10. Queen of Cookies

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Loving yous a little bit hard sometimes / Bruce Banner out now!
~Many years ago~

"Happy name day to me! Happy name day to me! Happy name day to meeeeee!" Vaera declared. "Happy name day to me! Cha, cha, cha!" Viserys clapped out. "Daddy look at my new dress!" Vaera declared spinning around. "I sparkle!"

"You do." Viserys agreed.

"Mommy picked it out." Vaera added. "Said she got it special for my name day."

"I know she did." Viserys agreed. "But I have a surprise for you too."

"Ohh, I love surprises!" Vaera agreed. "What is it?"

"It's a surprise my littlest love." Viserys corrected.

"OH right..." She giggled grabbing his hand as they walked. "But you can tell me, I'm really excited to know now."

"Nope, my lips are sealed." Viserys corrected, zipping up his lips. Vaera pouted up at him.

"Do I have to wait long for my present?"

"Who said anything about a present? I said surprise." Viserys reminded her.

"Buts It's my seventh name day... so its a present right?" Vaera countered.

"Come on my love." Viserys laughed out.

"Happy name day princess."

"It is a happy day!" Vaera agreed.

"Vaera love," Aemma laughed out.

"Thank you!" Vaera added.

"I have met her."

"Have you?" Harwin questioned.

"I dont need an introduction." Larys agreed marching off. Harwin rolled his eyes.

"Name day cookies are the very best cookies! Name day cookies every day!" Vaera sung out as she skipped along beside the table piling her plate high.

"There are more cookies on that plate than you can surely eat." Larys mused. Vaera smiled over her pile of cookies.

"You have never seen my stomach grow three sizes for cookies." Vaera corrected.

"Princess, this is my brother larys. Have you two met?"

"Yes. No. Yes. Just right now." Vaera answered. "Ohhhh wait I know you." Vaera touching his cane. "You play in the gardens." Larys chuckled.

"Yes." He agreed.

"You gave me a flower last week. It died. Sorry. I dont have a green thumb. I dont know what that means but the gardener told me that. He is all things green so i think he knows what he is talking about." Vaera rambled.

"Larys does like to lurk in gardens." Harwin agreed. Larys elbowed him.

"Vaera!" Viserys declared reaching out for her. She ran from the brothers side and to her father she gasped when a cookie fell. On. The. Ground.

Vaera stared at the fallen cookie pure panic and thought 💭 oh no. I lost a cookie. I must be going to hell...

"Five second rule." Daemon assured picking it up brushing it off and popping it in his mouth.

"Uncle Daemon! Are you my surprise?" Daemon chuckled as Vaera launched herself into his arms.

"Is it a good surprise?" Daemon questioned

"The bestest!" Vaera agreed

"Your uncle is not your surprise." Viserys corrected still reaching for vaera.

"Im keeping her hostage." Daemon corrected spinning her around.

"Daddy needs me." Vaera corrected.

"Shes a sweet girl." Larys remarked.

"Dont fall for her. Shes a baby." Harwin corrected teasingly. Larys chuckled.

"Shes a sweet girl." Larys repeated. "Seven. Such a grown up." He mused. Vaera skipped to her fathers side as Rhaenyra and Alicent stole wine from the main table giggling through hiccups. "Whats going to happen when she is older and the king requests you keep boys away from his little princess?" Larys was young than harwin. Still older than vaera but a handful of years younger than harwin.

"I hope not to worry about that for a long while." Harwin countered. "You are of the age to marry-"

"So are you!" Larys objected.

"Im guarding the princess." Harwin corrected.

"And Im socially awkward with woman."

"Im here and ready for my surprise!" Vaera declared with her attempt at a wink.

"On today the most wonderful of days-" viserys began but Rhaenyra rolled her eyes.

"What am i?" Rhaenyra muttered.

"Chopped liver." Daemon answered. "And no one likes that." Rhaenyra scowled up at him.

"My baby girl has turned seven!" Viserys declared hoisting vaera up onto his shoulders.

"Bring on the cookies!" Vaera commanded.

"Your surprise first my dear."  Viserys corrected.

"Right right." Vaera agreed impatiently.

"Here you go my princess," viserys declared. He held out a crown made of fake cookies. It was beautiful and looked delicious.

Vaera gasped before quickly putting the cookie crown on her head.

"Daddy its perfect!" Vaera squealed

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"Daddy its perfect!" Vaera squealed. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Anything for my princess."

Vaera was queen of cookies. The cookie queen that night and every night. She wore her crown proudly and smiled extra long in the mirror to admire her cookies. She giggled touching the cookies before spinning around again.

"I am princess Vaera the queen of cookies!"

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now