44. There are Children Present

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"Oh by the way if you ever disrespect my wife again i will kill you." Larys warned. The guard laughed. "Sorry that sounded like a joke." His tone darkened and gaze turned deadly. "I will literally kill you."

"Listen dude-"

"I'm not your dude, I'm Lord Larys Strong, and you are pulling on my last nerve."

"Your wife is smoking."

"Guards are all idiots." Larys decided they didnt know when to stop. Larys twisted his cane free as the guard went on saying how did a cripple like you get a princess? Larys examined the blade, a speak of  blood from the last man still dried onto his hidden blade, he usually took more care to clean it off. 

"I mean I could take her for a test ride, show her what a real man feels like, i could take her from behind, i bet her lips would feel nice around my cock."

"She is mine." Larys corrected possessively. "And I did warn you." With a quick slash of his blade through the air the man was gurgling for breath, Larys watched unphased as he fell at larys feet. 

Larys turned around at Mattheo's whine. 

"What are you doing out here?" larys questioned. "Where is mama? Did you crawl out here?" he secured the blade after cleaning it on the body. "Where is mama?" Larys questioned picking Mattheo up. 

"Helping you hide a body." Vaera answered. "What did he do?"

"Angered me." Larys admitted calmly.

"I need specifics if im going to get my hands dirty." Vaera corrected. 

"He was saying some very crude things about my beloved wife." Larys answered. 

"Good enough." Vaera agreed rolling up the sleeves of her dress. "How do you normally do this?" Larys stared back at her amazed, he knew she knew that he did some things that were not... legal. But she hadnt seen him actually do the things. Now she was offering to help.

"I have... people for that." Larys assured. 

"Oh good," vaera agreed. "Because you know i'm a weakling." 

"You are not scared." Larys whispered. 

"I know you would never hurt me." Vaera agreed kissing him. "Mattheo however is a blabber mouth." she teased. "He is going to have to be bribed with cookies no doubt." 

"If I could turn you into a cookie. I would eat you up." Larys breathed back. 

Vaera's face flushed with color and she fanned her face.

"Woah, the children are present, that's a bit erotic, husband." Vaera corrected. Larys placed a kiss to the top of her head. 

"Mini me's are with my father, if Mattheo wants a nap like Clara then...." Vaera informed him. 

"Yes." Larys agreed heading home. A storm brewed over head and vaera grumbled turning around to get the girls before they were stuck with Maleficent- she meant Alicent and the devil. 

"The kids are putting on a play, said not to bother them, Emma told me, until they were ready." Larys informed Vaera. 

She moved along his body and managed to find his lips in the dark, the clouds had covered the sky and the candles flickered but didnt give them much light. She felt his hands on her, she could not see anything, she could only feel. 

They simply kissed for a time, his hands caressing and grabbing at her body. She could feel herself grow wet once more as he grew hard against her leg. 

"We got to be quiet." Vaera reminded him. Larys nodded as he rolled her over on her stomach and pulled her dress up her body before he pushed inside of her. Vaera groaned into the pillow, her muscles were still aching but the slight burn of him was intoxicating. He whispered her name into her ear as he began to roll his hips, slowly fucking her into the bed. 

His large body covering her, she felt shielded from the outside world, protected, she felt her breath picking up speed.

 "More, harder" she mumbled under her breath, she just wanted to feel him. As he was ever her loyal servant he did as she ordered. He always did. He always knew what she wanted and what she needed. And he protected her from everyone. She flipped him over smiling down at him. 

"Quiet love," He reminded her. He pulled out at the sound of a little voices and little footsteps thundering towards them. Lifting her up she groaned at the loss of feeling of him in her. 

"We are ready!" Emma shouted. "Today is the..." she hesitated. "We didnt name it!" She demanded sprinting back out. 

"I think we have a few more minutes to finish..."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now