2. Beautiful

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Larys gave up on Vaera trying to read her lessons, instead he read her lessons to her. Vaera lay back on the couch her legs draped over Larys, the book on her shins. Larys watched her kick off her shoes sending them flying to the ground.

"This isnt nap time." Larys remarked as Vaera got comfortable.

"Can't it be? You have such a nice soothing voice, Larys." Vaera countered.

It would be another two days at least before her father and sister got back from driftmark and she was soaking in the freedom.

Larys smiled back at her. Vaera was so easy to fall in love with. He craved her already. Vaera opened her eyes lifting her head when she finally heard the silence fill the room.

"I can sit up if I must." Vaera groaned but he kept his hand over her legs.

"Its quite alright." Larys countered. She blushed as she lay her head back down.

Larys hesitated before reading through the passage again, Vaera hummed to let him know she was listening when he asked her a question. Larys couldnt stop the smile that covered his lips as Vaera flipped around laying her head in his lap.

"Yes?" Larys questioned his fingers dancing above her hair, wanting to run his fingers through her silver locks.

"You have pretty eyes larys." Vaera answered instead. Larys suddenly felt very self conscious as vaera stared up at him.

"Th-thank you." Larys whispered his face turning crimson in the process. Vaera chuckled sitting upright.

"Am I making you nervous?" Vaera pondered leaning closer.

"Maybe a little bit." Larys admitted. Vaera giggled before laying back down. She bit her lip as she stared back at him. He let out a shaky breath before he continued reading again. He felt her every breath as she closed her violet eyes. Her heart settled and he realized how relaxed, how content she was in his lap. She was completely comfortable around him. Something he never thought any woman would be. But vaera so easily befriended him.

Larys woke vaera- very much not a morning person vaera- with tea and cookies. She blinked back at him hair a mess sleep in her eyes and she blinked long and hard.

"I... im sorry." Larys took a step back.

"Cookies." It was like magic. Vaera woke up and pulled larys inside. "Start with that." Larys smiled as he headed in. Vaera wasnt at all self conscious about her night dress or messy hair. Her dress shifted up high on her thighs as she jumped on the bed sitting criss crossed. "We are not learning this early. I can wake up for cookies-" she said as she took a bite. "-but not for learning." She added covering a hand over her mouth as she chewed.

"No learning. Just..." missed you. Vaera took another dinosaur sized bite of her cookie as she waited for him.

"Just?" Vaera leaned forward.

"Was in the library-"

"This early?" Vaera declared. "Gods Larys no. We have to do something fun today!"

"Okay." Larys agreed easily. Vaera grabbed another cookie smiling at larys.

"We could go for a ride."

"A ride?"

"On my dragon." She agreed. "Cookie. My big cookie," she took another bite and glanced out the window. "Cookie needs his exercise."

"I... im not much of a rider of horses let alone a... a... dragon." Larys admitted.

"Let me get dressed!" Vaera declared. She jumped up nearly spilling the tea and started stripping of her dress before she was even behind the privacy curtain larys turned away quickly.

He heard her stumbling around as she shoved on her boots. She brushed out her hair throwing it up quickly as she stomped down on her boot.

"You know I have had these boots for like 5 years! And this whole outfit probably." Vaera remarked as she laced up her boots. She popped another bite of cookie in her mouth. "I keep my father something is wrong with my growth hormones." Vaera grabbed larys hand pulling him along. His cane clicked hurriedly to keep up with her. For a short little thing she was fast.

"One of these days im going to get really tall and all my clothes are going to look so awkward." Vaera went on. She looked to larys. "Were you always tall like Harwin?" Larys had never been called tall compared to harwin. Harwin was a damn giant compared to vaera. But larys was a good head taller than vaera still.

Larys slouched due to his clubfoot and cane. But he liked that vaera looked up to him. Physically. Maybe she would look up to him studiously too. If she cared about her studies.

"Cookie mamas here!" Vaera declared letting go of Larys hand. He missed the connection instantly. "Baby I brought a friend!" Larys didnt know that he had any real friends. He liked that he had a friend in vaera.

Vaera smiled back at larys gesturing him closer. Larys took another step closer. Vaera ran her hands over cookies leg.

"Give me your cane. I will stick it in the saddle bag so no one grabs it." Vaera pulled larys closer and nudged him to the ropes. "Just climb on up." Larys hesitated before vaera gave him a boost. She was strong for a little thing. Larys awkwardly sat on top. Vaera climbed up elegantly.


"Um actually where do I-"

"Sovengon!" Vaera declared. Larys grabbed to the only thing he could. Vaera. She laughed out leaning back into larys as they took off.

"Open your eyes!" Vaera shouted. "It's beautiful up here!"

"I might be scared of heights."

"Might be?"

"I never tested it but i feel like being up here I am." Larys agreed.

"Open your eyes." Vaera corrected her lips grazing his cheek. Larys did as requested and focused on vaera. "Well?"


Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now