24. Shock

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Hey Stephen / Larys Strong out now!

Vaera was so sore. Everything hurt and her newly married husband was not beside her. She grumbled pulling the covers over her head, had she dreamt it?

But the door opened and she heard his cane clicking closer. Vaera pulled the covers back smiling up at Larys.

"I didnt want to wake you, thought you would be hungry." Larys remarked, his gaze shifted to her chest, still bare from the night before. Vaera was about to say she wasnt hungry, she was still tired and sore and wanted curl up in bed and never leave...  but then she saw cookies.

"I could eat." Vaera agreed. "Our wedding cookies," Vaera said fondly as she took a bite.  Larys smiled sitting beside her.

He kept pinching himself, unable to believe he wasnt dreaming. He loved this woman. He married her. Just like that, Vaera targaryen was his.

"Rhaenyra, whats wrong?" Viserys questioned.

"Nothing." Rhaenyra bit back, marching off.

"Of course, this is your normal state of constant anger." Viserys agreed.

So Viserys, against his better judgement went to check on his Vaera. Yes she was probably still in bed with her husband but Viserys wanted to see the one good thing in his life.

"Oh," Larys stumbled back hiding himself behind the door as Viserys came in, pushing the door open slowly.

"Sorry, Larys." Viserys declared, Vaera wrapped herself up in her blankets as Viserys made his way to her. "I'm sorry for interrupting but I just wanted to hug my girl and I will be out of your hair. "

"You okay daddy?" Vaera questioned as he held her.

"I feel better already." Viserys assured. As viserys headed out larys was quick to shut the door.

"We need to lock that thing." Larys teased.

"You know I was thinking..." vaera summoned him closer. Larys sat beside her pulling him into her arms. Larys leaned back into her. If he was dreaming he didnt ever want to wake up.

"That this is perfect?" Larys pondered.

"I was thinking we need our own place."

"Really?" Larys turned to face her.

"I mean," she shrugged. "I only like my father and Aegon here." Vaera remarked. "I think its silly to stay in a place that is making me crazy when you make me so happy."

"Your sis-"

"The devil. Yes. I dont like living in the same building as her anymore. For a woman to live on her own thats unheard of. But we are married. We can go anywhere just not to far from my daddy." Vaera assured.

"Anything you want. You name it and I will make it happen." Larys declared.

"Anything?" Vaera purred straddling his hips.

"Anything." Larys breathed back kissing her.


The cocky grin on his lips slipped as Larys remembered how vaera looked after. Not after he got done fucking her. She was gorgeous when she came on his cock. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as she tried to fight her need to scream in pleasure before it all erupted gloriously. The memory made Larys want to fuck her again. To love her again. Right now. This woman kept larys wanting- needing to go back for more.

Even at the supper table when they were surrounded by her family, it shouldn't of been so romantic he shouldn't of been thinking Such dirty thoughts.  But he was.

Vaera smiled back at him and rhaenyra hated how happy they were. Because if given the chance she would have chosen harwin. Yet vaera got a choice and she seemed content- but it was more than that. Vaera seemed truly happy with larys.

The women of the capital seem to be divided into three sections. One. The queen in all her greens.  Two. The heir with her bitterness and bastards. Three. Vaera. The only one of the three that was truly happy even though she had chosen a man that no one had suspected no one would've chosen themselves really, they thought him in enigma and yet.... She saw who he really was or at least he wanted to be around her. That man that made her smile made her laugh. Brought her cookies and kissed every inch of her body.

"Oh God, what is this crap?" Vaera spit it back out onto her plate, viserys gaze shotnup quickly his mind racing to the worst but larys chuckled reaching a hand out to touch her thigh.

  "It's a vegetable, honey. Be careful or your body will go into shock."

Different Kind of Beautiful / Larys Strong / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now