31. Grinning Like the Devil

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Any intimate or sexual content is between two FICTIONAL! adults...

"Hello. It's me... your mommy." Vaera whispered. Emma blinked back at her reaching out a fisted hand towards her. 

"You know," Larys began before vaera turned her head to him. "You told me you had a list of requirements... when you were on tour. Did I pass those?" he pondered aloud. 

"Oh, with flying colors." Vaera agreed. 

"What were those conditions again?"

"Actually maybe I didnt ask you." she realized. "I just knew... okay what is your favorite cookie?"

"Chocolate chunk." Larys answered. "Because I like kissing the chocolate from your lips." Vaera giggled out. "Anything else?"

"Ummm, children, how many did you want?"

"As many as you do," Larys answered. 

"How many really?" Vaera countered. 

"Emma is so perfect, I could see us with another few... three maybe?"

"Three more or three total?" Vaera countered. 

"Either." Larys shrugged. "What about you? We never spoke of it." 


"More or total?" Larys mused. 

"EIther." Vaera purred kissing him. 

"She's cute like you." Aegon decided. Vaera wrapped her arms around his shoulders kissing his cheek. "But I have a few questions."

"Alright." Vaera agreed putting Aegon in her lap. 

"Why is her hair so dark?"

"Because my husband Larys has very black hair." Vaera answered. 

"And why do Rhaenyra's children-"

"Oh Aegon maybe we dont-" Vaera countered. 

"Have black hair?"

"Well... You know Laenor's mother-"

"Has white hair like me and Laenor and Rhaenyra and old man Corlys." Aegon agreed. 

"Laenor's mother has baratheon roots." Vaera offered as she cleared her throat. 


"Lets not talk about her and her children." Vaera suggested. "I want to hear about you, Aegon. How have you been honey boy?"

"Your boobs are bigger." Aegon countered. Vaera pulled her shawl tighter around her. "Does that happen when you have a baby?"

"Yes." Vaera agreed. 

"Can I touch them?"

"No." Vaera demanded swatting his hand away. "Aegon!" she laughed out. 

"What?" Aegon whined. 

"I'm going to kill him." Larys decided. 

"He's harmless." Vaera assured laying back in bed. 

"He is not harmless." Larys objected. 

"He just has a crush." Vaera assured. 

"I'm going to kill him." Larys corrected. 

"I love how possessive you are." vaera remarked. She saw how uninterested Laenor and Rhaenyra were with each other and saw how much Alicent hated her father so seeing how much Larys loved her reminded her of how much her father loved her mother when she was young. 

"You do?"

"Yes." Vaera admitted. "But dont hurt my aegon." She requested. 

"Others though?" He half teased. 

"Basically anyone else." Vaera chuckled back. 


Larys watched vaera get changed after supper, he watched her braid her hair back, remove her jewelry, carefully put her ring- her beloved wedding ring on the night side table. 

She grabbed Larys sweater and pulled it over her night dress before crawling into bed. Emma was laying on the bed, already asleep, Larys didnt have the heart to move her to her own crib. He liked having her close.  

Emma was sleeping in the crook between vaera and larys. Vaeras head in his chest his fingers interwoven in her hair massaging her scalp. Vaera traced her fingers up and down Emma's little legs and arms as she slept. Her opposite hand found Larys beneath the covers.

"I want another one." Vaera whispered

"What?" Larys whispered kissing her temple

"Another baby." Vaera clarified. 

A smile curved his lips his hands wrapping around her tighter. He peppered kisses in her hair before she looked up finding his lips.

"Right now?"

Larys looked to Emma sleeping soundly between them. Vaera chuckled.

"You mean no sex in front of the baby? That's smart." Vaera agreed. She lifted up Emma, kissing her little face and bringing her to her crib. She smirked back at him. "Where we were?" 

Larys was nothing if not controlled in that moment. Vaera lay back against the bed as he presses gentle kisses to her ankles; up her calf; leaving a trail of kisses in his wake, he ran his fingertips up to the backs of her knees and down again.  Vaera threw her head back as his fingers traveled up higher. His name escaped her lips, and he smirked against her skin.

 "You must know..." he rumbled, voice thick with lust and love, Vaera giggled as his voice tickled along her sensitive skin. "I am yours, always." He pushed her skirts higher, and kissed beyond her knee, grasping her other thigh with a grip that was used to holding his cane like a lifeline. He didnt know if it was stronger or weaker than his other from constantly being curled around his cane. As he inched closer to her core, her foot brushed his cock beneath his trousers on their way around to wrap her legs around him  and he groaned biting at her thigh. Vaera shivered at the soft sweep of his lips inching closer to her core. He loved the little noises she made for him and him alone. The fire in her own body astonished her, must have been the dragon in her. Needy and ready to be set free. 

Surely, Larys felt her heat because he looked up grinning the like devil. 

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now