16. Hicky

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When vaera got back from her boring tour she hugged her father and kissed little Aegons perfect face, he giggled into her holding on and swearing never to let go again.  then once she pried aegon off she went to find larys.

"Youre back." Larys breathed back when he saw her.

" I am." she answered. She slowed her steps as she got closer to him

" didn't find a husband on tour I presume? Or at least I hope." he admitted.

" no one was right." she agreed. " and no one gave me a stuffed animal to hold onto either. That was really a big defining factor..."

" was it?" Larys rasped closing the distance between them.

" they were all wrong," she smiled, looking down at her feet. " they were too young too boring. Or didn't like cookies. It was a waste of time."

" I am most certainly glad you're back." Larys declared " there was something I meant to do before you left, but I lost the nerve to do it."

" and what was that?" she pondered. he stared at her, his eyes drifting from her own, down to her lips and back.

"This." he answered. Leaning to kiss her, her arms wrapped around him, holding him close.

" you should've done that instead of giving me a cat." she agreed. " I could've forgotten all about the stupid tour."

" you would've stayed for me?" he countered in disbelief.

" you were my first kiss." she admitted softly. " I didn't want to leave. I didn't realize that you wanted me to stay... you gave me a going away present."

" and told you it was to keep the other boys away." Larys reminded her. " I wanted to say I wanted you. I want you. I'm not good enough for you."

" I disagree. Because of all the men that I met, you were the only one that stood out to me."

Whatever the reason, the second they were through her door, he pinned vaera to the wall, his lips never leaving hers, and his hands reaching below her dress. The sudden gasp from her lips only fueled him to deepen their touch. Her small noises were the only sounds he could hear apart from the blood rushing in his ears and his heart pounding inside his chest.

"Larys," she moaned his name against his lips, their warm breath mingling. He didn't know how she had any time at all to speak. He wanted all of her, in every way, without any thing between them. Not even words. His fingers inch up her thighs, the soft fabric taunting him until he reached the thin lace of her panties. Her smile against his lips was sultry and sinful, just like the words she whispers.

"I want you."

But she was the princess and they were not wed. He let hid hands roam her soft skin as his lips attacked her neck biting and sucking she giggled at the feeling her head tipping back.

They stumbled blindly to the couch falling on top of each other. His lips met hers again pulling her into his arms. He traced patterns over her arms as she snuggled into him. She told him all the horrors of the tour and his lips rarely left her skin as she spoke.

"Oh my Gods!" Nyra shouted

"What?" Vaera demanded. "Are you having the baby? Is it time?" Vaera looked at her plump stomach.

"You have a hicky!"

"What?" Vaera countered looking at her dress confused.

"Your neck!" Vaeras hand flew to her neck her eyes went wide in horror. Oh no larys left a mark. "Who gave you that? Someone on tour? You have a husband to be?"

"What? No one!" Vaera shouted. "Its nothing!"

"Vaera who is it?" Nyra demanded

"No one. I don't know what you are talking about!" Vaera corrected running off so she couldn't be interrogated further. She ran into larys and let her hand fall from her neck. A smile pulled at his lips when he saw it.

"Thanks a lot". Vaera grumbled.

"You are welcome" larys agreed grabbing her hand. Vaera took a step closer. Her face so close to his they breathed the same breath.

"Nyra saw. She is going to tell my father no doubt."

"What did you tell her?" Larys pondered as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Nothing. I ran away" Vaera corrected. Larys chuckled "its not funny." She whispered her nose brushing against his.

"It's a little funny". Larys corrected dipping his lips down to kiss her neck gently.

"You are trouble Larys". Vaera decided.

"And you are beautiful." Larys added kissing her lips. Vaera leaned into his touch. Rhaenyras eyes went wide.

"Larys?" Rhaenyra shouted with disgust. Vaera spun around in a panic.

"Cats out of the bag". Larys whispered. "I suppose i need to have a chat with your father sooner than expected."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now