime. You're free to go." Rhaenyra gave a very unlady like growl before marching off. 

"I got you that aloe for the burns." Larys remarked. "The maesters assured me the babe is fine."

"Good." Vaera agreed. 

"That was sexy." Larys added. Vaera smiled innocently back at him. "She really doesnt care about anything." Larys realized. 

"Not while she is protected, I would love to see the veil of protection removed from her. Her bubble would pop and she would be begging, begging I tell you for friends." Vaera added glaring back at Rhaenyra as she turned the corner.  "Rhaenyra is such a conversation starter. It gets underway as soon as she leaves, that is."

Vaera was going to be the bigger person however because that was just the type of person she was. She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a celery stick the chefs gaped back at her. 

"I know the horror." Vaera agreed. "Why are cookies in the trash?"

"They are dry and crumbly, someone-" the head chef glanced to a su chef with distaste. "forgot to add sugar."

"I want them." Vaera said simply.

"Princess they are disgusting." 

"I want them plated please. I'm not going to eat it, trust me I want all the cookies but this little nugget," Vaera pat her stomach. "doesnt like cookies, it should be a crime." Vaera nodded to the garbage cookies. She could be the bigger person and be a bitch at the same time, it was possible. 

"Oh there you are Rhaenyra." Vaera declared. 

"What do you want tomato?"

Rhaenyra had one chance to be nice before Vaera brought out her second level of sass for the day. 

"I got you cookies nyra. Plain and dry. Just like your personality." Vaera added sweetly as she put the tray before her. Rhaenyra glared up at her. "You are welcome." Vaera sung out prancing off.

Rhaenyra threw the plate of cookies, Vaera just nearly dodged them. Vaera spun back around a darkness in her eyes that larys loved. 

Vaera was beautiful. The kind made Larys scared. The kind that took his breath away and left him without air. A different kind of beautiful.

"You wanna play with fire Rhaenyra?" Vaera questioned a challenging gaze. "I was giving a piece offering, you just dont want us to civil. I see how it is." Vaera strut as best as she could with her pregnant stomach. 

"You couldnt handle my fire." Rhaenyra corrected.  

"Careful Nyra. Im short. Like my temper." Vaera warned.

"Bring it on."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now